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FrackNation is a feature documentary that aims to address what the filmmakers say is misinformation about the process of hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 5.8
Studio : Ann and Phelim Media, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast : Phelim McAleer
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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The Worst Film Ever


best movie i've ever seen.


A Masterpiece!


This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


I found this movie very informative. Also I have discussed this issue of horizontal fracking and they say there is no issue. Problems if any are isolated cases. Ranch owners in Kansas, Texas and Bakken all have made big money as they got millions of dollar to give permit to oil companies to drill for shale oil/gas. UI think folks in Delaware and NY are misguided. They are losing an opportunity to make big bucks. Also considering that today most Agricultural and farm products are not very profitable due to falling prices and due to Big AG and Big farm cutting their profits they would do well to allow drilling. They are losing an opportunity to make big bucks. Also considering that today most Agriculturla and farmproducts are not very profitable due to flling prices they would do well to alow drilling


Do you think environmentalists are peaceful, earth-loving guys trying to create a better place to live? Well, you're dead-wrong, and this guy proves it! To anyone who says he was paid off by oil companies, he wasn't, that's silly and he would have been caught by now if this were a true fact. These reviews are coming from the environmentalists who are too scared to face the truth. And like this guy has had, gun threats, questioning environmentalists, I've had it happen, too. I litter on purpose and spray chemicals on my lawn and toss dead batteries in the woods. When an environmentalist catches me, do they work out a peaceful compromise? No, they threaten, bring up that they're planning supposed murder and then lecture as if they're geniuses! Why is this? Because they're scared to admit that there's a possibility they could be wrong. And I'm not the only one out there who loves pollution and hates the environment, there are other people like me. This guy isn't an earth-hater like I am, he just wanted the truth and questioned a boatload of know-it-alls who turn out to maybe not know what they think they know. It was unbiased and factual and I'm pretty disgusted to see so many reviewers who are so narrow-minded to not even give this great documentary a chance. Watch it, you might learn something.

Teh Pwn

Say what you want about Gasland and similar movies, but they don't keep the viewer "entertained" with just one example and a poor one at that as to why the message that the director wants to pass on is the right one. Phelim here on the other hand probably had to put all of his "journalistic" skills he could muster to find this one case where the water quality was questionable, and "prove" it is wrong. Well Phelim this may come as no surprise to you but may be of interest to others, but some states have outlawed MDs to even TALK about harmful tracking chemicals so why even bother. But ol'Phelim will just keep on poking with that oil and gas dollar funded stick of his at that ONE example he had in the whole movie where the water quality can be questioned. Fact of the matter is that the oil (and especially gas) industry in the States has been deliberately de-regulated to a bare minimum level of safety so that the extremely expensive shale gas can be produced with a profit. Plus that the whole de-regulation was done by Bush jr who is not exactly a stranger to the hydrocarbon busyness. But no - that's not what Phelim wants to talk about.Instead he will bring up the ludicrous example of some "expert" saying we will have to build one 50-MW windmill per each woman and child just to have a bare minimum of energy.As with all poorly made propaga... I mean "documentaries" that don't understand the actual problems, and rather do character assassinations, Phelim here goes out on a rampage like some scientology PI trying to attack the witness any way possible.Also funny how many "reviews" here give this "documentary" top ratings. Paid off much? Oh well.Take it from somebody that looks at what is happening in the States trough the safety glasses of an oil worker in a country that actually does put safety before profits and actually knows how to turn a buck and not have a gazillion leaky casings, poor cement jobs and evaporation of produced water into the hot desert air, and actually can put the health of FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS before questionable ventures - you failed your HSE audit, and Phelim; looking forward for your next movie. I bet it will be one defending Blackwater and CIA covert ops in the mid east, explaining how this is good for the economy, creates jobs etc etc.


Read about the filmmakers' political history before accepting this pseudo-documentary at face value. "Not Evil, Just Wrong" (2009) gives climate science the same general treatment, and "Mine Your Own Business" (2006) downplays the risks of mining and chemical effluent.FrackNation continues the same right-wing theme of "Man can do no harm to nature," often based on Creationist ideology and a willfully weak understanding of science. The glowing IMDb reviews for this propaganda piece make me suspect shills were sent to bump up its ratings.Some of the biggest flaws in this film are: A) the claim that fracking of this type has been around for many decades, ignoring the much newer addition of horizontal drilling and mystery chemicals, B) the notion that cement well casings will always be poured perfectly and maintain their integrity indefinitely (casing failures can exceed 6% early on), C) the lies about methane never being disturbed by fracking, as if it must already exist in the water table beforehand, D) the dismissal of physical impacts on the land and airborne fumes from wellheads, E) trivialization of massive water usage, with billions of gallons PERMANENTLY LOST from the fresh water supply via injection wells which are also prone to toxic leaks and sinkhole formation, plus poorly treated wastewater that ends up in ponds and rivers.The general tone of this pseudo-documentary is to sneer at environmentalism via the appeal of "heartland" folk who are often poorly educated science-deniers. Being "down to earth" doesn't make one a fracking expert, and money buys opinions when one's land becomes valuable. This film seems to have been made largely as an attack on "Gasland" (a partly biased film) but this one contains far more slick propaganda, for example never quite admitting that fracking DID contaminate water in Dimock PA and other towns. The sheer number of gas wells in progress assures more contamination via statistical odds.Fracking may not be 100% bad, but I'd rather err on the side of known risks than pretend it causes no harm. People who claim this film is "balanced" are being very devious.Look up search terms like "methane migration" and "wastewater disposal" in conjunction with fracking. Claiming that it's a benign process is akin to government assurances about "safe" radioactive fallout from old nuclear tests (note that fracking wells can also bring up radioactivity from deep in the earth). Concerns about fracking must not be marginalized for the sake of money and continued energy gluttony.

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