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How To Operate Your Brain

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How To Operate Your Brain

How to Operate Your Brain, is a 29 minute, guided, electronic (spoken/musical) meditation. In it, Dr. Leary tries to impart to the listener essential aspects of his visionary LSD experiences. While it may have been intended for use with drugs to provide some of the positive "set" and "setting" that he saw as essential for a good "trip", it stands alone as a profound, guided meditation. In it, you will hear some of the central, sacred principles of Yoism.

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Release : 1994
Rating : 8.2
Studio : Retinalogic,  Tapeworm Video Distributors, 
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast : Timothy Leary
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Simply A Masterpiece


Good concept, poorly executed.


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

Graeme Kilshaw (EduCube)

When we learn to unlearn our conditioned ways of thinking, we begin to discover how wrong humanity has been in the past, and how right we can become if we change in the present moment and evolve into a digital future. This video inspires an evolution in consciousness, catalysing changes in the mind, opening up the possibility for a global language of light to emerge, the language of the friendship cube. A new language is developing, a language of photons, of light waves… light waves representing thought forms… ideas travelling around the world creating solutions. We live in a global nexus of ideas and the portal into a digital future, a future of visual binary communication, that portal is the friendship cube. And the cube is our companion in this evolution of consciousness. After a certain stage, we will be thinking in binary code, and we will be capable of uploading visual binary neuro-signals to computers… possibly even extending human memories into databases that can be carried by robotic bodies. The possibility for trans-humanism and cybernetic consciousness exists as a result of the friendship cube and the technology of visual binary communication. I look forward to the day when I communicate using visual binary light signals. Speaking in sound will no longer be necessary when we evolve into space-born, light beings. This evolutionary re-birth for humanity is a long-prophesied day that I hope to live myself, and maybe even meet the ghost of Timothy Leary in that new world.


A trippy guide about how to get rid of the control of society, capitalism, consumerism, and generally from the oppression of authority by enhancing chaos in your own mind.If you expect some sort of Hollywood cliché movie, then please do NOT watch this. Go instead for some Superman, or Die Hard movie, those can be really exciting, and you will not need to think much about them. However if you want to BREAK FREE from the oppression of your soul by deeply thinking, enhancing altered states of the mind, then this is a really good start. If you read about the life of Leary, you will see that he was always a rebel, a freelancer researcher, a spiritual guide, and a student of the whole Universe. This short movie will not give you final answers, it is rather a thought provoking tool that one can use.


This video is obviously intended to be viewed by a select crowd that is interested in self awareness via not only "normal" means but, via alternative avenues as well. The video came out during the "Cyber-Punk" / Rave movement and is Fantastic if viewed under the right conditions. Those who possess the sheep mentality will not likely understand the concept of this video.Every metaphor approximating the visionary experience is optical: illumination, revelation, insight, perspective, reflection. This video works from that perspective. The human brain is starved for electronic stimulation; the human brain is addicted to light. The brain is designed to design realities.


This is a very unusual movie, if you can call it that. The whole thing is Timothy Leary telling the viewer over and over to think for your self and to question authority. All the while, weird spiraling lights and flashing images are being mixed in with Timothy Leary's hypnotizing words. It is like some kind of reverse brain washing video. It almost has the affect of a mild drug, and would probably intensify any consumed drug. All in all, I would recommend this movie. Although it is unusual, to say the least, some of the things said actually make sense. In fact, if you do come across a copy, let everyone you know see it.It may change their life... or, just waste a half an hour of it.

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