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The Queen of Black Magic

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The Queen of Black Magic

A woman is seduced by and cast aside by a fickle lover. When the lover marries another woman who starts hallucinating during their wedding, she is accused of being a witch and thrown to her death over a cliff. A strange man rescues her, nurses her back to health, and is told that she must master black magic in order to exact vengeance on her tormentors. She casts a variety of spells over the populace--with the male population as her favorite target, and becomes the queen of black magic. But who, exactly, is the man, and does he have other plans?

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Release : 1981
Rating : 6.2
Studio : Studio Aoi,  Rapi Films,  PPFN, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Suzzanna Alan Nuary Teddy Purba W.D. Mochtar Sofia W.D.
Genre : Drama Horror Thriller

Cast List



Redundant and unnecessary.


good back-story, and good acting


Admirable film.


A lot of fun.


Finally clawing into CAT III by watching the strange Devil Foetus,I to continue checking "new" areas of world cinema. Whilst being gripped by Gareth Evans Action epics Merantau and The Raid 2: Berandal, I somehow have never taken a real glance at Indonesian,which I decide to fix by meeting a magical queen.View on the film:Casting Murni off into the wilderness, the screenplay by Subagio Samtono conjures up a break-neck,anything goes revenge tale,with the spells Murni strikes the locals with leading to off the wall set-pieces from a exploding tummy,to a person ripping their own head off,and the head then floating around possessed! Stirling Murni's anger, Samtono nicely blends her teachings from a black magic magician with the heartbreak that has caused Murni to attack the village with vengeance.Loving every killing Samtono comes up with,director Liliek Sudjio shakes each set-pieces with a bonkers enthusiasm, as the screen is sprayed in rubbery special effects and fiery reds and blacks. Despite having to follow the strict censorship rules on skin being shown, Sudjio slyly uses smoke and side shots to give Murni a seductive edge.Literally thrown out of the village, Suzzanna gives an enticing, sultry performance as Murni,whose anger from being dumped by her first lover sparks fury in Suzzanna's eyes,as Murni becomes the queen of black magic.


Tasty Indonesian horror babe Suzzanna plays Murni, a woman seduced and spurned by the man she loves, wrongly accused of witchcraft, and then thrown off a cliff by an angry mob who aren't too bothered with minor details like due process of law. Narrowly surviving her ordeal, she is nursed back to health by an old man who urges her to seek revenge on those who tried to kill her using the powers of black magic. Having killed several villagers, and made her ex-lover tear off his own head, Murni feels avenged, but the old man who taught her all of her evil tricks has his own agenda and wants her to continue with the slaughter.If weird and wonderful whacked-out world cinema horror is your kind of thing then this supernatural Indonesian/Japanese/Philippino co-production from 1979 should fit the bill nicely: it's not exactly great film-making, but with terrible dubbing, awful acting, some truly bizarre moments (my favourite bit being when Murni takes up smoking—quite literally!), and gruesome deaths aplenty (including an attack by bees, strangulation by scarf, drowning in a paddy field, the wonderfully bloody self-decapitation, lots of erupting veins, and an exploding head), it's almost impossible not to enjoy.6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for the flying head and Murni's hilarious fall off the cliff, hitting a tree halfway down and landing straight into the arms of the old man.


Who else than the terrific people working over at Mondo Macabro DVD could have picked up this deranged flick from oblivion and unleash it upon madness-loving cinema fanatics all over the globe? "The Queen of Black Magic" is an Indonesian film (a country of which most people don't even know they produce movies) that is bad from every possible viewpoint, but simultaneously one of the most hilariously entertaining and excessively demented experiences one could ever have. The plot is thinner than an anorexic top model and completely devoid of coherence, dialogs as well as acting performances and dubbing jobs are atrocious and there isn't the slightest trace of tension building or character development. But all these 'minor defaults' are more than widely compensated by the gigantic amount of over-the-top splatter effects, demented imagery and simply the sheer craziness of it all! Particularly late at night, with a group of friends and loads of cold beer in the fridge, watching "The Queen of Black Magic" is guaranteed hilarity! The film tells the heartbreaking story of Murni, a beautiful young girl who reluctantly offers her virginity to the man she loves, only to get dumped by the guy in favor for the village headman's daughter. If that isn't painful enough yet, poor Murni subsequently gets falsely accused of placing the village under a black magic spell and thrown of a cliff. She survives (which is practically impossible if you see the fall) and lands straight in the arms of an actual black magic artist who fanatically encourages her to seek vengeance and offers to be her teacher. Murni completes her revenge with the beheading of her treacherous ex-lover, but her mentor insists to carry on murdering the entire village. Meanwhile, a handsome and allegedly holy man arrived in town and suddenly Murni doesn't feel all that furious anymore. "The Queen of Black Magic" is recommended to laugh at the stupidity in its dialogs (character endlessly repeating the same thing without even rephrasing their words) and especially to gasp at the extreme gore. We've got maggot-infested cadavers, veins bursting with blood, exploding heads and – top of the bill – a decapitated head flying around town. If these represent the Indonesian gore standards, then I can't wait to get my dirty little hands on that other Mondo Macabro release named "Mystics in Bali". Somewhat strange, however, is that this film doesn't feature any nudity and only a minimum of sleaze. I know I wouldn't have minded some nude scenes of lead actress Suzzanna, even in spite of her obviously enormous bottom. Speaking of Suzzanna, through this website I found out she passed away recently, which is a damn shame and surely a great loss for Indonesian cinema.


1st let me say that Queen of Black Magic is a great slice of Indonesian horror, chock full of flying heads, exploding bodies and some hilarious overdubs. That said, I noticed something that others may have not when watching my newly purchased Mondo Macabro DVD release of the film. In the film there are 2 scenes, one when Murni is being trained in the black arts and the other towards the latter half of the film where she is bathing in a river, that I believe are censored. In the first 'censored' scene, Murni appears to be sitting naked while the black magician walks around her. In that scene its a little harder to tell if its a censor 'fog spot' or if its the actual smoke that is being produced by the black magician, but it appears as if there is some fogging around her that would prevent the viewer from seeing any possible nudity. The second scene I mentioned is quite obviously censored. The film cuts to a scene where Murni is bathing in a river and its a clear day outside. Yet there appears to be fog around what would be her naked body. If that wasn't obvious enough, at one point she ducks down into the water and you can see the fog spot follow her body. Not sure if there is another print out there without the fogged scenes (its possible there isn't since it is an Indonesian film and we all know how stiff censors in eastern countries can be) but if there is an uncensored print, it is disappointing that Mondo Macabro did not seek this one out instead of giving us the version with fogged nudity. Then again it is entirely possible that they fogged it on purpose much like the way Takashi Miike did with MPD psycho. All in all the film rules and this should not take anything away from it. I just despise censorship and thought I'd bring this to the attention of anyone wanting to purchase the film.

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