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Burlesque Assassins

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Burlesque Assassins

The Burlesque Assassins. Beautiful, deadly and a vital weapon in the war on communism that threatens the free world. Set in the 1950s, this tale of cold war espionage and intrigue follows superspies Johnny Valentine, Koko La Douce, Bombshell Belle and new recruit Bourbon Sue as they seduce their way within killing distance of a trio of villainy bent on global domination. See the fatal fan dance of Koko La Douce! See the brutal boa of Bombshell Belle! Witness firsthand the carnage and the cleavage as the enemies of The Burlesque Assassins discover that when it comes to these women, LOOKS CAN KILL!

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Release : 2012
Rating : 4.6
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Carrie Schiffler Dusan Rokvic Brendan Hunter Matthew Graham
Genre : Comedy

Cast List



Sadly Over-hyped


Must See Movie...


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

zif ofoz

This movie is a cartoon told with real actors! Which makes it a true joy to watch ..... and the laffs are plenty!The Burlesque Assassins are an underground special agent troupe of high end strippers who's mission is to assassinate the clones of Hitler, Stalin, and Moussolini. This in itself is enough to get you to watch this wacky story. But there's more!Their boss Johnny Valentine must dress incognito, and one of the strippers is a novice at espionage! She must learn on the job!If the story is too wack for you then watch it for the classic burli'q stripping - they do a great job!

Jesse Boland

I gave it 20 minutes. Not my thing. It is a campy Pink Flamingo style noiresque make believe cold war fight to save the free world from Hitler's clone, and Mussolini's son. No stand out performances to speak of, and the songs didn't get me at all.I just didn't find it funny enough to keep my attention. The dancing is great, and everyone is trying really hard to put on a show, but the sets look like cardboard so nothing feels real, or even like you are looking back through time. If you really like the Suicide Girls then you will like this, but if you want anything smart, or in anyway properly thought out, then you will not Enjoy this.


could not even manage 5 mins, been on IMDb for a long time an only after viewing this i have felt compelled to make a statement, i may be on my own here but i have watched some drivel, and to the end, but this? please , director/producer, have a little respect for the audience to torment with this. i have to make 10 lines to put this review on here and can think of nothing more to say, so here is some waffle, how does a film like this get released? surely the budget guy must be wetting his pants thinking this movie could claw some of the budget back. please, take it away, re-shoot and re-edit it so us generic public can enjoy what is, in a positive sense, a good storyline.

wilson trivino

This movie is a mix of Charlie's Angels meets the burlesque world as these trained assassins join forces to fight the evil doers of War World II. The cinematography is incredible and this break out film for director Jonathan Joffe is top notch. It mixes sexy ladies, comedy, and a believable tale into a light hearted look into a simpler time when the good guys were good and the bad were bad. From the vintage cars, close, and buxom beauties, Burlesque Assassins is a class act. I saw it as part of the Southern Fried Burlesque festival in Atlanta Georgia and was the perfect kick off for a first class showcase of the best that burlesque has to offer.

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