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My Amityville Horror

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My Amityville Horror

For the first time in 35 years, Daniel Lutz recounts his version of the infamous Amityville haunting that terrified his family in 1975. George and Kathleen Lutz's story went on to inspire a best-selling novel and the subsequent films have continued to fascinate audiences today. This documentary reveals the horror behind growing up as part of a world-famous haunting and while Daniel's facts may be others' fiction, the psychological scars he carries are indisputable. Documentary filmmaker Eric Walter has combined years of independent research into the Amityville case along with the perspectives of past investigative reporters and eyewitnesses, giving way to the most personal testimony of the subject to date.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 5.4
Studio : Lost Witness Pictures,  Film Regions International, 
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Documentary

Cast List



Such a frustrating disappointment




Load of rubbish!!


The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.


I just saw this documentary and it should have been named " Danny, Portrait of a Schizophrenic." Its obvious he came from a family that has mental illness. This disturbed man grew up in a sick family full of delusions and hallucinations which created all the "paranormal demonic activity." His reality was the sick parents' delusions and hallucinations. Add to that, the intense media coverage, movies, talk shows, church involvement, books,etc which further added false "proof" that all this happened to an already young vulnerable unwell mind. Unfortunately as the kids mental illness progressed, he lost all track of all reality,he became the kid's character in the infamous movie. What you see in this film is a broken mentally ill man, nothing more.


My Amityville Horror (2012) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Daniel Lutz was the stepson of George Lutz who most will remember as the father who claimed that his home in Amityville was haunted, which led to a bestselling book as well as a hit film, which followed with countless sequels. This is without question the most famous haunted house in history but more recently most people believe it was all just a hoax. Speaking for the first time, Daniel certainly doesn't believe it was a hoax as he explains what exactly happened inside the house as well as the various other forms of abuse that he suffered through the hands of George. Those expecting this to prove the Amityville case will probably be disappointed. While it's true that the case is discussed in great detail, I think the real focus of the film is on the mental state of Daniel and the obvious abuse he got from his stepfather. Look, no one except for the Lutz's will ever know what really happened in that house but after seeing this film I think I'm pushed further into believing that nothing did. It's clear that Daniel is suffering from some very strong mental problems, which are either true or perhaps everything here was just a performance. Again, only he will know for certain. Hearing the various stories of abuse he took from his stepfather and hearing how he felt his mother left him is something that could haunt a person just as much as a ghost inside the house. There are times when his stories are quite chilling but how much you believe them is going to have a lot of impact. It's worth noting that a title card at the end says the other two children were originally going to take part in the documentary but backed out. Also interviewed are many of the original journalists who covered the case as well as Lorraine Warren who of course is red hot now thanks to THE CONJURING.


i have no doubt D.Lutz had these horrific experiences, but most of this film was lashing out at his stepfather. Not a scare or a "how or why did this happen" no answer just venting . an hour or so long therapy session. sorry i had high hopes for this, fell flat felt bit sorry for him, he childhood was so unstable poured over into his adult life it seems. hard to distinguish the truth from angry ravings. D Lutz seemed so overwhelmed by unresolved issues with his mother and stepfather it overshadowed his experiences in Amityville. Not too much about the haunting or why they actually left the house. revisiting with the original demonoligsts was pretty neat


I found this to be so annoying and nothing but nonsense. Daniel has the most annoying habit of being so menacing and trying so hard to make everyone look at him throughout. He sounds like he just didn't like his stepfather and could not be happier in making him look as bad as possible. Everyone in this "documentary" looks like they are just out for the attention with the exception of the last psychologist who pegged him exactly...he was a bad kid looking for attention.He makes sure throughout too show his guitar playing talent which has little or nothing to do with anything...and Lorraine Warren had nerve chastising the crew who said they didn't believe in God...that is their right just like it was his right to bring up all this past garbage to keep himself relevant...exactly how much did he get paid? Marv Scott was also on the money...they were there with an entire crew and saw nothing...would like too know who approached who in making this. Especially love how he won't take a lie detector at the end...and gets in the face of the crew member who asked him to...again with the menacing garbage...this guy is such a tool

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