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Savage Journey

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Savage Journey

They forged a new land in the untamed wilderness - with their heart, their hands, and their faith in god.

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Release : 1983
Rating : 3.1
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Richard Moll Stephen Cracroft James Arrington
Genre : Drama Action History Western

Cast List



It is a performances centric movie

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


Savage Journey tells the story about the original founders of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints as they trek across the United States looking for a home in the 19th century. Persecuted wherever they go, the Mormons end up in the unsettled land that will one day become known as Utah. The drama centres on the two founding members Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.This film is certainly pretty ambitious in scope but it ultimately fails primarily on account of its poor production values which are not good enough to execute such an expansive story. It has to be said that this is a highly biased presentation of the Mormons, which whitewashes such contentious issues such as the groups endorsement of polygamy. The Mormons in this story are shown to be very worthy and good to a level that seems unlikely. The film itself gets plus points for its educational value, yet despite this it's still not exactly very good and simply does not engage the viewer as much as it should.

Rainey Dawn

A film I ended up with from Mill Creek's Drive-in 50-pack. This film is not my cup of tea. It's basically like some critics and reviewers say it is a "Mormon Propaganda" flick.The film basically portrays *almost everyone* as "savages" except the founder of the church Brigham Young. There are very few "good people" in the film and mainly, you know it, Brigham Young. Brigham Young is the only "good and holy" person around.I'm sorry I don't by into the whole Brigham Young was the only non-savage person and basically the only "good" person around during those years. I'm not falling for this gimmick.They wanted to portray Brigham Young as a martyr and basically the only person that is "Christ-like" but it comes off as propaganda that I'm not going to swallow.1/10


After an apocalypse, the world is in some weird post apocalyptic pioneer era, imagine "Little House on the Prairie" meets " A Serbian Movie". This guy gets tarred and feathered and then ends up being cleaned up by the preachers wife. He then has sex with the older woman and then does the walk of shame, only he can't run far enough to escape his secret cuckholding activities, He goes on the run with Bull from night court, who aids him in his quest to build a utopian society of where men own as many women as they like and breed litters of child laborers. The rest of the people outside of their group are an angry stupid and violent group of survivors that cannibalize their victims. They kill Bull by burning down his quarters forcing him through a window , then they lynch him. The rest of the group wander further west being chased by scavengers and other survivors of the Defcon 5 event. They make friends with a Native American that is so realistic in his appearance and demeanor that you can actually tell your friends that you know a real Native American and can actually call yourself an expert on Indian culture after seeing this film. The utopia is built and Brigham Young becomes their king, until one day, he runs into the Wu-Tang Clan. After a series of fights up to the top of the tower, a battle to the death takes place with the Mormon Masters of Kung Fu. In a violent free for all the marbles, young bites his opponents to death. Triumphant is Young in the 20 minute brutal breakdown a scene that is a must see for for the true Post apocalyptic Mormons. Young rules his land with violent blood reign of kung-fu and swordsmanship that he believes to be prophesized on Golden plates from God, which also supplement as flying guillotines. What this film does so effectively is to give the secular viewer a romanticized story about the the start up of the post apocalyptic society that we know as Utah, which oddly is almost exactly the same as it has ever been.


I thought this movie was a pleasant surprise! It doesn't deserve its lowly rating I noted!!! - I assume that's connected to a prevailing dislike for religiousness, too often associated with bigotry & hypocrisy, with good reason! I have no affiliation to such a church as the Mormons I understand this is centred on! I have also left my own mainstream religion that I intend never to return to! But what I saw here was an impressive depiction of how hard it can be for a minority that might appear to be a sect to some, to find acceptance in any circumstances! It doesn't matter if someone is a visionary, an inventor, a prophet, or an innocent bystander! Likewise surely for God, whatever you conceive him to be! Suddenly, you can find yourself in the middle of a storm, having your family threatened or even destroyed, having your property or existence or even letters confiscated, for your trust in God &/or man! While others gossip about you! Or bring on a sea of fireballs in the hands of rednecks, when you are in no position to defend yourselves! It can happen at the hands of a multi-national corporation, something like the slick tobacco or fast-food networks! I have seen such red-necks & oppressors as portrayed here, as Christians or their adversaries! Equally distasteful! I have seen similar red-necks & oppressors amidst the unbelieving in any form of 'God' they might believe or not believe in! I have witnessed their individual & collective responses without tolerance & with amazing audacity & narrowmindedness! I didn't know this was about Joseph Smith, only read it on your website later! I'd only vaguely heard of him, & don't even know the difference between the Mormons & the Seventh-day Adventists! But I respect the value of each & countless others from faithful to all manner of visions of God, or their perceptions of such a God, that I have met in churches or temples, to hotels & much beyond! I'm not sorry I watched this movie rated 3.2/10 & would recommend you view it for yourself! You find both sides of it here! It has drama & action! It is poverty, even desperation! I don't understand why it is judged so poorly, but for the association of many churches to be centred or judged to be based on bigotry & hypocrisy! There's the old-fashioned version of a tels-evangelist (without requests for donations) & a mob of nasty rednecks (who don't like to be challenged in their perceptions) ... so much like the pharisees, while the outcasts & downtrodden were depicted in Jesus' times, variously worthy of condemnation & respect are still to be found! It's not hard to see how anyone of faith in any belief, on anything from politics to religion, to how the world, could or should be, finding themselves to be a victim here! This deserves a favourable rating! 8/10!

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