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Watch Pink-A-Boo For Free


The Pink Panther battles with a hungry mouse raiding his refrigerator, who throws a late-night party with a crowd of other mice.

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Release : 1966
Rating : 6.4
Studio : DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, 
Crew : Background Designer,  Camera Operator, 
Cast :
Genre : Animation

Cast List



So much average


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.


This is a somewhat funny little cartoon where the Pink Panther has been invaded by a pack of mice in his house, who are partying noisily inside their hole in the wall. To add insult to injury, the mice steal food from the panther's fridge as he was reading his newspaper. As a result, the panther hilariously tries to get rid of the rodents, from calling an exterminator to dressing up like a cat.Plenty of little laughs here and the mice can be a little endearing at first, but got very annoying along the way. The back and forth duel between panther and mice were pretty hilarious, but too bad panther got more than he bargained for.Grade B-


The Pink Panther was part of my childhood, and a vast majority of the cartoons I still really like/love. Pink-A-Boo is not one of the classics, but it is still thoroughly enjoyable. There is very little wrong other than times when the story is on the simplistic side and a couple of the gags in the middle are a little dull. The animation though is very pretty and drawn with simply charming detail. The music is jazzy and compliments the goings-on very well, and the theme tune is still positively infectious even after hearing for goodness knows how many times. The gags are very amusing if not exactly hilarious, the beginning and end are great and the middle is mostly too but with a couple of bits that don't work quite as well. The action is basically Pinky and the mice trying to outsmart one another, so if you are familiar with the Pink Panther format you'll find nothing new here, however it's done in a way that you honestly don't mind that. Pinky is very likable and charismatic as he always is, and the mice are very cute and funny while quite persistent later on. Overall, a good cartoon from Pinky but not one of the best. 8/10 Bethany Cox


Rather than go into the story, which a couple of other reviewers did here, I'll state a few things that struck me funny in this Pink Panther cartoon.I liked the mouse's Park Avenue-type entrance, the fanciest I've ever seen in a cartoon, and cartoons love to show mice and cats. I also laughed at the "dagwood" sandwich he made and carried back to the hole, and the clever way he figured out how to stuff in through the small entrance. I also laughed at his buddies knocking on the front door and then racing in with musical instruments and a bottle of champagne for the party! Later, we see them party hats on. These were amazing mice. One guy even plays the electric guitar.However, they lose their cuteness in the last minute or two. These guys are pushy!

Shawn Watson

In this short, the Pink Panther is just relaxing in his house when a mouse appears from his hole in the wall and helps himself to the fridge. A call to the exterminator (one of the cartoon's few laughs) proves to be fruitless as does any futile pursuit of the rodents. Many unfunny things follow until Pinky discovers a convenient book in his library called 'How to catch Mice'. It instructs him to dress up as a cat (even though Panthers are cats) to scare them away. It works, but he is then chased by dogs.Not really that funny and rather misjudged as we've seen 'cat and mouse' action a hundred times before with Tom and Jerry.

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