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The Buttercream Gang

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The Buttercream Gang

Unlike most gangs, the ButterCream gang does good deeds. Their leader, Pete, has to go live with his aunt in Chicago. But things don't go well in Chicago and Pete is changed when he returns. Soon Pete is hanging around with the wrong crowd. But the remaining members of the gang, especially their new leader Scott, refuse to give up on their friend Pete.

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Release : 1992
Rating : 5.8
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Original Music Composer, 
Cast : Ivan Crosland
Genre : Drama Comedy Family

Cast List



To me, this movie is perfection.


I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


Pete is a bad man. I commend Scott for having the guts to stand up to him when others wouldn't.OK...... So on a serious note, I am 28 and I dig this movie. I watched it when I was a kid, and have fond memories. Even part 2 is good. If you liked it, give "On Our Own" a try. Another Featured Films for Families classic. This brings back some good memories. The message is good, the acting is not top notch, but I have seen way worse. If you are bored and want to switch up the movies you have been watching, give this one a try. It is good for kids too. It is on DVD not just VHS and you can probably find it online pretty cheap. Some of the stuff is kind of funny, like them breaking bottles and setting trash cans on fire, but I suppose it is better than showing violent scenes for the type of movie this is.


No familiar faces in this movie, but there's always a chance that these actors might surface in another film down the road. I remember this movie from when I was a kid. My grandmother gave it to me and I watched it with my friends. I thought it was a great movie back then, even tried to follow it by example. Growing up, most kids have their own small group of friends - so it is easy to relate to the characters in this movie. They persevered and fought to make life better, even if it was just for the small town they lived in. I recommend this for parents of younger children. While it is a bit outdated now, it's still got the same moral standings that I hope to pass onto my children - if and when I have some.


I watched this movie with my 8 year old nephew. It would not win any Oscars, but the "heart" of this movie is what makes it great. We live in a rather small town and we do have a gang problem. I know because I used to teach these gang members. I wanted to talk to my nephew about gangs, but mostly to remind him of God's love for us. How he loves us "No Matter What". Just like a good parent, He will discipline us when we need it to correct us, but He will never stop loving us. We should follow this example with one another. It is true that the world will never "perfect", but that is no reason for us to stop trying to improve our relationships with one another, and in turn improve our world. I also believe it shows that just one person can make a difference. Jesus began it by showing us how to treat one another. Scott showed God's love to Pete. (It reminded of David and Jonathan from the Bible). Then Pete showed it to others and so on. It isn't just a "dream" as some cynic's would have us believe. If you look past the amateur acting, etc. and look at the heart of the movie, I believe you will be pleasantly surprised, and just may learn something of our Heavenly Father yourself. After all, that is what He does for us. :-)


I first saw this movie when I was about six or seven and I remembered it to be a good movie. However, when I viewed it again last week, I had very different feelings about the movie. It was so bad I made my mom and dad watch it just to torture and laugh at them. I don't understand why the costume director of this movie made that poor Scott kid look like a gay kid because he always had on a girls shirt and ROLLED UP jean shorts. Who does that? Also adding to the gay theme of this movie is the scene with Pete and Scott frolicking in the water together. This movie is good for a joke but serves no other purpose. I gave it to my boyfriend as a joke and he cannot wait to watch it.

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