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A young girl named Andrea unleashes a spirit after removing a cross on a sacred holy ground cemetery. The spirit starts terrorizing Andrea and her family. Andrea's family, witch doctors, and spiritual healers battle the spirit in attempts to return to a normal life.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 4.3
Studio : Time Graphics Film,  Roble Films, 
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List



Very well executed


Surprisingly incoherent and boring

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.


Despite being the first Dominican horror film is the worst of all, unlike the other horror that are involuntary comedy, this wants to be taken seriously and is very dramatic. About a boy who commits suicide for being frienzoneado and after 53 years returns as a zombie - ghost.There is nothing that frighten of this film, and nothing of what they explain makes sense, in addition they copy scenes to him to several famous films. The performances are incredibly robotic, and everything else is just disgusting, I can not believe that they put effort into this.


This film is a very low budget account of a rather hackneyed ghost story. The special effects are primitive, the acting is generally amateurish and there are quite a few holes in the plot. The story has elements of soap opera and dialog appropriate to a soap opera is incongruously inserted into some of the action scenes. Frankly, I find it difficult to imagine a viewer effecting a suspension of disbelief thorough enough to take this story seriously. However, although it is clearly not meant to be outright parody, its clumsiness achieves a certain unintended humour at times. For all my dismay at its shortcomings, I have to say it held my interest, although it definitely wouldn't bear a second viewing well.


Manuel is returning to a small village in the Dominican Republic after some time living out of the country. A skeptic, he is unaware of what is about to happen to his family -- namely his young daughter Andrea. A trip to a cemetery in which she removes the cross from someone's grave unleashes a vengeful spirit bent on torture and mayhem upon her while revealing some hidden family secrets.Not a bad concept in more ways than one, but this is a terrible film. It's as if the director and/or the writers had clumped together all of the clichés of other, more successful horror films and decided that this would be the key to its success. Snippets from THE EXORCIST, SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW, EVIL DEAD, ANGEL HEART, and THE RING, peek through for anyone who's seen them. But that's not too bad, really... films borrow from other films, it's just that it's done badly. There isn't a single performance that doesn't look like either it belonged in a sketch comedy or looked as if the actor was reading a teleprompter. Dominican Republic, a country of great beauty, could have set the stage for a great atmospheric film filled with the santeria folklore legend but remains wasted in cheese and overdone shock tactics, many which misfire. Anachronisms (the inclusion of yellow cabs) will only be noticed by a Dominican audience who knows they aren't used there and this will also take away even more authenticity. The revelation of a family secret which takes the story on a left turn, while interesting, remains stiff. The late addition of humor into the mix in order to lighten the mood works against it even more, especially near the end where scenes which are supposedly telling the main characters' final confrontation with the tortured spirit is not only un-scary but unintentionally funny. And then the running time: at 110 minutes the film seemed to stretch and stretch into forever... it took willpower for me to sit through it -- and I had come to it with an extremely open mind. A wasted opportunity, but Dominican cinema has to start somewhere and at least there is an honest intention to create something, even if didn't work.


This movie is shot excellently with good suspense and intensity. The filmmakers throw in a nice amount of comedy and all-around fun, as well. The characters are well cast and play their parts convincingly. In accordance with any acceptable horror film, there is a bit of (over)drama to remind you that you haven't signed up to watch some epic, moving tale. Filmed on location, the viewer is treated to beautiful spans of Dominican country and culture. Considering this whole film is done with one camera, the direction is superb. Especially impressive, is the lighting of scenes shot outside at night. Many Hollywood movie makers don't bother to shoot much at night anymore because it's difficult and can be very costly, instead opting for staged darkness on set. This is an especially fun feature of the independently done film. Highly Recommended. Spanish w/ English subtitles.

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