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A thriller that depicts how digital communication, pornography and vanity obstruct true emotions and love.

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Release : 2015
Rating : 5.4
Studio : Collapse films, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Slaven Došlo Jovana Stojiljković Tamara Dragičević Jelisaveta Orašanin Nebojša Milovanović
Genre : Drama Thriller

Cast List



Great Film overall


Don't listen to the negative reviews


best movie i've ever seen.

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

Reno Rangan

A film about an open relationship and one losing it in the way to find himself trapped inside filled with jealousy. Really a great idea, I have seen similar films from the European and Hollywood, but this one had potential to be different and it could not. It is very confusing. Not just for the viewers, seems even the writers did not know how to end the tale after great initiation. Actually, I was not expecting any clever twist towards the end, but this story failed to deliver even a normal ending. So I'm very disappointed with how it finishes it off without proper reasoning.The title was a mislead. You have to wait till the finale to understand it, it was also not that effective. The story was, actually there's nothing, or maybe you can say it's a one liner. When two young people make a deal to keep their relationship open, one could not cope with it after some time together and that brings the mistrust, eventually doubts arise on what kind of affair they are having. At some point it could get ugly, but what stops them, especially the future of them decided in the final segment of the tale.So I kind of liked the first half, the real problem was the following half. I know the film character had confused over something, but why should the filmmaker confuse us as well. Should have detailed that part to come out clear. Though it was different, and still not the best solution for a tale like this. The actors were good, and decently made film, I mean the production, which I think is okay for a watch, yet it is not for everybody. Particularly for having the adult contents, it suits better for the grown ups.4/10


its theme, its manner to use sexuality, the precise portrait of dominated society by internet and pornography, the spirit of a special age, the levels of a love story are arguments who defines a remarkable film. a film with good script, inspired performances, the right atmosphere, who has the virtue to be provocative not for the sex scenes but for the many open windows. because it is a film about Serbia, about career, importance of studies and jealousy. about insecure states and about masks. about illusory forms of truth and about the fear to loss the other. but its basic gift is to be reflection of its public. because it propose not the ordinary recipes of teenager films. because it has few traces of XIx Century Russian literature. and the final preserves touching form of poetry. short, a provocative film.


Jovan is an architecture student at university. He doesn't believe in monogamy, instead just having one-night stands and multiple short- term relationships. His view is reinforced and encouraged by his friend, Milan, who is even more free-wheeling than him. They even have a monthly game, the winner being the one who has the most sexual encounters. Then Jovan meets Maja. They are attracted to each other and start sleeping together. Jovan makes it clear from the start that he believes in an open relationship, and Maja is fine with that. However, while he is free to see other women, he starts to suspect that Maja is seeing other men, gets jealous and starts cyber-stalking her. After a while he discovers that he loves her and starts to see her exclusively. Will the relationship survive his jealousy, paranoia and obsessiveness?An interesting examination of relationships, particularly among young adults, in an age of social media, pornography, instant satisfaction and non-commitment. Also looks at darker issues, especially jealousy and obsession.Some interesting twists in the tale. At many points in the story the relationship can go in many directions, and a word or action here or there can change everything.Good, but not great. The characters are a bit too one-dimensional, and I was expecting something more dramatic towards the end. Ending, while poetic, feels too vague.


Milan (Milos Pjevac) wages periodic bets with his buddy Jovan ((Slaven Doslo) to see how many sexual conquest they can acquire in short periods of time. However when he meets Maja (Jovana Stojiljkovic) what originally begins as another score for Jovan, after several heavy sexual encounters, suddenly his conquest turns into an "open relationship". Maja accepts his conditions, but it seems Jovan has problems dealing with his own rules as he becomes obsessed with Maja's every move on social media.Obsession leads to jealousy and to Jovan attempts to try to re-categorize his relationship with Maja as he follows her every move. Jovan find it increasingly difficult to deal with his own rules he implemented in the relationship causing Maja to denounce his contemptuous treatment of her on several occasions. His temper progressively turns volatile and his feelings for Maja makes Jovan paranoid that everyone in her surroundings is either a culprit in hiding the affairs he thinks she's having or they are having an affair with her themselves. This situation becomes unbearable for Maja and it does turn Jovan into a walking mess as he's unable find answers amidst his continuous accusations of Maja's infidelities. There is something to be said about Jovan's allegations, for Maja's demeanor is very withholding and vague towards Jovan's claims, giving him more ammunition to doubt her credibility. His increasingly paranoid scenarios regarding Majas affairs with whomever may be chummy with her on her social media leads Jovan to a borderline nervous breakdown. A once carefree player is now on the other side of his game, and the results take a toll on his daily existence for he trails and follows Maja's every move online with unconvincing results. The intelligence of "Panama" comes as a result of the way the social media information is gathered by Jovac and the way it makes him borderline manic, as he strategizes how to conduct his surveillance of Maja to mixed results and to the detriment to his relationship with her.The Panama connection becomes apparent as Jovac is lead to believe that Maja has departed to Panama under mysterious circumstances never to be seen again, or did she?. A riveting cause and effect tale, all the subplots of Majas whereabout tie in nicely with the progressively self destructive behavior of Jovan. Jovan's obsession is acquired as a results of his apparent self projecting insecurities of Maja due to the standards and lifestyle he lives by. The film's beautifully crafted explicit sex scenes complements the story visually as it tacitly explains a darker addiction to pornography & social media. The radical changes that leads the Jovan into a tailspin of self deception grows in apparent misplaced distrust of his friends and surroundings. Panama is a very thought provoking film as it begs to question the role social media is having on relationships and how misplaced trust in this media can prove destructive if not checked against reality.

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