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Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

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Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group, which were born out of the historical Round Table groups first set up by Cecil Rhodes. The film traces the lineage of the evolution of global governance from Samuel Zane Batten’s 1919 manifesto New World Order, through to Hitler’s vision of a 1000 year Reich, to the modern incarnation of the conspiracy which has its roots in the evil deeds of people like George H. W. Bush, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 6.9
Studio : InfoWars, 
Crew : Graphic Designer,  Graphic Designer, 
Cast : G. Edward Griffin John F. Kennedy Peter Dale Scott
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Alex Jones



It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


Alex Jones is an agent of British intelligence whose mission is to create his own monopoly in the 9/11 truth movement and wreck it from the inside. He's discrediting calls for independence with his manipulations and obnoxious behavior. Sending in deceiving and ranting characters is one of the most common ploys by the British propaganda machine. He's misleading his listeners and filling their heads with deceptions and half-truths. He's leading them into the wilderness where they act like useless conspiracy theorists instead of doing anything against the British and the financiers. He's closely linked to the British and he surrounds himself with anti-American characters. He's opposing progress and anyone who stands up for the American state. He's fooling millions of people while the financiers and the City of London are wrecking the American economy and the American state. He's ranting against a "New World Order" while in practice fully supporting the plans of the London-based oligarchy. And he farts on air.Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy were killed by British special-forces. The CIA is a branch of British intelligence. Allen Dulles worked with the British for decades. After World War II the British captured key positions in the United States and launched an information war to continue dominating the world.


There was a time several years ago when I listened to what Alex Jones had to say. I watched his show for only a few months, and I didn't really take him seriously. But he was somewhat entertaining and I thought that maybe he's an independent radio host. That was before I found out what a manipulating, deceiving, money-hungry and obnoxious crook he is. He began to reveal his true loyalties several months before the 2012 Presidential Campaign. His ties to the Republican Party go way back, but then he proclaimed that he's a Libertarian. He was speaking in favor of Ron Paul. He said that he had dinner with Ron Paul. He was doing what Ron Paul told him to do. And then he began to speak in favor of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney lost the election and Ron Paul was revealed to be a crook and a close ally of Romney. In short, it became obvious that Alex Jones is a tool of the Republican Party. Maybe he's also an establishment tool but I'm not entirely sure is he has direct ties to the American oligarchy.There are 3 important things that people should know about this army of Libertarians that suddenly appeared out of nowhere a few years ago. I guess it's not a coincidence that they became active when the Republicans didn't have someone in the White House. Firstly, Libertarians are politically useless since they're controlled opposition. Secondly, they attack and silence anyone who disagrees with them even though they say that they're "freedom lovers." Thirdly, they spend almost all of their time lying about history and the economy. Their rhetoric is no different from the establishment line because all they do is lie about the Soviet Union, progressive American politicians, and how low wages and the absence of social benefits is a good thing. It's also no secret that most Libertarians are Southerners. In other words, they promote the irrational and discredited theories of conservative nobodies like Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Karl Popper and Ayn Rand. Sometimes they even go as far as saying that Reaganomics was good. So, who are the Libertarians and why do they hate the "govment" so much? They're tools of monopoly capitalism. They want to get rid of the imagined tyranny of government and replace it with the tyranny of uncontrolled crooked capitalism. And the market that they talk about doesn't even exist. In his books historian Carroll Quigley described people like this as products of irrationality typical of an Age of Conflict in the life of a civilization. They're controlled opposition and their leaders are supported and funded by the oligarchy. This is what I know. I also don't really care about them or what they do. I'm Canadian. I don't live in the United States. If they want to bring America to ruin that's fine with me.I don't know if you've noticed but the only thing Alex Jones has been doing for the last several years is attacking Barack Obama. And yet he claims that he's fighting against a "New World Order." In reality his whole show is centered around attacking the Democrat Obama. Alex Jones is a parasite and a crook. He was denounced by Jack Blood and attacked by Jeff Rense. There's no such thing as a New World Order. There's a mafia of financial and monopoly capitalists in the West that does have an agenda. Alex Jones, however, isn't good at revealing this agenda. The thing that the capitalists care most about is preserving their wealth, status and power. I feel sorry for America if Jones is one of the prominent voices in the "alternative media." America is a police state that's teeming with brainwashed conservatives and fascists. There are very few independent and reasonable voices in America.

Nick Solari

What this film does is cover the who's who of the NWO, not your typical they did this on that day conspiracy flick. it lays out the structure of the ruling "society" or "elite". What roles they play on paper and how they may tie into certain "theories" being passed along the web. What you will learn from this film is that there have been a secretive cabal, a tight knit group that managed to usurp power in 1913 and have held a firm grip generation after generation through carefully planned schemes and power-plays that are carried out on the world stage for the media to spin into some fancy fairytale of destruction and fear. VERY INFORMATIVE. Grab your popcorn, get cozy, you're in for a treat.

Kerry Corn

I've now viewed this film a couple of times. First thing that I'm impressed by is the film makers willingness to discuss his own background. The film itself is very well produced, with slick graphics and well done voice over narration done by the film maker himself. The info itself is provided, not really by the film maker himself, but by the people who have been pushing by force and subterfuge into world government.The information provided is invaluable, the video well done and I enjoyed it greatly. When you watch this film, bring a notepad with you and do your own research!

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