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Dark Legacy

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Dark Legacy

The death of John Kennedy is viewed through another angle in this conspiracy-themed film defending the theory that George Herbert Walker Bush was a key player in all aspects of the assassination of American president John F. Kennedy.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 6.4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Editor, 
Cast : Peter Jennings John F. Kennedy Herbert Hoover George H.W. Bush
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Pretty Good


Fresh and Exciting


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I've learned from watching pivotal events unfold over the years, that initial testimony from people at the scene before an official narrative can be spun and all the messy details from initial accounts can be synthesized into corroborating official details can later prove invaluable for those interested later in revisiting the events of a given day and poking holes in said narrative. For example, when reporters on the scene on the morning of 9/11 got all these eyewitness accounts describing a series of explosions right before the twin towers came down OR when BBC reporter Jane Standley talked on the air later in the afternoon about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building (Building 7) on BBC Worldwide a whole twenty minutes before it actually collapsed - a clip since removed on copyright grounds - such tidbits, I am sure, made people like Webster Tarpley, author of "George Bush: the unauthorized biography" and later "9/11: synthetic terror" go, "wait, WHAT?!" and delve further.The first part of this documentary has some great clips of just this kind of unfiltered initial testimony of people doing their jobs on the scene that day in Dallas and initial tidbits not adding up that similarly make anyone paying attention question the established official JFK narrative that's been put forth for over half a century. That George Bush can be plausibly linked to the JFK cover-up is all the more interesting because he can also be plausibly linked to the planning of 9/11 (Tarpley's "9/11: synthetic terror" makes a good case for a Bush/Cheney 9/11 connection) and the planning of the assassination attempt on Reagan (see below).Having said that, after the documentary presents people-on-the-scene testimony from the JFK era - many of which I hadn't seen before - it then goes into the chart-on-the-wall territory linking Bush Sr.'s portrait to E. Howard Hunt's portrait, etc, etc in the same way that made my eyes glaze over watching Glenn Beck on the Blaze back in the day discussing the nefarious deeds of and all the links between Bill Ayers, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Saul Alinsky, George Soros, and the rest of Obama's crowd drawn from the Chicago machine, academia, and the global establishment.Despite that, this documentary did manage to present some interesting facts I wasn't aware of like Zapata Petroleum putting Bush Sr. right in the middle of the Caribean where he could have been involved in anti-Castro operations in the '60's like the Bay of Pigs invasion code-named - what else? - Operation Zapata or businessman George de Mohrenschildt turning up dead in '77 with a self-inflicted gunshot wound right before he was to meet with an investigator from the House Select Committee on Assassinations to discuss the JFK case. I didn't realize anyone (besides Lee Harvey Oswald of course) from the JFK era was silenced that way. This bore an interesting resemblance to Gary Webb's "suicide" by two shots in the head after going public about the CIA's alleged role in the cocaine trade during Iran-Contra era (Bush again?) and portends the "whistleblowers beware" era we're so familiar with today exemplified in the Michael Hastings case where his Mercedes C250 ran into a tree and blew up sending the engine block flying several hundred yards behind the car right before he was to go public with some dirt he had on the CIA. (Remember all those engine blocks ejected from cars crashing into walls shown in those "You could learn a lot from a dummy" TV ads in the 80's and 90's? I don't either but recreating Hastings' accident to see if an engine could be made to eject like that would've made a great Mythbusters series finale.)What I was hoping for from this documentary but didn't get was more time devoted to discussing Bush Sr.'s pre-9/11 connections - his business ties to the bin Laden family going back to the 1970's (Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founding Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas, In 1978 acc. to the Denver Post article, "Bush ties to bin Laden haunt grim anniversary") or the Bush's pre-Reagan assassination connection with would-be assassin John Hinckley, Jr.'s, family ("Bush's son was to dine tonight with suspect's brother" by Arthur Wiese and Margaret Downing, Houston Post ca. March 1981 which reads in part, "Scott Hinckley ... was to have been a dinner guest Tuesday night at the home of Neil Bush..." - is that why Nancy seemed to dislike the Bushes so much?) and other "weird Bush stuff" that could establish a pattern that if touched on here, after awhile, would make anyone stop and say, "wait, WHAT?!". It's like the whole "Clinton body count" phenomenon where suspicion unavoidably mounts with the sheer number of deaths of former Clinton associates that Snopes, Mother Jones, etc, have to explain away all the while their credibility with each new iteration of their broken-record narrative and also reducing the odds that all those freak accidents, suicides, and deadly burglaries were just random happenstances and that's what could've been shown here. I mean, if your neighbor's business name showed up in a failed government operation, you'd probably shrug your shoulders and think, "huh, that's random" but then if their son's friend's brother tried to kill a prominent public figure, you'd wrinkle your nose and think, "that's odd" and finally if your neighbor's business partner's brother blew up a building, at some point you'd probably begin to wonder about your neighbor and at least ask them about it especially if they were running for public office."JFK" is in this documentary's title so I shouldn't have expected this other "Weird Bush stuff" to be touched on but, still this documentary could've helped explain to the uninitiated why the Bush's family name is mud as far as those who are awake are concerned and why they likely won't be winning more races for prominent political office any time soon...


