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Viva Zapatero!

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Viva Zapatero!

Viva Zapatero! is a 2005 documentary by Sabina Guzzanti telling her side of the story regarding the conflict with Silvio Berlusconi over a late-night TV political satire show broadcast on RAI-3. The show, RAIot (a play on the name of the Italian state public TV: RAI, and the English word riot), lampooned prime minister Berlusconi. Since it wasn't considered a satirical show, but a political one, it was cancelled after the first episode.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 7.1
Studio : Lucky Red, 
Crew : Director,  Screenplay, 
Cast : Francesco Alberoni Silvio Berlusconi Michele Santoro
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place


It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I try to keep up with world news, and as Italy's not that far away I did pick up on the fact that Berlusconi was trying to own the Italian media. What I didn't realize was how many people were useful idiots on the way, something that would have to be a necessity in order to impose these undemocratic rules in a democracy. This movie describes what to many of us seem impossible, that in a regular democracy it is fully possible to start stripping off what we regard as fundamental rights. How can it be that easy, to impose censorship? I think the movie shows this in a clearifying manner, and may open you eyes to the importance of a free and independent press.


What a terrifyingly truthful document. That's what we are and, probably, what we'll always be. Us Italians. What a shame that the protests, usually, take place at a bar but what it comes to, at the end,is just a shrugging of shoulders followed by a "What Can I Do About It?" We, Italians, allow this things to happen because we don't care enough about anything. We have the leaders that we deserve and this is true for the rest of the world as well but look at what we deserve! What a shame, what a shame, what a shame! "Viva Zapatero" released in theaters seemed a step in the right direction but how many people have actually seen it? The scenes with a massive crowd assisting to the show after the banning from RAI brought tears to my eyes and a glimmer of hope creeped up into my system, just a glimmer that has long gone and disappeared. What a shame, what a shame, what a shame!


In the era of Michael Moore-like documentary-makers this film was long due! I've been living out of Italy for about 15 years now and my first reaction while watching this film was a certain guilt and shame to be part of a country where the term "freedom of speech" was so loose! Yet, the ending of the film could not have been more optimistic: Seeing all those (mainly young) people at the end of the film standing in line to watch Guzzanti's second part of her satirical show made me realise that the future for Italy is not as dark as you might think and after all. I really should be proud of being part of a Country where actually just a few people at the top are corrupted but most of the others have a real will to change things, and hopefully things will change soon! But, I'm digressing, back to the film! Stilistically the film is a bit all over the place (spilt screens happen completely arbitrarily, jump cuts, bad rostrum shots of newspapers and so on), the whole thing seems to be cut on Final Cut Pro or some cheap editing system by somebody who wants to try to new FX here and there for no apparent reason, but luckily all this doesn't matter, since the subject itself and the argument for the film are so strong that you hardly notice anything else but the real content. And that's the way it should be. The film sadly is very Italian and assumes everybody knows most of the people who are being interviewed. And it's a shame because it would not have needed a lot more to make it a little bit more appealing to the rest of the world. Surely it could have done with some more background information and some more archive clips from some of the other comedian who have been censured just to get an idea of what kind of stuff they stand for (I.e. Grillo, Paolo Rossi etc) . I'm sure a lot of foreigners will get lost in the hundreds of names that are mentioned. But sorry, I'm just picking needles: I guess I just want this film to be seen by as many people as possible, because I know that this is the only way to make a change! But as long as Italians watch it I'll be happy! Well done Guzzanti, but please don't stop now!!


Sabina convinced me. I am one of those Italians who did not stand up for her at the right moment. I did not realize what was going on. Of, course, I live hundreds miles away, I could feel less responsible. But on the other hand... I could have seen, and I should have cared. I am happy she was able to show me this. I am happy I have been able to see this, after all. Through her eyes, I have seen very clearly how the whole press campaign against her has worked. And I have been able to realize how much influence it had had even on myself at that time. I realize I have actually given up to the thought "well, she probably exaggerated", at that time. Shame on me! What is satire if not exaggeration? What is art if not offering your own point of view? Sabina's fault: she has been too good at doing it! It might have been too honest, too open, too convincing. Why the press campaign against her mostly worked? Because good part of the Italian middle class is scared of failure. They feel uncomfortable thinking that tomorrow morning Silvio Berlusconi, their good severe daddy, will grin at them again from the TV, as usual, and say, as usual, that all what they feel is actually wrong. What they saw yesterday night was not, as they thought, a funny, liberating, show. No. It was bad quality political propaganda. And they failed. They failed because they laughed. They should be grown ups, they should be capable of containing their excessive joy. They should not aim for liberation, they should aim for money and career, like him. Look at this, what they are seeing now, his grinning face, this is good quality TV. This is something to be proud of. Forget fun. Forget freedom. Take a fake smile from a fake daddy and carry on. That's the most you can hope for in life.

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