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We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook

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We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook

A documentary promoting the theory alleging that the Sandy Hook incident was a hoax designed to increase popular support for gun control.

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Release : 2014
Rating : 6.1
Studio : Tyranny News Network, 
Crew : Director,  Editor, 
Cast : Mike Huckabee
Genre : Fantasy Comedy

Cast List

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Scarlett Lewis



As Good As It Gets


A Masterpiece!


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


The same crowd that brought you the staged moon landing, alien autopsy, the illuminati, and countless other deranged conspiracy theories now turn their feeble minds to one of the greatest tragedies of our time - the slaughter of small children by a violent misfit at a school in Connecticut. NRA money is probably behind this, but it's hard to believe anyone is low enough to support this kind of second assault on the fragile young lives that were taken that day. It reminds me of the line by Welch during the McCarthy hearings, "At lost last senator, have you no shame?"

Cole Knight

This was an amazingly well done documentary. Several people that I know and talk to regularly participated in making this Documentary. Bringing this discussion to the light of day was simply a must. In this day in age we should have learned by now Question EVERYTHING. Usually things are NOT as they seem and Organizations, People, Governments and the 1%'ers are Literally Getting away with Murder. Such tactics have been documented throughout history by many civilizations and Governments, Armies etc, Just so that our beliefs can be manipulated in such a way to guide our Civilization on a path that does NOT have our best interest at heart. 1000 Stars for this one. A must see, watch, research, watch again and spread the word that you have learned one of the most shocking, disturbing False Flag to have taken place this Decade. Remember again- Do Not Trust the Narrative, Question Everything... Gun Control is only the beginning to Population Control. Remember Hitler's Regime? There are huge similarities to the Obama Administration.


I began researching this SH project in Jan 2013 after reading professor James Tracy's blog, The Memory Hole all it took to convince me something was wrong was the piece he did where he simply put up the press conference of the Chief State Medical Examiner of Connecticut. No professional unless drugged or under a gag order would act like that. I mean, really? What coroner laughs throughout a press conference involving 28 deaths including the shooter and his mother. A father who never comes forward to offer a public apology, no press anywhere in the universe wants to interview this man? That is absurd! They spoke with John Hinkley's parents, Jeffery Dalmer's Ted Bundy's every serial killer they have interviewed the parents to get insight into the mind of a serial killer but for some reason, no journalist is interested, not even Oprah. This is so unnatural it causes one to suspend their reality to believe one second of this garbage. Good job for bringing this to America's much needed attention. We are losing our country, can't this be evident to everyone by now?


I want to thank all the producers for the time and dedication. This documentary is very well made, it contains a wealth of information and it all can be verified on the internet. There is absolutely no speculation, just facts. Just give it 2 hours of your life and you will be amazed. It may be shocking to find out that everything you knew and believed about the government is a complete lie. That we live in times where elaborate hoaxes with paid actors and complicit media is the norm. This documentary will change the perception of how people think and will start questioning the official story not only of Sandy Hook, but many other false flag events and government psychological operations such as the JFK assassination, 9/11, Boston Marathon Bombing, chem trails, Aurora theater shooting, and many others.

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