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Loose Change

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Loose Change

2nd Edition of Loose Change documentary. What if...September 11th was not a surprise attack on America, but rather, a cold and calculated genocide by our own government?We were told that the twin towers were hit by commercial jetliners and subsequently brought down by jet fuel. We were told that the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757. We were told that flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We were told that nineteen Arabs from halfway across the globe, acting under orders from Osama Bin Laden, were responsible. What you will see here will prove without a shadow of a doubt that everything you know about 9/11 is a complete fabrication. Conspiracy theory? It's not a theory if you can prove it.Written and narrated by Dylan Avery, this film presents a rebuttal to the official version of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the 9/11 Commission Report.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 7.2
Studio : Polar Film Medien GmbH, 
Crew : Director,  Editor, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Excellent but underrated film


As Good As It Gets


It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.


This documentary is perplexing: unlike books that can expose any views without offering no better proof than words, here, the message is often based upon footages. I know that a frame can be manipulated but the one used are actually from live TV network. And the results are shocking: all the four attacks of 9/11 have problems.Pentagone: where is the plane? Why no single capture of the crash? Why this plane can pass through 3 rings of wall whereas the NY planes got stuck inside the WTC?Flight93: where is the plane? No fire, no bodies? WTC: you see clearly that windows flash down while the towers collapse, especially the north tower? How a building collapse can melt basement?The thesis supported is frightening because it's not that government let terrorists act but it's rather the government as the terrorist and the mastermind behind the attacks.All those questions must be answered to honor the memory of all innocent people who died on this day. Actually, we still got not decisive answers.


As an evenings entertainment this film is intriguing viewing, as a valid look at what happened on 911 this film flounders in a mire of its own making.The point of the film is that something other than the official story occurred on 911. According to this film the planes that hit the World Trade Center were not the planes we were told, that a missile hit the Pentagon, flight 93 was shot down, that some or all of the planes were off loaded and the people may still be alive, the collapse of the twin towers was the work of demolition not the crashes, and that there is some grand conspiracy behind it all.Its an intriguing idea, or series of them. The problem is that not a great deal of it really hangs together, at least not in the way that is presented here. Could it be possible? yes, but not with what we are given as evidence.There is little real expert testimony. We only get snippets from other sources. No real expert in any field is interviewed. (which is important when it comes to construction of the Twin Towers since they were unlike any other building that they are compared to when they talk about fires in steel buildings) We are only given statements, usually one line from someone, we don't know anything about other than a title, about things they may or may not know about.Every person who saw anything is accorded equal weight (a woman who appears to be watching events from Brooklyn or lower Manhattan, far from the towers, is heard to say that the plane crashing into the tower isn't American so therefore its not American.) Everyone is seen to be telling the truth at all times. A miss quote of President Bush is seen as proof of something other than as a mistake. The filmmakers also take every news report as gospel truth with a report of the blowing up of one of the towers roofs being portrayed as true when the footage shows its not There is no room for any error in any news footage, its not an error but signs of the conspiracy.The evidence in one sequence of pictures is forgotten when discussing another so that the evidence of the planes that hit the towers being commercial airlines from some shots is dismissed because its not clear in others. (also the phone report of one eyewitness that is contradicted by photographic evidence is given a great deal of weight) And at times the film throws things out-like the off loading of passengers, but gives no evidence as to why this may have happened or what happened to the people. You can't make claims if you don't back them up. Likewise unexplained is talk of a conspiracy that it has no shred of evidence as to who or what is behind it. You need to tell me more than just "they are behind it". Tell me who "They" are It really annoys me because as long as you don't think about what the film is saying or the inconsistent stories its spinning this is a really well done piece of film making. Frankly I could almost believe its stories, except that none of them make any real sense when you stop to think about them.Worth a look, with a large grain of salt, simply because it lays out the alleged conspiracy many people feel is real. Fortunately or unfortunately it fails to make its case because its evidence is severely lacking.


i saw this on Youtube and thought it was very interesting. Basically, its a documentary. A documentary on what people believe what really happened on 9/11 was a government conspiracy. now, being skeptical of the government is one thing, and it's good to be skeptical, it shows you're a human being with a mind and that your mind is smart enough to actually do research before you believe the truth. unfortunately for all 3 Loose Change movies, there a TON of facts they got wrong. (for more information, see "Screw Loose Change" on Youtube: ) writing this comment, people probably think i'm a guy getting paid to type this. well no, i'm not, i promise you that.Loose Change was made by Dylan Avery, a twenty something year old guy with a weird voice. now i give him credit, because he actually made a decent screenplay, if only he got more of his facts right. Loose Change for the most part is pretty boring, with some unnecessary info and a few non-resourced quotes.viewing this documentary, it depends on what you think. if you believe that the government had something to do with 9/11, then you might find it pretty true. but if you think it's bologna, and you want to check for actual facts like me, then you'll find it has a lot of mistakes in it, which is BIG when it comes to an even like 9/11.2 out of 10, because i liked some of the music


This is a well done and entertaining film/documentary. Whether you believe every single word said on it, or you don't at all. You wont get bored, since this a very interesting presentation of another point of view of the events of 9/11. Maybe some very specific facts can be wrong, but that doesn't means this movie is not worth watching. I would recommend this film, since you can watch it for free from different sources through the internet. I am amazed by number of Reviews rating this movie with 1, that I actually consider the possibility of people being paid to rate it that way. Eg. Look How most of the negative reviews are twice or three times longer than the positive ones...

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