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Discover the Gift

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Discover the Gift

Within each of us, there are special Gifts simply awaiting discovery. The sense of joy, power, fulfillment, freedom, and unconditional love that we experience in our lives is directly related to these Gifts, yet so many of us have yet to unlock their full potential, leaving us longing for a sense of happiness and fulfillment. For sister and brother team Shajen Joy Aziz and Demian Lichtenstein, something was missing in their lives until they tapped into the power of their own unique Gifts, leading to a profound personal transformation that has enabled them to connect to the fullness of life. Their incredible personal journeys of spiritual growth have fueled their desire to share what they have learned and in Discover The Gift, they share their story and take us step-by-step through this journey of discovery which has the power to change not only individual lives, but can transform our entire world.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 7.3
Studio :
Crew : Creator,  Director, 
Cast : Tenzin Gyatso
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Absolutely Fantastic


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Can it ever be spoken that there are solutions to life to help people overcome the weary and the mundane? That is what Discover the Gift is all about. Demien Lichtenstein goes through a long journey to discover this new world of development. However, Demien's journey is not the only thing that happens. He goes through his journey and what it means for him to be self enlightened by this new way of thought. The movie is not entirely about him as well. Demien invites many other religious figures and spiritual leaders to add a word or two on the subject as well. People like His Holiness Dalai LamaI, Mark Victor Hansen, Niurka, Cheryl Hunter, Dr. Sue Morter, Sir Ken Robinson, David Wolfe, and Jack Canfield add a very complimentary commentary on the matter and make the presentation of the subject accessible to the ordinary people like me and you. The art work throughout the entire movie is absolutely breath taking as they use digital effects to create spectacular images of relaxation and to illustrate their points clearly. The best part of this movie is the touching story between Demien Lichtenstein and his sister, Shajen Joy Aziz. I really enjoyed Discover the Gift for its sentimentality and I think you will too.


The other night I tried to get into Transformers 3 and when it was sold out, my girlfriend suggested we go back to her place to watch Discover The Gift. The film begins with some background information about the director (Demian Lichtenstein) and how he learned about this invisible power that lives inside each one of us. As Demian travels on his enlightened journey not only does he interview the Dali Lama, but also Niurka, Jack Canfield, Dr. Sue Morter and several others. It even features some actresses that are featured in Will Ferrell's Casa de mi Padre, as well as the remake of The Girl With Dragon Tattoo coming out later this year. What made this a surprisingly great film for me was by the way it can reshape lives. I'm hoping it can do the same for me because I'm in the process of entering the real world after college, and desperately need a job as soon as possible. After watching the film, my explanation to discovering your gift is to experience laughter, freedom, love, and many other positive feelings. If you are able to do that or at least mask any negatives aspects that you encounter in your life then great things will happen for you.


Why is that we do the things we do; why is that we like the things we like. It is an interesting thought! I love it! It is so important to understand yourself. Trying to improve your emotional intelligence might sound simple and easy, but in reality it is as hard as it can be!! In the movie "Discover the Gift" this is explained through awesome interviews and examples. The Dalai Lama, Michael Bernard Beckwith and Ravi Shankar along with many other motivational speakers helped to create a spectacular stepping stone to achieve 'emotional intelligence' and to find what is that you that you have to offer to the world. Some of the things that they talk about had been in my heart for years, but I had never been able to put it on words. In conclusion, I recommend this movie to everybody; not only for those who may seem lost!


On my free time, I like investing in my personal growth. Sometimes I get this done by watching documentaries such as What the BLEEP, The Secret, and read books such as Eckhart Tolle's the Power of Now and New Earth, but nothing has struck such a chord with me like Discover The Gift did. It sheds light on our connection with each other, and even stars the Dalai Lama sharing his thoughts on the power of compassion and love. What I love most about this documentary is the several different approaches, ideas, and speakers that are featured providing a way in for not just me but others who have different views and ideas about their experiences. I usually stick to either the documentary, or the book – not both. But there were lots of advantages to having the book format, most notably the exercises in the book, the mandalas, and of course its portability. The "re-watchability" value of Discover The Gift is high – it's extremely informative and covers a wide-range of topics that are engaging still, even as stand-alone pieces.

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