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A black ops unit goes to middle east after a terrorist. They are betrayed and their operative is caught. Later, unit leader starts an investigation. Meanwile the enemy offers the operative a chance for revenge against his superiors.

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Release : 2000
Rating : 3
Studio : Phoenician Entertainment, 
Crew : Production Design,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Glenn Plummer Matt McCoy Corbin Bernsen Rene Rivera Tony Colitti
Genre : Action Thriller

Cast List



One of my all time favorites.


Am I Missing Something?

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes


There are two sure ways to identify a movie filmed on a low, low budget. One is when blaring mistakes are made in the continuity and detail of the movie and not caught by the film maker. For instance, when a character is introduced as a sergeant in one scene, and then in the very next scene, he's a lieutenant. Or, when a boat is rented for a scene and the flashing red lights of the burglar alarm are left on outside the entrance to the cabin while filming the sequence. This in and of itself isn't that bad, but, when the scene starts off with a burglar breaking into the boat right next to said flashing red lights, one can't help but notice and wonder how that got missed. That's right, you guessed it, these are but a couple examples of the myriad of mistakes made in `Rangers'. The amount of footage stolen from other movies is the other way to quickly ID a cheap movie. Of course, I've seen movies where a few seconds of a scene from a different film is used without it being noticed to much. But `Rangers' goes way to far in this respect. Twenty five minutes of footage is used in `Rangers' from the Chuck Norris flick `Invasion U.S.A'. In fact, during one stolen scene, one can see the main bad guy from `Invasion U.S.A', Richard Lynch, leading his band of terrorists on the assault of a government building; a scene which is suppose to be from `Rangers'. It's almost like the writer of `Rangers' ran out of ideas in the middle of making the movie and decided to stick any old chunk of film in there to fill the hole. A little advice to any aspiring film makers out there, don't steal footage from a really bad movie and add it to your own really bad movie. This only makes for a really, really bad movie. And that's my opinion of `Rangers', a really, really bad movie.


But it was very efficient by recycling action scenes and stock footage from other knuckleheaded action movies. Especially silly was the ripping off the beach landing and final battle scenes from "Invasion USA". Really, terrorists are supposed to be stealthy, not stupid using WWll vintage landing craft.

Richard Ford

I thought this movie would be cool like those US Seals and Delta Force movies that keeping coming out. I really like low budget features; it shows how hard the film makers have to work to get a decent project out. But this Rangers piece of junk is just an insult to every 80's action film fan out there. Even my wife recognized the stock footage from Delta Force in the first ten minutes. They stole significant fight footage from Delta Force, Navy Seals, Invasion USA many times over, and the bus scene was obviously from Red Heat. How could film makers put this out? So sad. Why do I have to watch a Chuck Norris movie without Chuck Norris, but instead starring that dorky guy from Seinfeld that was pretending to sell computers out of the garage of George Costanzas father? Why?


Hilarious. Priceless. Terrible. These are three of the many single words that I would use to illustrate "Rangers", one of those action pictures that seem to run on cable at around 10 at night. One of those films where it looks like many of the action scenes were shot in the director's backyard and several scenes look like stock footage. After a title sequence that looks wonderfully 80's, we're launched into the story itself A group of commandos is sent to bring back a terrorist from an unnamed country, but find out that the group knows they're on the way. After a few remaining members barely make it out, they find out that they'd been set-up, or something like that. One of their rangers they thought they'd left behind is actually working for the bad guys and suddenly comes back looking for revenge. Every other line is some other variation on, "you have no idea what I've been through!" or "the mission! We must not forget the mission!". Every action-movie cliche is spoken at some point throughout the film - but what makes it occasionally unintentionally hilarious is the straight-faced, wooden acting that attempts to take every single like incredibly serious. Ok, so there are occasionally some decent production values (a few respectable explosions), but as with all of these low-budget action films, the script seems to have been made up along the way. Obviously, these films don't cost a great deal and can end up being bought for cable or home video release (as Fox has done with this film and the equally terrible monster picture "Python"). The storyline almost doesn't even matter in a film like this one (nor do a few continuity errors) - the movie simply attempts several old-school, low-budget action sequences (according to the commentary, apparently some bits of the final action sequences are new, but many are actually cut in from a different, old action movie altogether). Corbin Bernsen receives top billing for, according to the commentary, three hours of work. The director and the main actor discuss their work on the film's commentary track and thankfully seem fully aware what they've created.

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