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The Evolution of Andrew Andrews

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The Evolution of Andrew Andrews

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Release : 2012
Rating : 5.5
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast :
Genre : Comedy

Cast List



Good concept, poorly executed.

Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


Yeah, there's some funny scenes, but they wanted to be be so much more than they were. This is not a Hollywood movie. It's so obvious they didn't have money. I guess there's a huge difference between "Independent Films" that studios make with famous people and true Indies that the filmmakers pay for themselves. I'll give the two main actors credit for being good actors, but nice try to the filmmakeers. There are some legit funny scenes in this movie, but I'm crediting the actors, not the filmmakers. This film looks cheap. Shout out to the main actor for holding together what little there is to hold. He has some solid moments mostly towards the end of the movie but that's why it's called "Evolution of..." so I get it. Maybe an 8th grader would relate to it more. If this thing really did win all those awards at film festivals, I don't want to see its competition. But kudos to the main guy. He's better than this.


This is either the chittiest good movie of all time or the best chitty movie of all time. I'm leaning toward Chit covered gold. At first it looks like this is just crap but I was too lazy to stop watching it. Another poster on here said the second half of this movie is better than the first half but you have to get there. They are correct. I can tell these people had no money when they made it. And the two main people are good actors. Too bad they didn't have the money to pay the smaller actors. Some of them are alright. Either get high or drunk for the first half of the movie (unless you're in the movie business to get all the jokes) or be a 13 year old kid. The reason I say 13 is because this seems to me like a coming of age movie. The second half is actually pretty impressive. It's almost like the second half has to be so bad to set up the second half. It's not boring tho. You just hate the main guy until he changes. I read that his next movie is a western musical comedy that's like blazing saddles and three amigos. I actually think this dude can pull that off. He's funny. Lastly here's my spoiler: When he says bye to the doll, I actually choked up. I was like wtf. wasn't expecting that. I don't mean I wasn't expecting him saying bye, but that I wasn't expecting it to effect me like that. That's either on the writer or the actor, prolly the actor

Sara Richert

My best friend and I saw the preview and she got the movie so I didn't buy it because I knew I would just borrow it from her (sorry movie makers:) My friend posted on the facebook page that this movie is the worst movie ever and it is unwatchable. Well maybe its because she hated on it so much that I thought it was cute. When it first started I thought oh god this is gonna suck like she said but it was cute. It takes time for the main guy to change and if you want everything to happen right away like in a big Hollywood movie then don't get this movie. But its cool how the character changes. Some of the jokes were gross but I thought when he dressed up like a gang member was funny. I think the actors did a good job and I think they should make more movies. The lead guy is cute and he's a better actor than most.


I was fortunate enough to catch an earlier screening of this charming little gem at a film festival. Undoubtedly a labor of love – since both the male and female main characters wrote, produced, directed and acted in the film as well as everything else (hey, did they make their own costumes and sets too? Probably!! The talent is obviously there!) – it is the love shining through the laughter than keeps the film moving. The humor is broadly drawn and some of the subplot probably makes more sense to those familiar with the oddities of film making in Hollywood. But even without insider knowledge, this is a funny movie. The absurd coming of age storyline of Andrew is knee-jerk hilarious and showcases the range and versatility of a gifted comedic actor willing to literally do anything to get his point across. Andrew - the little boy in a man's body - embodies all the innocence, wonderment and also all the irritating questioning of your average 4-year-old. His unlikely love interest, Olivia, grounds the film quietly and securely, delivering a luminous nuanced performance. Olivia's character connects with practically any woman who understands that love sometimes means holding the kite string of reality while her man bounces around in the air like a helium-filled balloon. In one pivotal scene, where Olivia is trying to decide whether to listen to her head or her heart, you can literally see the wheels whirring in the depths of those big expressive eyes as she contemplates …"Is this guy worth it?" Fortunately for Andrew – and for the audience – the answer is a resounding "Yes!" See this movie. You will laugh. You will gasp. You will grin. You will feel your heart flutter. You will find yourself remembering certain comedic bits long afterward. And you will certainly not regret it.

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