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Rakht Charitra

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Rakht Charitra

A killer bandit decides to become a politician in order to avenge deaths in his family.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 7.6
Studio : Cloud Nine Movies,  Cinergy Pictures, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Art Direction, 
Cast : Vivek Oberoi Shatrughan Sinha Abhimanyu Singh Sushant Singh Radhika Apte
Genre : Drama Action Crime

Cast List

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Waste of time


Such a frustrating disappointment

Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Welcome to the world of superviolence .........courtesy the greatest exponent of it ,Ram Gopal verma........As the name suggests , this film is not for sissys ,kids or vegetarians........ ........And Ram Gopal Verma himself has gone on record to say that ,as far as this film is concerned ,women should stay at home.......That explains why the theater was 2/3 rd empty.....on the second day itself....Because the audience has been cut down to only males ,that too the non- veg eating ,blood and gore loving types......And what a feast for them !!Rivers of blood flow ,enough to make a vampire overnourished for weeks.......Women are abducted , literally in broad daylight ,and raped like whores.......Boulders are smashed on peoples heads ,and other innovative methods of killing people like boring holes through their skulls are invented......The place seems to be alive with rifles ,knives ,pistols ,koytas,and other such weapons.......And masterminding all the mayhem is Nagamani Reddy ( played by Abhimanyu Singh ) ,the villain of the film......His performance is the stellar performance of the film ,what holds the film together...............For he plays with with absolute perfection , the role of a sadistic ,savage ,absolute brutal despot of a small town ,with animal- like instincts ,that too the carnivore type............The small town is Anantpur in Andra Pradesh , and the film is based on a true enemity.........Which means that such a person really existed !!And who's his enemy ??......Vivek Oberoi ,who else ,who also has to murder and kill in equal measure........And he does that with determination and skill........a good acting performance from him too........ Shatrughan Sinha does a brave effort to fit into the mighty shoes of N T Rama Rao.........but only a Telgu can tell if he succeeds........And what a Telgu can enlighten us is also about the real-life happenings in Anantpur in the past........since they were considered worth making a film on them......Verdict--not bad , if barbaric violence is your cup of tea......


RGV a name synomonous with quality gangster films, SATYA, COMPANY are few of examples and also SARKAR but then came his decline when he started crap films like JAMES, SHIVA(2006) and then the disaster AAGRGV started making back to back craps with overuse of weird angles, loud background music.etcRAKHT CHARITRA brings RGV back in form though it sounds like a routine action film yet it's a brilliant film which focuses on real story of Paritala Ravindra The film starts off with very well though there are overdose of killings especially once Bukka's character is introduced but slowly we are seeped into the world of Ravi.Vivek's introduction is well handled and slowly and steadily the revenge angle starts and though the killings are at times too gruesome making you squirm yet it appears justified.There are several scenes which are well handled like Rajendra Gupta's murder, Vivek bashing the cop in police station, The twist in Vivek's character and the killings that follow are well handled tooBukka's scenes too are very well handled and keep you engrossed The film does dip at times but still shocks you too at several places The twist when Shatrughan enters the frame and then the political drama is well handled and till the end which introduces the sequel it's well handledThere are problems too like the constant loud background music, the repetitive voice-over by the old Chetan Shashital which gets to the nervesDirection by RGV is good though he has handled such films before Music(only 1 song) is strictly okay though the background title song is goodVivek Oberoi handles his character perfectly, the role suits him to the T, Nice to see him back in such roles after a long time Shatrughan Sinha plays almost himself in the role and after a long time the veteran gets such a meaty roles where he does a good job despite his short length of role he leaves a huge mark Radhika Apte is decent, Zarina Wahab is good as Vivek's mother Abhimanyu Singh is awesome as Bukka Reddy, his mere presence leaves a huge mark Nice to see him getting his due Rajendra Gupta is good too, Ashish Vidhyarthi leaves a mark Anupam Shyam is good, Kota Srivasana Rao, Sushmita Mukherjee are decent Sushant Singh is excellent Sudeep and Darshan Jhariwala hav just 1 scene Ashwini Kalsekar is awesome in her small role


