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Dangerous Worry Dolls

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Dangerous Worry Dolls

While serving time in a brutal women's detention center. Eva wishes away her troubles to a set of tiny Worry Dolls. The dolls crawl in her ear at night and soon Eva becomes possessed.

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Release : 2008
Rating : 4
Studio : Full Moon Features, 
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast : Jessica Morris Anthony Dilio
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List



Undescribable Perfection


Surprisingly incoherent and boring


Memorable, crazy movie


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.


First off, let me tell you that I can not compare this to earlier works of Mr. Brand, because I do not have them clearly in mind right now (and I haven't seen all his movies either). What I can say though, is that this movie is pretty decent. Especially if you consider the title and it's theme/story.It's not breakout great or anything but it is entertaining enough for a small budget movie. The actors are decent considering the material and the movie does not deteriorate into complete camp and absurdity (which you might find to be a bad thing, I guess). Low budget horror and nice effects (though most is off camera) works in favor of this movie.


This is it. I truly believe that this is the time Charles Band moves on, and try his hands on other things besides teeny tiny evil dolls. He has been at it for too long, it becomes clichéd, boring & utterly predictable.Let me reiterate by saying that I hold no grudge against him; I liked his previous films, but I believe that this premise no longer holds the same intrigue like it was before.People get bored being served the same stuff every time, so in that account, perhaps it's time for Mr. Charles to try making films of other plots, or better still, other genre.In this film, it has all the clichéd linked to it. The cold-blooded supervisor, the evil wardens, a team of inmates who own the prison; well you get the idea? And the plot & subplot get intertwined that it gets confusing, as it drifts from a plot to another as it sees fit.However, the last twist is original, thus makes me inclined to give it a better rating. Other than that, it is not worthy of the time I spent watching the film.


Every since Full Moon Pictures left Paramount Studios in the late nineties, they haven't been near as good as they used to be. I don't know what will become of the studio in years to come, but this movie is the last straw for me and I'm going to give up on them.Hell, even the title is inaccurate: only one Worry Doll does anything, and even then we barely see it. A more appropriate title would've been "Woman possessed by Dangerous Worry Doll".There's nothing special here: a not-too-bad girl in a women's correctional facility? Check. A group of bitches who control everything and are despicable? Check. A warden who lets her personal dislike of our heroine cloud her judgment and lets the really bad girls get away with doing bad things? Check. A guard who's mean and sadistic and one who's nice, a little girl who's more plot device than a character and inmates who there just to make it looks like a real prison? Check, check, check! If it weren't for the doll and its effect on Eva, this would be your standard woman in prison movie that was played out years ago.The one bright spot is that after she'd possessed, Eva becomes more upbeat and fun to watch. And her tormentors are so unlikable that you'll want to help her kill them. The problem is, we don't get to see the actual deaths, which are simply implied. And I never I'd thought see the day Full Moon wouldn't show a violent death.Still, this a step backwards for Full Moon for reclaiming their former glory. And it's far, far too late to go back.


This brilliant, over-the-top dark-humored romp is sure to please fans of both the horror and cult genres. With an original (albeit predictable) plot, great special FX, shameless over-acting and numerous tongue-in-cheek lines, this uproarious little gem is destined to be a cult classic. Despite the rather brief plot summary on the DVD, you'll be pleasantly surprised...I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this latest Charles Band installment. I had not been an avid fan before, but I've got to give Mr. Band "two thumbs up" on this one. The "worry dolls" were exceptionally disturbing....keep up the good work, Charles! Eight stars.

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