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407 Dark Flight

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407 Dark Flight

Ten years ago, a young air hostess, New, miraculously survived a plane crash. New insists that a vengeful spirit caused that accident, but her belief unsettled those around her and she had to go through a psycho-therapy.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 4.1
Studio : Five Star Production, 
Crew : Director,  Screenplay, 
Cast : Marsha Vadhanapanich Paramej Noiam A Unchalee Hassadeevichit Jonathan Samson Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat
Genre : Horror

Cast List


Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


I don't know why people complaining it. This is not as scary or horror type movie it simply look like you are watching movie Romantic movie with some ghost. A family which have some problem, A couple, Some person with some expectation. Some people with his present and past remarks.Basically movie running with pass on with pass accident of new( a air-hostage)because of some problem it re-start his journey with plane but ...... he find out this is her last plane when accident happened. A emotional finishing touch with some remaining passenger. Better if you see this movie as a romantic horror. you are not suppose to scare but intense scene makes you feel love and emotional feel.Remaining story is in film movie with emotional touch more than horror.


"407 Dark Flight 3D" is a fast-paced and highly entertaining Thai horror movie. Even though most reviews are quite negative and call this a trash flick with annoying characters, bad special effects and unnecessary slapstick elements, I enjoyed watching this film. Let's talk about these different elements in detail.The story itself is quickly told. Several individual groups of characters take a plane from Bangkok to Phuket but evil ghosts end up controlling the machine. The surviving passengers must find a way to get rid of the demons but personal conflicts, bad weather conditions, lack of time and a weird secret that lies in the past are in their way.First of all, the characters of this movie are quickly and well introduced in about twenty minutes before the tension rises. The different characters are sympathetic, evil, eccentric or ambiguous but the viewers do react to them in one way or another. The characters are definitely not shallow. The development of the complicated relationship between a powerless father who is repressed by his authoritarian wife and his disappointed rebellious daughter who is torn between studying abroad and becoming a Pilot in her home country is a strong guiding line throughout the entire movie. The romantic connection between a brave mechanic and a mysterious air hostess and the fateful love story between a charming Chinese woman and a reckless Thai man add some depth to the side characters. The acting is mostly really solid even though a few characters turn out being slightly superficial. The fearful male air hostess is the only truly annoying character but even his presence adds something to the movie in form of some slapstick elements that break with an otherwise intense horror atmosphere.The special effects might not be up to expensive Western standards but they don't look cringeworthy either. Some of the demons look actually quite scary while others are rather exchangeable due to the limited budget. What adds to the movie is the clever use of dark colours in the settings and the outstanding lighting techniques. The claustrophobic locations such as cockpits, lavatories and load rooms are simple but really appropriate for this kind of movie. Last but not least, the sound effects are intense and the soundtrack is decent and fitting.There are a couple of slapstick elements that try to add some diversity to the somber script that also has everything but a happy ending. Personally, I'm not a fan of this kind of humour which feels childish, distracting and superficial to me but I can understand the director's intension to keep this controversial element. First of all, it's definitely entertaining and provokes a strong reaction among viewers. Second, this element might have helped to get a lower film rating and avoid a restricted audience for an otherwise quite brutal movie. Third, this kind of humour can be found in many Asian movies and is therefor rather popular. It might feel out of place for Western audiences but it could make much more sense for those who are familiar with films from East and South-East Asia.In the end, horror movie fans and those who like Asian cinema in general should get well entertained with this film that convinces with claustrophobic locations, intriguing characters and good light and sound effects. "407 Dark Flight 3D" might not be a breathtaking genre flick with incredible actors, an innovating plot or stunning visual special effects but it's an honest genre effort that doesn't deserve much criticism. I would definitely present this movie to some of my friends and watch it again.


The incident of the missing MH370, also Marsha Wattanapanich being in this film're the main reasons why i wanted to watch this particular Thai horror film about a plane flight. The introduction of the characters in the beginning(1st 15 minutes)'s okay, it made me expecting the usual good quality horror film plot. But once the conflict/problem (ghost haunting) starts to appear, it's definitely not what i was expecting. The horror element's so mediocre, some unimportant weird scenes're added, nonsense secondary characters which had bad actings/dialogues totally ruined it, some unserious comedy points also made the movie even worse, bad use of CG, one scene in 75th minutes shows how dumb the survivors trying to fight the ghosts, the background plot of how this ghost haunting/attack happens is also pretty weak, although some sudden snaps of the ghosts might actually still give the viewers some jolts a bit and the aftermath's a little unexpected but it made no effect to this film (the viewers may even feel glad that the film ends). I'd have to say this film, just like the other decent Thai produced horror movies actually had some potentials(the apparitions, plot, dialogues, character developments) to be explored which the film-makers failed to dig and present. Overall the movie's pretty much under standard. So it's preferable to watch another horror movie to prevent the boredom, sleepiness, confusion, headache, and other effects this film may cause.4/10


The clichés of airline disaster movies – so hilariously parodied in Airplane!, which holds up to repeated viewings – are trotted out for the horror genre in Dark Flight 407 (407 เที่ยวบินผี, 407 Tiawbin Phee), which you'd probably only want to watch once.Touted as the first Thai film to actually be filmed in stereoscopic 3D, Dark Flight 407, a.k.a. Dark Flight 3D, suffers from uneven pacing and non-scary moments like frightened characters shrieking annoyingly to booming noises off screen. When will filmmakers ever realize that seeing people scared on screen doesn't necessarily mean audiences are going to feel the fright? Released by Five Star Production, it's directed by Isara Nadee, one of the "Ronin Team" from Art of the Devil 2. Another "Ronin Team" member, Kongkiat Khomsiri, is one of the screenwriters. But there are actually three or four writers credited, which points to a possible reason for the tonal shifts and lack of cohesion.Marsha Vadhanapanich, stars in Dark Flight. She's a flight attendant with a troubled past who's back on the job after a mysterious incident years before. Unfortunately, she isn't given much to do, other than rock a flight attendant's uniform and weird hair braid wrapped around her forehead. She mostly alternates between being freaked out and quiet pensiveness. But mainly, she's simply upstaged by a parade of screaming passengers and various CGI special effects.The supporting cast are the usual folks you see on airline flights in Thailand. There's the effeminate male flight attendant (singer X Thiti), a dreadlocked backpacker Thai dude (Namo Tongkumnerd), a scantily dressed, culturally clueless young Hong Kong woman (Sisangian Siharat), an old lady who's scared of flying, a pot-bellied foreigner sex tourist, a foreign couple and a well-to-do Thai family – a bossy, complaining wife (Anchalee Hassadivichit) and her henpecked husband (Poramet Noi-um). Their teenage daughter (Patree Taptong) is obsessed with her iPad's flight-simulator game – how convenient. Oh, there's also a Buddhist monk who comes in handy.And a member of the ground crew (Peter Knight) is trapped in the baggage compartment when the plane takes off. It just so happens he has a past with Marsha's character, which is supposed to create instant chemistry between the two.They are traveling on a Boeing 737, which even after a new paint job looks pretty worn. Inside is the kind of 737 layout you'll only find on an earthbound airplane movie set – an aisle wide enough to roll two drinks carts down, two, not three, rows of seats on each side with tons of elbow room and two, curtained-off compartments. Also, the huge galley looks like it's been transplanted from a 747. its a typical flick with the gory bits thrown in for good measure

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