Message on the first screen: Characters and story are fictitious. No resemblance to reality.Message on the second screen: Based on a True Story.A "controversial" film??A man is chased by knifing-gangsters and his blood is splashed across a Gandhi statue.A cranky old voice introduces this bloody story about Anandpur(I heard it was director RGV himself whose voice was modulated!). Possibly RGV was impressed with the voice to such an extent that he chose to irritatingly play around with the narrative voice which spoils any impact you think the movie could have had.A political rift resulting in the murder of a scheduled caste(*beeped* by Indian censors) leader sets off this revenge saga. The revenge seeking elder son(Sushant Singh) is murdered too, forcing the younger son(Viveik Oberoi as Pratap Ravi) to place himself in Michael Corleone's shoes. An eye for an eye and the enemies bleed. Folks are slaughtered & smashed, blood banks are robbed of their capital...Editing and a Splash sound does the job. Camera rotates a full 360 degree or is found behind a cart wheel or in some bushes near the steps. The voice cranks along...Pratap succeeds in reaching the top of the hooligan-ladder and warns other hooligans of the state to stop their illicit activities. The movie ends with a trailer of the sequel(which didn't release on the promised date) which promises a tiff between Pratap & Suryabhan Reddy(marking the Hindi debut of Tamil actor Surya).The loud background score & the lyrics succeed in charging up the intensity of action sequences(A wedding song with a dancing Sukhwinder Singh was not needed, but didn't mar the overall movie-feel). On the editing & camera-work, the least said, the better. It wasn't bad or good. It was an attempt, a different one. Close-up shots of gangster stubbles and nostril-hairs, 360 degree turns, shaky handwork during intense scenes, shadow-filming... How effective, I cannot say. The cinematography was convincing enough.Acting wise, Viveik Oberoi did a good job of his 2-phased character(the rebel & the politician). But it was Abhimanyu Singh(Bukka Reddy) who stole the show! The perfect Telugu-politicio. I don't remember being more shuddered by any other movies' rape scenes or by the mere commanding presence of a character as when Abhimanyu entered a scene. He has the potential to go a long way providing he chooses to work with the right directors and stories. Another actor to look out for was the blink-and-miss appearance of Sudeep(DCP Anand Mohan, with more screen space in the sequel) who understands the power of silence in having a greater impact then contorted facial expressions or long lines of dialogues. Veteran Shatrugan Sinha(as actor-politician Shivaji Rao, without his trademark toothbrush moustache) suited the character perfectly but fell short on the dialogue delivery in some scenes. The characters of lady actors (Zarina Wahab, Radhika Apte) were not written in depth and had a negligible role in taking the story forward.RGV is a director ready to experiment. He wont make fun of homosexuality in his movies or make his actors lip synch to a song. He's ready to keep trying knowing fully well that the outcome(commercial or critical) is not in anyone's hands. He's an earnest story teller who has yet a lot to learn about what works in a movie and what spoils it. He's an unabashed rebel of the Indian film industry(just like his protégé, Anurag Kashyap, who is way beyond most Indian directors), and that shows in his work.Never lose faith in the man who made Satya. The best of RGV is yet to come. RC is not that masterpiece but is a commendable stepping stone.6/10


Ram Gopal Varma has given Bollywood some of it's most famous movies. But may be he has given all he had, because in Rakht Charitra I he tries to stuff in all the elements he ever had in his kitty. What new he adds to it is sheer loudness. A grumpy,irritating voice-over unnecessarily explaining what we could otherwise easily see with our eyes and make out leaves not much for the audience to do - treating them like school children being dramatically read out a history lesson in class. And the overtly loud background music, with repeated,unnecessary,harsh chantings(whose meaning we couldn't often make out) tries to keep the audience engrossed in their 'lesson' and never miss the feel - but it fails miserably as it sounds simply ridiculous at times and doesn't go with the pace of the film. May be RGV was too afraid that his audience would not be able to relate to his story, like they couldn't in Agyat,Aag,Darling,Nishabd etc.The director overdoes with some of his poor clichés which he should have done away with by this time, like trying to involve the family a bit too much and not transforming characters well with time. Women readying breakfast on the table while serious matters are dealt with a few hands away; the maid cleaning a candle-stand while state-level politics is being discussed in the room and with a transformed Vivek Oberoi his aides' wardrobes remain pretty much the same as before. Similar things we have seen and spared in hits like Company and Satya - but we expect the director not to repeat them emphatically, which he does here! May be all these to hide the bit jumbled up script.In terms of acting is where the film does best - with a host of talented actors(a few too many, one may think) with bits of parts to play. Vivek has a little lesser screen-presence to my liking and does look a touch confused n shaky with his characterization right from his first scene where he strolls a scooter down the neighbourhood.(not a grand entry) But he does well to get into his character as the film progresses. And the topsy-turvy transformation journey he is set into is handled efficiently, showing glimpses of his earlier brilliance in the dying scenes of the film. May be RGV could have left a bit more on his shoulders since he is supposed to be the central character - hopefully we will see more of him in the 2nd part. Shatrughan Sinha is provided with the bulk of the smart dialogues which he does justice to. But the show is stolen by badman Abhimanyu Singh who gets lots of screen presence and intrigues some real fear in this otherwise hyped-to-be- violent movie. Almost all the violence is left to him alone and will be missed in the 2nd part. Radhika Apte and Subroto Sen deserve mention for their expressive characterization! The kind of violence didn't intrigue the nausea I had prepared for(prepared for a lot) but it's the music and voice-over which does the job instead! The Telegu version I guess is a better watch with a more suiting screenplay and better dialogues(don't know about the voice-over?)Better can be expected of the 2nd part.

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