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A young woman rents a shabby one room apartment, opening the door for visions, nightmares, memories, and revenge.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 5.1
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
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The Worst Film Ever


Good concept, poorly executed.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


I wonder if I did something bad to get this in my recommended movies by Netflix. What a waste of time! Unlike others, I kept watching hoping SOMETHING would redeem this torturous thing but no....horrible to the end. In reading other reviews (post watching the movie, I just don't understand how people could enjoy this. I enjoy well done unusual films (see Pi) and others. Even the foreign ones, especially small releases like movies from Iceland or Soviet Union. This was an intentionally pseudo-angst-filled movie....this was just plonk all the way around. I wouldn't even call it pretentious, it's just bad. Please find something worth your time to watch, believe me, you'll thank me.

William Young

Who knows how Sugar ended up in my Netflix queue, but it did, and it wound up here on June 11, sitting atop the TV hutch all that time while I bided my time. I think I watched about the first ten minutes of the film before ejecting the disk. Perhaps the worst movie ever made. It's a super-cheapie B&W indie film with no sound effects, no soundtrack, and no dialogue. None. At least, not in the first ten or so minutes. You want to watch a silent movie about a girl in a filthy apartment who re-arranges the filth in her room for no apparent reason, you watch Sugar. Me, no frickin' way. What's the movie about? Who knows, you'd have to watch the thing to find out, and since you get no hints up front other than the theoretical tease with the body in the wall, well, the filmmakers just haven't done their job in setting up the story. Experimental? Nah. Horse dung dressed up as meatloaf.


I was not prepared for the style of filmography given the boxing of the movie, but it was a very pleasant surprise. I think that you would have to really have an open mind to independent films to enjoy this movie. It's a refreshing change to the typical "hollywood" style psychological thriller. It was an interesting approach to the inside of the human brain and how it reacts to extreme circumstances. There is minimal dialog, but I don't feel that it is necessary at all. I thought that it could be improved further if all the dialog was non-sensical or garbled. I really enjoyed the switching from colour to black and white film. It made it difficult to discern what was reality and fabricated. I liked it.


Man, this film was brutal! As somebody else said, it was like a student film, and only a run-of-the-mill one at that. I agree that there are some elements that are impressive-- the atmosphere was well done, and the actress was quite good-- but overall, just a ponderous, navel-gazing, boring waste of time.Having said that, I must nevertheless admit that I have thought about this movie quite a bit since watching it. I think I have decided that the woman did in fact move in to an apartment that was filled with the previous tenant's stuff... and preceded to go crazy and kill herself by ingesting roach poison. It is of course a slow and painful death, in the throes of which she undergoes many strange and terrifying fantasies, dreams and hallucinations. She must have been "troubled" to begin with. Perhaps that she lives in someone else's space is emblematic of the woman's tortured and twisted sense of identity... she cannot believe, see or understand that she is the only one there, and is the one who's dying. Until the end, when she finally takes responsibility for her baggage...BTW, dig the wardrobe.

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