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Being Ginger

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Being Ginger

The story of one redhead's attempt to regain his self-confidence.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 6
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Thanks for the memories!


Highly Overrated But Still Good


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.


Hi this evening I watched the above film 'being ginger', I arrived back from work and found myself scanning through Netflix having watched most of the decent films it has to offer when I came across this intriguing summery. I found the film and the life of the main character really interesting and his journey to find someone and find out more about himself entertaining. The film has many comical and uplifting scenes. If your into documentaries and are up for a laugh then I'm sure you will enjoy this one :)


This movie really opened my eyes. I have never witnessed ginger-ism personally, but as an adult have heard of it. I figured it was playful, not serious, maybe a little harsh but overall not meant to be taken seriously. Clearly I was mistaken. I was actually quite angry while watching this film, in parts. Any movie that can get such a strong emotional response, I consider to have done its job well. Incidentally, I am married to "a ginger" and my daughter's boyfriend is "a ginger." I think these two gentlemen are completely adorable and find them quite attractive. And before now I have never used the term "ginger" in this context. So overall, this movie revealed to me something I did not know about the world I live in ... that you can still single out people with a certain physical characteristic, treat them in a way that might crush self-confidence and even create self-loathing, and you're going to get away with it! How awful. I am grateful that this movie helped me see this in a more serious light so I can be sensitive about it and not unwittingly let this vicious behavior go by without an appropriate response from me.


Being Ginger is a surprising, revealing and somewhat touching look at the world through one man's strong point of view. It is told through the eyes of a ginger, which in Great Britain, means a redhead. The documentary action moves quickly while still offering an in-depth exploration of the subject matter. It covers universal themes of bullying, the search for romance and the need to fit in. The filmmaker refuses to spare himself the same rigorous examination he gives others which leads his audience to alternate between moments of nail-biting suspense, disbelief that someone really said that and cheering for him. I enjoyed watching the filmmaker get to know his awkwardly needy inner child, the same one we all meet, when we attempt to grow up and discover our own identity.


So many missed opportunities in this documentary to really explore what it means to identify as a 'ginger' .. or a 'red head'. I empathised initially with the documentary maker and felt saddened that he had such a negative experience at school and subsequently such a negative perception of him self. It was sad to see that he attributed all of his difficulties to the fact that he had red hair .... The documentary maker did not explore experiences of being a red head outside of his own personal experiences. I am a red head, my older brother is a red head... he has always attracted attention from the opposite sex and has never struggled socially. My younger brother however is blonde, he was terribly bullied at school and struggled for many years to feel comfortable in his own skin. My point being that resilience is everything, the issues discussed in this documentary could not be entirely explained by the fact that this person had red hair... There were many red headed interviewed who demonstrated that. The comments about not dating girls with red hair shone a light on his own prejudice and quite honestly I lost patience when he said he felt sorry for ginger children. The documentary perpetuated negative stereotypes throughout with a realisation at the end that actually 'what a shock' gingers can be attractive... I wish the documentary maker well and hope he is better placed if ever he follows up on the documentary to explore more personal accounts from the vast and beautiful population of red heads and hopefully delivers a more representative account of individual experiences.

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