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The Cold Equations

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The Cold Equations

Lieutenant John Barton is sent on a special mission to deliver a special vaccine to a distant mining colony. He is infuriated to find Lee, a stowaway aboard his spacecraft. Barton has only enough fuel to carry himself and his precious cargo, and Lee's added weight insures that they will crash if she stays on board. They have gone too far to turn back, and Barton's superiors make it clear: the mission takes precedence and Lee has to be dumped into space. But she won't go quietly.

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Release : 1996
Rating : 5.4
Studio : Alliance Films, 
Crew : Production Design,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Billy Campbell Poppy Montgomery Daniel Roebuck William R. Moses John Prosky
Genre : Action Thriller Science Fiction

Cast List



That was an excellent one.


Just what I expected


It is a performances centric movie


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


THE COLD EQUATIONS is a low rent science fiction B-movie of the 1990s. It's also a TV movie, so don't go in expecting anything original or out of the ordinary here. The story is about a space crew who discover a female stowaway on board, whose presence means that they won't have enough fuel to complete their mission. The guys at base order the captain to jettison her, and the story goes from there. This is more of a morality play than a thriller, and very little happens other than having two characters in a single enclosed location arguing throughout. It's quite interminable, in fact, cheap and tacky with actors who fail to impress. Even the late-stage appearance of PERRY MASON star William R. Moses can't lift things from the doldrums.


From the patterns of other reviewers here, it seems that if one has read the short story upon which this film is based, one thinks the film bad.On the other hand, if you have never read the short story, you will probably enjoy this film.It is a sci-fi film, yes, but the real content of the film could have transpired in any setting.Gripping, and well-acted, intellectual and philosophical, with many great reflective questions about life and being. Not an action film. If that sounds like your cup of tea, enjoy. It's great.


That other guy needs to see an eye doctor or adjust his set. This film is thrilling, intense, exciting, realistic, a love story, scientifically accurate science fiction. Now you do have to commit to watching this. It is not a casual experience. When you're in the mood and have the time, buckle yourself onto the couch and join this thrill ride. These two young actors put on such a performance as is rarely seen. The whole show takes place in two rooms, it's like a stage play but it outplays all those shallow science fiction films where the special effects are the real stars of the show. This is literature translated onto the screen.

Amy Adler

In the future, John (Billy Campbell) is a pilot who accepts a commission to carry a cache of medicine to a distant planet. He's hoping that this decision will translate into a promotion. On earth, he is part of the more elite group, for there is now a lower caste of humans who do drudge work, eat poorly and live in crowded, noisy conditions. John's mission has a tricky element. Amazingly, the plane that he will fly has been designed for this mission only and has only the basic components. It is termed a "disposable vehicle" and will be dismantled at the voyage's end. Just after takeoff, the ground command notifies John that the plane is carrying extra weight, for some unknown reason. As the vehicle only has fuel for the calculated weight, this is a major problem. Looking around, John sees that he has a pretty stowaway, Lee (Poppy Montgomery). She is of the drudge class and snuck onto the plane to visit her brother who lives on the planet of John's voyage. Uh oh. Mission control tells John he has to throw her "overboard" into space, where she will die; otherwise, they will both perish, for the plane will not make it. What to do? Lee puts up a fight for her life, first with words, then with muscle. John, naturally, doesn't want to end her life and they try desperately to find enough other things to throw out the chute, including insulation, the first aid kit and other items. But, alas, they can't find enough. What will John do? This was a pretty flat and cheaply made science fiction film. It has some good ideas but they are never developed enough and the writing is stiff. The actors, too, don't fair very well, although Campbell and Montgomery truly do try to give it a go. All in all, if you love sci fi, as I do, you will be very disappointed in this one. Unless you have a penchant to "see them all", you should skip it.

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