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Soft Shell Man

An emotionally immature underwater photographer returns home to an affair with his best friend's deaf girlfriend and unresolved issues with the wife he left six months before.

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Release : 2001
Rating : 7.2
Studio : CBC,  Qu4tre par Quatre, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : David La Haye Isabelle Blais Emmanuel Bilodeau Sophie Prégent Vincent Bilodeau
Genre : Drama Romance

Cast List

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


One could compare the scenario of "Un Crabe" the best with Dostoevski's novel, "The Idiot". We see our "hero" Alex, who we could regard as an idiot, but nevertheless, we see that he becomes the centrepiece in the scenario, just like Dostoevski's main character in "The Idiot". And all seem to need him very much, in their own special way.His very best friend, Sam, welcomes him with open arms since he's so happy to have him back in his life. Another friend, Audrey, dares not to leave her flat and trusts him with her "business". And of course, the gallery director who says "je t'aime" to Alex. Need we mention as well that Alex sort of stopped his relationship with his "wife"?We also see Alex make new friends, namely the cold and distant Marie; Sara (the girlfriend of Sam) with whom Alex gets on very well; Armando, the lonely rich kid who has nothing else better to do than to spend his fortune on drugs.The scanario is very original and very well written. And like in Dostoevski's "The Idiot" we seem to ask ourselves, who is really the idiot here ... Alex or the society around him.If you're in the mood to see a mainstream Hollywood film, with the basic Hollywood script of action, braindead violence and the cool happy end, this isn't the film for you. However, if you want to see something original and with much insight, you will enjoy your time spent watching this film.Vive la differénce ;)m.


Un crabe dans la tete is an easy film - no senseless violence, no overt existential angst and despair. When I saw this film a few months ago, I thought it was a very good movie. After a few months processing time, I think it is a great movie: 1) it is beautiful, 2) it is entertaining, 3) it makes a point. You'd think you'd be able to expect that from any film, but you'd be wrong.Alex loses his memory during a diving accident, including the memory of some beautiful but shocking photographs he took of an underwater wreck somewhere in the Indian ocean. As you might expect, the cinematography here is extraordinary. So also are intimate views of Montreal. Alex is an experience junkie and tries to get some free time in New York or Paris, but finds himself back in Montreal. He flirts with the doctor and the round woman at the ticket counter. He wants everyone to love him and love becomes meaningless on the way.Afraid that he won't be able to live with the consequences (of not being loved and approved of) if he commits to anything, he steals experiences, relationships, sensations that aren't his own and runs away from things he is unwilling to be responsible for.As pretense follows pretense, cowardice and pretense come to define his character. Because he bends to any force that is stronger than he is, he appears to have a lot of contractions, but the consistent factor is that he cannot face the consequences of not having everyone love him. Alex cannot commit either to himself or another person.Alex comes to own his experiences and actions, and so takes back direction of his own life. It's a really great movie.


Andre Turpin's "Un crabe dans la tete" is a vibrant, fresh and enigmatic film that proves once again that some of the best new films in Canada are coming out of the Quebec scene. Turpin's vision takes the visual playfulness of Denis Villineuve's "Maelstrom" one step further, while elminating some of the latter film's pretentions in the process. "Un crabe" is very free-form and incidental in structure, with its protagonist, Alex (David La Haye) playing a sort of existential Don Juan, who just cannot say "no" to anyone or any situation. While the tone is generally light and the pace is brisk, Turpin slips in a few serious, introspective moments that ground the film in reality. Amidst the sometimes fantastic picaresque journey, there are moments of devastating reality and repercussion.


Un crabe dans la tête tells a good story and tells it well. The characters are acted well and convincingly and the camera work communicates atmosphere effectively. A few details (the Biosphere scene near the end?!) are weaker or confusing, but are easily forgiven. Like many films made by Montrealers (Maëlstrom, Eldorado, Un zoo la nuit ... among many others), this one also feels like real-life Montreal with just a little extra fantasy added. There's nothing untrue about the depiction of the city. (In contrast, a Hollywood production set here, such as The Score, looks and feels like Montreal as seen by tourists from the U.S.)Alex's main characteristic - excess desire to please combined with an incapacity to say no - is ladled on a bit thickly. He does become frustrating and even annoying to watch by the middle of the film. But his behavior, in less extreme form, is not at all uncommon (at least among Canadian Gen-Xers!). The film will have well served its purpose if it incites us to recognize the tendency and snap out of it.

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