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The Langoliers

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The Langoliers

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Release : 1995
Rating : 6.1
Studio :
Crew : Second Unit Director,  Associate Producer, 
Cast : Patricia Wettig Dean Stockwell David Morse Mark Lindsay Chapman Frankie Faison
Genre : Science Fiction

Cast List



To me, this movie is perfection.


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


This movie is certainly a metaphorical one. It has some many good ingredients for a mystery movie but for some reason, the producers or director overdid it. It is too long and it certainly does not fit the new language for today's movies. It doesn't have to be like the " Fast and Furious" franchise, non-stop action. Nevertheless, it could be a delicious mystery movie exploring the imagination we have about certain nature phenomena. There are many ways to redo it. I would also cast the same actors as possible and add the new gadgets available today to make the past meet the present in a much more harmonic way. I hope they do it, it is a very good movie, just need some touch up.


Honestly, The Langoliers (1995) remains one of my all time favourite films, ever since my older stepbrother first showed it to me (on VHS, remember those?) when I was 13 or so. I now gladly own the DVD.This film seems to contain everything about the world that I still remain passionate about all these years later - mindbending horror, exploration of psychological fears, mystery, suspense, believable characters, atmosphere/ambiance and proof of the sheer power of the human spirit when faced with difficult and dangerous situations.This film seems to remain completely under-appreciated by society and horror film fans at large - to the extent that in 2017, the film has still not seen a Blu Ray release (as at the time of writing this) or even an expanded DVD edition with bonus features (yes I know it was a low budget mini series made for TV, and back then there was less thought given to such things).I truly salute Tom Holland, Stephen King and the talents of the fantastic cast in bringing this superb story to life.Everything here is extremely well done and keeps the viewer on their toes throughout the entire duration. What is most admirable is that everyone's reactions to the bizarre events feel entirely believable, and at times you do forget that it's just a film (with the exception of the CGI effects, but again, this was a product of the time and doesn't detract at all from the story).I have lost count of how many times I have watched this, and it never loses its power. I'm a particular fan of Dean Stockwell (perhaps because of his bizarre performance in 1986's Blue Velvet), and as others have said, David Morse and Bronson Pinchot are equally good, as is Kate Maberly and pretty much the entire cast.The music is also superb and it seems criminal that the composer has not been truly recognised for his efforts, as apparently there was no agreement made to release a soundtrack.I had (perhaps naively) thought that if Tom Holland had adapted this story so well, there must be something similar from around the same time that he also made - but sadly this is not the case - although I have not yet seen "Thinner" so am unable to compare.Do you consider yourself an intelligent representative of humanity? Would you rather watch something challenging, thought provoking and fascinating rather than subjecting yourself to rubbish like The Kardashians? Then THIS is the film for you my friend, you have located the holy grail of mysteries.Ignore the haters and the naysayers - they are unevolved and unenlightened. This is one of those rare, perfect films (as close as possible anyway) that I would bring with me to a desert island if push came to shove.This review does not exist to spoil the story for you - you will be given all the answers you need should you decide to watch it (and I hope you do).I am simply writing this to express my huge THANKS and APPRECIATION to Stephen King and Tom Holland for their immense artistic efforts. I now feel inspired with my own life - to go out and find similar minded folks who appreciate greatness such as this, so that perhaps in the future, we can honour THE LANGOLIERS by making a similar story, or one which also presents fascinating and intriguing concepts in such a captivating manner. And thus we can keep the genius of Stephen King preserved for future generations (I wish I could say the same about the recently ill-conceived remake of IT).If I ever get to be in a lucky enough position as Tom Holland to write a screenplay or teleplay and to then direct the adaptation, I would consider myself truly blessed.Thank you to two great masters of the horror genre for keeping our nightmares fresh for so many years.And thank YOU for flying American Pride.


Yes, why do I (at least) enjoy repeatedly watching this movie every now & then? What is there about it that makes this so?Well, I think maybe I may have figured it out. I think there are several reasons: For one, is its simplicity. It kinda reminds you of an amateurish production, but a GOOD one at that. Maybe a secret desire in us to at last watch a GOOD amateur film and we wish ALL of them could be good. Next are the characters - what a wonderful mix; each played pretty well, although maybe a bit amateurishly (but, remember we want to see a good amateur film). The main characters all have a pretty strong presence. Probably almost everyone can relate to one of the characters. The budding romance between Laurel & Nick is touching (especially, their parting scene - "remember the daisies"). I could certainly fall for someone as sweet as Laurel!Third, the whole movie has quite a surreal feeling - the music track helps that - it is almost like a dream (or nightmare) - you can really kind of escape into this make believe situation.Then there is a bit of humor - Mr Toomey is almost laughable in a pitiful way - Bronson's overacting is a hoot. And of course, when the title characters come on screen, you really got to cringe AND laugh at them at the same time.Lastly, it just seems the entire cast enjoyed making this film - maybe not, but it seems that way. How about a Langoliers II? Somehow the same characters coincidentally find themselves all together on another flight 20 years later. Are all the actors still available? Imagine the possibilities! Hey, Stephen!


Based on a Stephen King novel, this TV movie adaptation is about the passengers on a red-eye airplane flight from L.A to Boston who awaken to find that the rest of the passengers and crew are gone, and they are all alone on the plane, which will soon run out of fuel. Fortunately, there is a pilot on board, who tries to land the plane at a nearby airport, only to discover that it is also empty, and that they are being pursued by giant, howling monsters called Langoliers that seem to be devouring time itself...Potentially interesting take on time travel, with an appealing cast of characters(except Bronson Pinchot, quite good playing an obnoxious and terrified child-like man who knows all about the Langoliers from his hideous father.) cannot save far-fetched premise, and the primitive CGI Langoliers have not aged well... Still, not the worst way to kill three hours!

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