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The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him

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The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him

Mild-mannered Chester Gaylord trudges through life with a painful sexual handicap. He goes for a magical colonoscopy where he meets a woman with a microscope who changes his life.

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Release : 2003
Rating : 5.3
Studio : Augenblick Studios, 
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast : Joe Holt
Genre : Animation Comedy

Cast List



I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


Disturbing yet enthralling


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him" is not only one of the films with the longest titles of the 21st century, but also probably one of the weirdest, especially in animation. It is about a very muscular man, who sadly has pretty much nothing down there. The title really gives the story aways too, which is never great. He goes to a doctor and the woman working there has just the right treatment for him, so the two have sex and possibly fall in love as well. It's a solid lesson on how size does (not?) matter, but I cannot say there was anything outstanding about this short film in terms of the animation style, the story or the voice acting. Pretty mediocre and watching once really is enough. I guess there is a reason why writer and director Patrick O'Brien has not made another film in the 12 years already since this was made. Not a great effort here. thumbs down.


Although this short animated film is not for everyone, it sure has it's charm and style. In the beginning we can see how main character is suffering from his "problem" with extremely small penis, so he does everything to help himself.Some will probably say that this kind of humor is immature and naive, I personally disagree. It's fun, it made me laugh during the entire film (and after), and I think it's all that matters when you are watching a comedy.I would recommend it to everyone who wants to see a short and funny film.


At first, I enjoyed watching the flash animation. When I saw more of it, I was disappointed and shocked. I don't find it cute or romantic or whatever Patrick O'Brien expected us to think of this animation. I don't even understand what he thought would be funny about the film. There's literally no pun in this film. Also, I wonder how it even got on IMDb in the first place. This shouldn't even be considered a flash animation. It's just cruel. In fact, I don't know what got me to review this.I do not recommend this movie. It is not funny. Seriously. I've seen worse flash animations than this that was actually a little funny. The voices were good though.


Smallest Penis is a flash series. It's about a man with an incredibly tiny penis who goes through some great lengths (pun!) to do something about it.It was supposed to be funny, I think, but in all honesty, the funniest things about Smallest Penis were the title of the movie, and the fact that it somehow got a mention on IMDb. The movie itself isn't funny in the least, it makes little sense, it's a joke with no punchline. All points given are for aesthetics. It's a cartoon, and it's done in a red-hue monochrome. It looks nice. Sound is decent too. If you have to see it, those are good enough excuses, but if you're looking for a genuine laugh, stay far away and go look at Newgrounds.

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