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The Langoliers

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The Langoliers

Ten passengers on a red-eye flight from L.A. to Boston discover that they are not the only people on the plane, but after making an emergency landing in Bangor, Maine, they discover that they are the only people on the planet. This film was based off the Stephen King short story Four Past Midnight.

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Release : 1995
Rating : 6.1
Studio : Laurel Entertainment, 
Crew : Director,  Associate Producer, 
Cast : David Morse Patricia Wettig Dean Stockwell Kate Maberly Bronson Pinchot
Genre : Horror Science Fiction Mystery

Cast List



Why so much hype?


It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


I think this mini-series had great potential. It wasn't one of King's best book adaptations to a made for television screen-play, that's for sure. The characters weren't the same as in the short story at all. Also, I don't think they had much of a budget to work with at all, or at least it APPEARED that way when you watched it.I thought the character backgrounds were blotched together and very vague. The mini-series doesn't give you much of who they are until close to the end. There is the one businessman that is just annoying. Seriously, you'd want to punch this guy's character in the face multiple times. Craig Toomey is his name in the flick. My god. In the story, there's only a small group of people that survived when the airplane that they were inhabiting flew through an aurora borieles (the Northern Lights). It just happened to be a small wrinkle in time that sent the surviving passengers back about ten to fifteen seconds into the past. There, they are challenged with finding out how to fly back through the time wrinkle, before being consumed by the time eaters known as the Langoliers. Toomey had known about them the whole time. His father used to threaten him that if he wasn't perfect, they'd eat him alive. Well, Craig Toomey thought they weren't real, until "then." Without giving too much away, my opinion on the cast, is that it had good actors, but a very sh**ty script. It looked as if it were rushed. Also, when the Langoliers appear to the audience, expect some of the worst CGI you've ever seen. It is very comical. I'm actually not sure If I would recommend this as a mini-series run for anybody or not. It's just one of those filming projects you have to judge for yourselves.


I remember hearing about "The Langoliers" 20+ years ago, but never saw it until it came on TV unexpectedly today (May, 2016). I felt I had to watch and almost from the beginning kept fighting the urge to turn it off. A plane lands at a deserted airport after hundreds on board disappear during the flight. What followed was one of, if not the, worst TV movies ever made. As tension started to build and "time" became the critical issue, EVERYONE seemed to have plenty of time to stop and then state the obvious, or kiss, or just stare at the horizon and basically waste "precious" time (which is funny seeing that time is what the film was basically about). However, like others here, the premise of the film was intriguing. That the past does not exist because it is destroyed and the future is empty as it awaits the coming of the present. I could go on about bad special effects, horrible dialogue, character stereotypes, etc., but give me a good episode of the Twilight Zone any day.


Based on a Stephen King novel, this TV movie adaptation is about the passengers on a red-eye airplane flight from L.A to Boston who awaken to find that the rest of the passengers and crew are gone, and they are all alone on the plane, which will soon run out of fuel. Fortunately, there is a pilot on board, who tries to land the plane at a nearby airport, only to discover that it is also empty, and that they are being pursued by giant, howling monsters called Langoliers that seem to be devouring time itself...Potentially interesting take on time travel, with an appealing cast of characters(except Bronson Pinchot, quite good playing an obnoxious and terrified child-like man who knows all about the Langoliers from his hideous father.) cannot save far-fetched premise, and the primitive CGI Langoliers have not aged well... Still, not the worst way to kill three hours!


Some people says that acting and FX are the main purpose in creating a good movie, but here, it was proved wrong. I have to admit that this movie are full of characters with bad acting, i mean all of them (except for Bronson Pinchot who gave an excellent performance as mad guy Mr Craig Toomey). But the worst goes to the little girl, the blind little girl who does not have any emotional feelings and not really up to the standard to what audience always wanted. And the FX is quite poor and cheesy, seems to be cartoons. It really looks funny to me! I wish it could be better in order to turn this into a great movie.But, none of these really affect the greatness of The Langoliers. The main purpose of why this movie is created is because of the storyline, the story written by the master of horror, Stephen King. And, the story are almost exactly accurate to the short story in 4 Past Midnight. The way the story tell us is very entertaining, until I didn't really focus myself on the acting and the FX. It is the story which keep me thinking and wait for what is going to happen at the end of the story. Even though the movie is 3 hours long, but it doesn't make me feel boring because the suspend is there. I'm gonna watch this movie again for the 10th times this afternoon :) forget about the acting and the FX, concentrate on the storyline! excellent (10/10 stars)

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