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Third Person Singular Number

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Third Person Singular Number

A woman breaks with traditional Muslim culture by living with her boyfriend before getting married, but when the relationship ends, she must face the harsh consequences of being an outcast in her community.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 7.1
Studio : Impress Telefilm, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Nusrat Imrose Tisha Mosharraf Karim Abul Hayat Rani Sarkar Aparna Ghose
Genre : Drama

Cast List



Fresh and Exciting


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

Suman Roberson

It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.


I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

Andres Salama

This film from Bangladesh has an interesting first half, but it goes down dramatically in the last half. When the movie begins, we see a young woman named Ruba (played by the beautiful, charming Nustar Imroz Tisha) walking aimlessly at night in the streets of Dhaka. This naturally catches the attention of local people as well as the police. After the police detains her, we get to learn her story. Her husband has been arrested for homicide and potentially awaits a long detention, and her parents in laws have expelled her from the house, never having approved her marriage with their son in the first place. Now homeless, after the police let her go the next morning, she goes around trying to rent a room to stay, a very difficult task for a single woman in conservative Bangladesh. The few men willing to rent to her expect sex in exchange.This first half is very interesting and well filmed. Unfortunately, after about an hour of running time (I'm sorry, I'm giving a key plot point now, you can stop reading here if you wish) there is a ridiculous twist that acts as a sort of Deus ex Machina: she meets a childhood friend, who happens to be a very famous and rich pop artist, who is so noble that he is willing to help her no strings attached. She slowly falls in love with him, but on the other hand she can't forget her husband, especially after he is released from prison. And thus, just when we thought we were seeing a hard hitting film dealing with social issues about poverty, loneliness, the status of women in conservative societies, we end up instead with a bad soap opera.

Sazzad Hossain Shanto

It is a movie about a girl name Ruba who is single for her unexpected bad luck. Her lover Munna is in jail for murdering someone. How much hard it is for a single girl to survive in Dhaka city is shown by the character Ruba played by popular actress Tisha.Ruba face a lot of trouble to get a job and to get a good accommodation. With a favor of a music star Topu who is known to Ruba gets a job and a good accommodation too. As time goes Tpou's intentions became clearer, he wanted Ruba physically and has a soft spot for her too. Meanwhile Ruba's husband Munna gets out from jail and starting to live with Ruba. Then a triangular relation formed. Both Topu and Munna want Ruba physically but Ruba response to nobody as she is confused about whom to love.Then movie ends with Ruba living with these two men but not married or committed to anyone !!!! which impossible and unthinkable scenario in Bangladesh in present, and this makes a good movie a worst movie. What Director Faruki was thinking !!!!! I don't know for sure but i have a strong feeling that he was trying to impress the western movie critics by inserting some western in his movie. Man!!! you make a movie based on a Bangladeshi life style then finish with a Western one. Needless to say that he made that finishing just to impress the western to get some prizes or something.However overall movie is good except the finishing. Melodious background music, fantastic songs above all location selection is superb.


I've always felt apathetic whenever it comes to Bangladeshi cinema except Tareque Masud's The Clay Bird (Cannes 2002, FIPRESCI winner for script). After a long wait,I've got something to cheer about. That's Mostofa Sarwar Farooki's Third Person Singular Number. The first thing that I like about this film is the multidimensional approach perfectly applied by the director in creating sequences and building characters. All the character seemed so fresh, alive, and multi-dimensional. There was no black and white. The story has a number of layers. From one angle, the film looks 'okay that's what you wanted to say'. From another angle, it's just completely different. It handled a kind of feminist issue! That's why I was always scared if the film gets to stereotypical. But the director truthfully avoided the trap of being stereotypically feminist. In typical feminist works in Bangladesh, you rarely get to see any woman to be bad or wrong. Women are always right! Men are always wrong! But in this film, no one is bad or good forever. Everyone is a human with good and bad intentions. Sometimes Ruba is the victim. Sometimes she victimizes the others. Sometimes she is victimized by men, sometimes by women. I want to give a special thank to the director for creating such a wonderful character called Ruba. It reminded me of one of our old friend. Ruba resembles her so much! Like Ruba, she was wilful and emotionally fragile at the same time. Like Ruba, she had a wings to fly but a middle-class backbone didn't allow her to fly. Ruba perfectly portrays the contradictions and energy of a typical middle-class girl from a broken family.Now let me talk about acting. It was just so natural as if I was watching something through a door-hole! Tisha, Mosharof Karim, and Topu played their characters so truthfully that it was hard to single out who did the best! At the end, I want to talk about the ending. The whole film was done in such a fresh style that I was wondering where the director would end the film. In most of the Bangladeshi movies, no matter mainstream or art-house one, directors end a film with a conclusion. The audience leave the auditorium with an answer. But here Farooki leaves the audience without giving any conclusion. Instead of coming out of theaters with an answer, they come out with a question! Cheers!


I went into the theaters the first day - i missed my chance as all the tickets were sold out - so after buying one advance for the next week I was really excited when the day finally came, I mean, I was going to watch a Farooqi film after some time...but, boy was I bummed...Lets start of with the story...although the subject was interesting but I must say that the director did a poor job bringing it to the might be just me, but the transition between the sub-plots were jarring as it left me curious - the interval was even more misleading and not at all interesting....I highly recommend using a steady cam for moving shots or even better a rail, because the shots were terrible (moving all around the place). I mean I do like hand held work, but that was anything but professional...not to mention some of the CU shots were out of focus !!!Acting was nothing extraordinary...the use of a musician for acting is not always a wise choice... Some of the scenes were irrelevant and pushed too far (the scene in Radio Foorti for example)...a few of the punch lines were also some plus points...Abul Hayet was good, so was Mosharraf Karim and Tisha The locations were good too, although sometimes it seemed as if the film was about the locations rather than the characters...thats my 2 cents, totally my point of view and no offense to anyone who liked it or is part of this film...

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