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The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm

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The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm

In the early 1990s the property was bought on contract by Herb Baumeister, a local business owner and family man. Although never brought to trial, he was the prime suspect in the disappearance of a number of individuals from the Midwest through two decades. Over a six-month period, six paranormal investigation teams,including psychics, a demonologist, EVP and visual specialists,investigated an 18-acre estate in Westfield, Indiana known as Fox Hollow Farm.

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Release : 2011
Rating : 3.4
Studio : Vizmo Films, 
Crew : Cinematography,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Admirable film.


A Masterpiece!


A story that's too fascinating to pass by...


The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.


Advertised as a documentary this is an hour long feature about real life killer Herb Baumeister.The first half gives you a background of Baumeister and the murders committed, the second turns to a night vision filled paranormal investigation much like Most Haunted (2002).The trouble is I don't believe any of it. Though it's supposed to be a real documentary it all felt very contrived. And the second half, well alike Most Haunted I believe it's a combination of fake & desperation.I simply couldn't take this seriously as a documentary and from a movie standpoint it's not even on the scale.Boring, lifeless, faux documentary about subject matter that deserves real attention.The Good: Based on an interesting true story The Bad: Many interview segments are repeated I doubt every single seconds authenticity More ghost hunter nonsense Things I Learnt From This Movie: Native American Shamans also come in white


The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm (2011)** (out of 4) Director Dan T. Hall takes us to one of the most haunted areas in Indiana. This property was formerly owned by a serial killer and many people claim that his victims still haunt the land. A group of psychics and paranormal investigators visit the property in hopes of discovering who exactly is there.THE HAUNTING OF FOX HOLLOW FARM is pretty typical for the current trend of ghost hunter type programs. This documentary clocks in at 67-minutes and gives us a brief history of the serial killer and then we get into the actual hauntings. For the most part none of what we see is all that creepy and perhaps it's just me but all the EVP stuff is just rather silly and usually makes me laugh more than anything else. It's not just this documentary but whenever I see people using the EVP to capture voices it just makes me roll my eyes because I personally can't hear anything yet these people use it to hear all sorts of words and phrases. There's nothing overly bad with this documentary but at the same time there's nothing good either.


This documentary about a haunted remote rural estate where a series of horrible murders occurred has an engrossing premise, but alas director Dan T. Hall doesn't focus enough on any specific aspect of said premise and jumps around way too much to the point where it gets pretty annoying after a while. Moreover, the barely over an hour running time proves to be another serious problem; this movie would have benefited from a longer running time in order to explore the subject matter in a more through and illuminating manner. Hall's overly flashy style rates as another major flaw; it draws way too much attention to itself and makes the attempts at milking the inherent creepiness of the premise seem really forced and heavy handed as well as more than a little tasteless (the use of stark black and white for certain segments in particular not only comes across as both self-conscious and unnecessary, but also qualifies as a distinctly questionable tacky embellishment that compromises the integrity of the film itself). As it is, it's so-so, but given the subject matter this documentary could (and should) have been much better.


The Haunting was very much in the style of those paranormal investigator type/haunted building shows on Discovery, although it felt as if they tried a little too hard to simulate that experience. . The pacing dragged a bit, and the constant cuts were aggravating to say the least. Especially when it was evident that nothing was going on to justify such an editing technique. If they didn't go so over the top with the editing and adding creepy sound effects or manipulating voices this could have been a solid documentary but those elements really detracted from the film overall. Luckily the story was engaging enough to justify sitting through the whole thing and the testimonies that witnesses and experts told were pretty fascinating to hear. I just wish they didn't try so hard with some of the edits.

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