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Italia's War

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Italia's War

Yaseen is a lawyer who works for senior attorney, Kamaal. When he discovers that Kamal is involved in an illegal business with a tycoon, he gets publicly disbarred and loses his job. His fiance gets abducted to Italy when he tries to redeem himself, so he relentlessly forms a plan to set things right.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 6.2
Studio : Al-Masa Media Production,  M. H. R Films,  Oscar for Disttribution and Theaters, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Co-Director, 
Cast : Ahmed El Sakka Nelly Karim Khaled Abol Naga Khaled Saleh Magdy Kamel
Genre : Drama Action Thriller Crime Romance

Cast List



Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.


Once again Ahmed Elsakka , after Mafia then Tito Proves that Egyptian cinema is taking a new direction , one that deserve going international. With a completely different cast, story and performance ,this movie deserved to take first place in box office in middle east cinemas in its first weekend and is still going strongly.The film is a perfect piece of art and if compared with US movies this year e.g. War Of The Worlds , it will beat it except of course in computer graphics and visual effects , those Sakka didn't depend on in his three top-notch movies. The story gets exiting minute after minute , you live every second in it that you feel worried when Sakka is in danger , and share the laugh when Khaled Saleh - the fabulous amazing actor - shares a funny comment in the middle of the stressful events.Also the mysterious events that you can't find a solution for except at the very end of the movie reminds us of Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Twelve.Well done , for all the cast , and I wish US audience are able to watch this movie soon or see Tito and Mafia.

Mohamed Fawzy

I've always watched the Egyptian movies every summer, they were nice, but never good, until Mafia was out, a movie that has shaken Egypt and it was like a breeze of hope to finally have great cinema of our own, the net year it was Tito, which came out to be far better than Mafia I was thinking that Sakka would never beat Tito and that Tito was his top, I was absolutely wrong, this movie is far better than some of Hollywood's high budget movies of the same genre, i'm sure that if Americans themselves watched that movie they would just raise 2 thumbs up, this summer we had 2 great movies, Mallaki Iskandariya (Private Alexandria) and Harb Atalia (War of Atalia) it's not Italia (Italy), these movies assure that the Egyptian cinema is coming back and it's fully loaded, the only thing that ruined my summer was that stupid Bo7a (Boha) i was this Mohamed Saad stops before I kill him


Like Mallaki Iskandiriya, Harb Italia was a breath of fresh air to the Egyptian cinema. It was the first attempt in a long time to make an Egyptian heist/thriller. Like all first attempts, there were pros and cons. Fortunately, The pros were more than the cons in the case of Harb Italia.I'll begin with the pros: 1- The movie is very entertaining. I never felt bored for one second, although the movie is about 2 hours long. It also has a lot of funny scenes, and I didn't expect that.2- Unlike many Egyptian movies, Harb Italia doesn't take itself too seriously, there was no "message" behind it. The main aim of the movie was to entertain audiences, and as far as I'm concerned, this aim was achieved.3- The acting was the best I've seen this summer. Ahmed El Sakka was never better, but it's Khaled Saleh and Khaled Abou El Naga who gave the best performances. They steal every scene they're in. Razan, in her acting debut didn't disappoint.4- I haven't seen any movies directed by Ahmed Saleh, I even think this is his directing debut. If that's true, then it's a very promising start. I liked the way he chose his angles, and the way the camera moved. The movie also looked great. The filmmakers did a really good job of showing us the beautiful nature of Italy.5- Khaled Hammad's music was awesome. A great comeback after his absence. It's the best i've heard this summer.6- This is one of the most thought provoking Egyptian movies i've seen. The filmmakers don't show you all the details, you have to think to completely solve the puzzle. And now, let's move on to the cons: ( SPOILERS START HERE. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED, STOP READING NOW )1- The movie had too many twists and turns for it's own good. Some of these twists were totally unbelievable. I never believed that Yaseen ( Ahmed El Sakka ) killed Nader's mother ( Sanaa Younis ), he was too good to do that. 2- The movie needed to give background to some characters, like Nadia. We just know she's a lonely drunk who helps Yaseen in his heists. But who is she, and why is she helping him?3- The " After some days " part was funny the first couple of times, but after that it really got on my nerves.Prior to the movie's release, I've heard that Harb Italia was a remake of Ocean's Eleven. I can assure you that's not true. OK, there are similarities between the movies, but the 2 plots are different. I felt Harb Italia was closer to Ocean's Twelve than to Ocean's Eleven.So, I recommend watching Harb Italia, I think it's the best movie this summer.

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