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Savage Planet

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Savage Planet

A team of scientists explore a new planet and find much more than expected.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 2.3
Studio : Hand 'n' Hand Films, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Sean Patrick Flanery Reagan Pasternak Joel S. Keller Roman Podhora James McGowan
Genre : Adventure Horror Action Science Fiction

Cast List



Who payed the critics


One of the best films i have seen


Good story, Not enough for a whole film


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


Well, the women were nice to look at and the lead character was actually a decent actor, but I can't think of anything else remotely good about this movie. Seriously I would expect a bunch of 8th graders with a hand held camera to make a movie about as good as this. It definitely looked to have an 8th graders budget. What did they use for props when the bears whacked some heads off? It looked like mannequins with a couple tubes extending that they shot ketchup out of. Bears hunting in packs? Really? The only bears you actually say were unrelated footage of some fat, overweight movie bear waddling around. I loved when a bear's claw tugged on the guy's leg hard enough to pluck it off at the ankle, yet not hard enough to pull the guy's body toward the bear. Oh, did you catch that these are bears in space? They also went all out on sound effects. All through the movie one of the few background sounds was an elk bugling. Good thing we didn't see an elk, it might have skewered some people, but those special effects might have been more difficult. Everything in this movie was something cringe-worthy in the lamest way. Life is short people, don't waste even a couple hours of it on this crap. I feel totally ripped off. I guess if you are a fan of terrible movies in quest of the worst ever you might want to see this. There are such people out there.

Ken Pierce

OK, so the movie begins with a team of apparent scientists as they make their way through a thick jungle. As the team progresses forward looking for their means home to Earth their leader suffers the loss of his hand based on an over zealous jungle machete chopping teammate. The poor guy falls into a hidden cave and his handless arm deep into glowing goo. Suddenly the hand regrows itself and just as he is ready to delight in this a grizzly bear emerges from another cave and presumably makes the guy his lunch. Sounds like it could be an interesting premise right? Jungle planet many galaxies away, hidden mystery goo of amazing healing properties in grizzly bear caves, etc.....alas this is no where near to be the case.Fast forward some months as a new team is being organized to explore said planet and uncover its mysteries. The teleport across the galaxies to land there (as opposed to flying a spaceship, which only shows how low the budget actually must have been for this one) and not long after their arrival, the team is picked off one by one by the menace of intergalactic intelligent alien grizzly bears. Yes, these were smarter than the average bear type grizzlys but they did not come out and talk to one another but presumably were doing so as they picked off with ease a team of futuristic Earth scientists and adventurers.There is quite a bit of hokum and cheese in the realm of the gore quotient in the film and the only redeeming part is the presence of the lovely Reagan Pasternak who looks quite fetching in a number of scenes. Even for a Sci-Fi original movie this is bad. The use of the same shot of the charging bears or attacking bear shot is just enough to make you turn this off not long after beginning your viewing. It's not gripping enough and you don't feel sorry for anyone who gets picked off by the bears and while I don't want to ruin it for you in terms of ending, I am hard pressed to think viewers will finish this one and instead go off to reruns of Simpsons and Seinfeld.Stay away from the Savage Planet unless you are traveling with Uncle Ted Nugent.


*SPOILERS! I EVEN GIVE AWAY THE ENDING! SPOILERS!*In the future, the Earth is polluted and a small team of explorers are teleported to the planet "Oxygen" in hopes that it may someday be our new home. While there, one guy's hand gets chopped off and he just happens to fall into some green fluid which causes his hand to immediately grow back.Skip ahead a few months; Another team is being readied to go to this planet. We spend about half an hour getting to know these characters. It quickly becomes obvious that this is one of those movies where the "bad" characters are at least somewhat sympathetic, while the "good" characters aren't likable at all. Our lead female is whiny, politically correct, and a snob. Eventually they teleport to this planet, and are attacked by bears. The Sci-Fi Channel advertised this movie as if there was going to be some terrifying alien predator on this planet - we get bears. Our lead male "good" character immediately decides to abandon the mission and run home. Lucky these guys weren't on the Mayflower or Columbus wouldn't have made it out of the harbor. So, the "good" guy threatens to kill the only person who knows how to run the teleportation device because he suspects that he's lying about something, and the "bad" guy takes off and leaves them. Brilliant move "good" guy. They go marching through the woods towards the other teleportation pod, getting attacked by bears every few minutes. They load down one guy with a backpack as big as a Volkswagen, then threaten to leave him to be eaten if he falls behind. He falls behind and gets eaten. Then our "good" guy gets knocked unconscious and they pick him up and carry him to safety. Just a little bit of a double standard there, ya think? Anyhow, they get to the teleporter but the company president wants to stay and get a sample of the green goop that can make severed hands grow back. Eventually this guy goes to a cave and he runs into a wall, which causes his head to fly off. Let me repeat that: He runs face first into a stone wall and his head pops off. It's almost as good as the scene where they hide behind a rock and then notice that it's not a rock - it's a bear! Uh...yeah. Okay.So in the end, even though our two "good" characters wanted to quit the mission at the first sign of trouble, and criticized and maligned everyone who wanted to continue, they're perfectly happy to take all the credit for the discovery of the green goop, along with all the profits of course. It's truly heartwarming.

Irv Game

This movie is truly awful, terrible acting, a terrible plot and terrible special effects. But I'm giving it 10 stars because it has SPACE BEARS. Yeah, that's right, bears in space. And its got lots of decapitations, because, apparently, the only way a space bear knows how to kill someone is by chopping of his head. And you can totally tell that the decapitation is real, its not like they've got a terrible CGI wound and CGI blood squirting into the air. The plot has something to do with getting air from a planet, but I couldn't really follow it because the movie has SPACE BEARS. Isn't Sci Fi supposed to be about delving the depths of your mind to create new creatures who have never seen the light of day, truly exorcising your imagination. And when I think Sci Fi, the first thing that pops into my mind is SPACE BEARS. For about 3 days after I saw this movie I went around shouting SPACE BEARS. Yeah, its that bad.

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