To Tcart...Watch the Video of Pres. Kennedy's car coming onto Elm St..just as it passes in front of the book depository , slow it down and you will see Oswald standing in the doorway next to a Black woman...while the rifle is seen sticking out the window.n Impossible to be in 2 places at once...THERE GOES YOUR OSWALD THEORY ! HE WAS A PATSY ! The KILL shot came from the front as the reaction of Kennedy's body shows.A body goes back when shot from the front !

Hingle McCringleberry

I don't know what to say. This 'documentary' is an absolute train wreck. I have seen cable access shows that were better produced and made more valid arguments. This 'documentary' proves the axiom that ANYONE can make a movie... Now, I won't spend a lot of time breaking down the hundreds of logical errors and giant holes in the logic presented in this film. There are two reasons for this. First, there are simply too many to address. Second, the 'logic' behind those errors is so discombobulated that I would first have to explain their twisted reasoning, then point out the flaws. It would simply take too long.I don't think this is really a spoiler but in a nutshell, this movie tries to tie the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to George Bush by tracing contacts all the way back to Adolph Hitler... Do I need to go any further??? The problem with every single point in this film is that IT PROVES NOTHING other than the fact certain people high in government positions might know one another... Even that is a stretch in some cases. George Bush was head of the CIA, OF COURSE HE NEW ALLEN DULLES... I mean, really???? How could he NOT know Allen Dulles????It is just silly beyond belief. The entire premise is that simply because people knew each other, they assassinated the president. It is the work of a person with POOR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS made for people with the same condition.Here is a short breakdown of who will like this movie. If you have any of the traits or conditions below, this movie is for you:1. You hate the Bush family and are willing to believe that every single thing that happens on the planet is their doing.2. You have poor critical thinking skills and tend to find correlation between people and events that don't exist because of your preconceived notions and thinking errors.3. You believe literally ANY conspiracy theory, no matter how false or dense.4. You have an associates degree in Sociology from any Community College in the United States.5. You are a heroin/meth/coke addict.6. You have suffered severe trauma to the head.7. You are mentally retarded.8. You smoke copious amounts of marijuana.Otherwise stay away from this cinematic turd......

#1 Movie Lover

'Dark Legacy' is a film that everyone interested in the Kennedy assassination and its circumstances should watch. It's on Netflix instant streaming, which greatly increases its accessibility.First of all, the film presented tons of pieces of evidence that prove JFK was probably murdered as the result of a conspiracy. It proves why the single-bullet theory is absolutely ridiculous. It uses government memos to prove the points it makes. Basically, it has more detail and convincing arguments than other works that try to do the same thing. The person who made the film claims that it proves the conspiracy's existence beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe so.Unfortunately though, even the most casual of viewers could tell that this is a low-budget film. There's nothing wrong with low-budget films, but this one had a couple of spelling mistakes (i.e. "Napoleon" being spelled "Napolean," and lack of punctuation in a crucial sentence (i.e. at one point it says, "Hoover knew that the Bushs were Nazis"). This is not good for a documentary, because it lowers the credibility.Also, I couldn't help but notice that some of the facts presented were biased after doing some research. #1: Allen Dulles actually was not a Nazi sympathizer. #2: Saying that Bay of Pigs was done without any of JFK's approval or foreknowledge is kind of misleading. #3: JFK's head moves forward a little before going back and to the left.Parts of this film are eye-opening, and much of it is good film-making. However, it's obviously low-budget and some of it is kind of biased. I guess I'd say the good kind of outweighs the bad.

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