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Fat Head

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Fat Head

A comedian replies to the "Super Size Me" crowd by losing weight on a fast-food diet while demonstrating that almost everything you think you know about the obesity "epidemic" and healthy eating is wrong.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 7
Studio : Middle Road Pictures,  Vine Street Pictures,  Ostrow & Company, 
Crew : Director,  Co-Producer, 
Cast : Tom Naughton Chareva Naughton Morgan Spurlock Gary Taubes
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


Congratulations Tom Naughton! You just led everyone whom has watched your documentary to believe that Fast Food is "OK"! I feel sorry for anyone without a sense of knowledge about nutrition and watched this show, taking away 'any' information from it.Not to say that I cant agree with certain information that is in the show, but you have to dig through with a fine tooth comb to grab what is useful. I'll face it any day of the week, Facts are strictly Facts. But when you only cut skin deep, the message here is land-slided that it its OK to eat Fast Food.Here's some useful facts for everyone. Calories-in vs. Calories-out = weight loss. Portion control with properly balanced macro-nutrients will result in a healthier lifestyle. And be prepared to increase your chances of "earlier death, cancer, heart disease, etc." or all of the above when you consume Processed foods, refined foods, enriched foods, or pesticides. Exercise or not.I like how he even mentions that Mexicans and African Americans are "genetically" predisposed to have higher BMI's... Its the American cultural diets that "genetically predispose" an individuals outcome. "How come African-Americans in Africa don't look like the African-Americans in America?" "Would a group of Obese Mexicans from America still be obese if they moved and lived in France for the rest of their lives?" (the answer is NO! Because it would be just plain silly to ship processed, fried, and refined foods from America) What a joke this documentary is... "waste of time and space"


This 'documentary' is not worthwhile. It's not funny or informative, or even enjoyable as a snide rebuttal to Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me. While both are ham-fisted and over-the-top at least Spurlock's was well produced.Naughton invokes a few straw men and takes poorly aimed shots. Initially he makes the point that maybe calories are more important than fat content, etc. in a reference to Spurlock eating 5000 calories a day. Daily intake of calories has been the yardstick of nutrition for about a century. One of the slides has the words 'rabid vegetarianism' which doesn't apply to Spurlock (he's not a vegetarian) or really anyone making the case that too many calories is bad.Tom Naughton is a comedian? He has no charisma, timing, or humor. He said something like 'I waited outside a McDonald's to see if someone would drag me in and force me to eat fast food. NO ONE DID.' Hurrr. Derp. The 'original music' in this film was funny, but not intentionally. It fit the rest of the production.

Floyd Maxwell

I like Morgan Spurlock and I liked Super Size Me. I wasn't expecting to like Fat Head. I certainly didn't expect to agree with it.Tom Naughton won me over. He makes a lot of good points. But first, let me say that there is no point in complaining about Tom's comedic style. Morgan has plenty of that as well. Let's judge both directors on their facts.Fat Head brings up important points about how Super Size Me presented information (or neglected to do so). FH also rips the government, and rightly so.Got me researching Glycemic Index/Load, backing up what I was taught as a child (Adelle Davis household).Well done, Tom. A worthy effort.


I found the video quite interesting but like my summary title says off topic and sometimes misleading. A lot of points he made or tried to get across in the video were his own opinions and not any type of proved facts with any ground to stand on. I wouldn't have a problem with this but he was trying to sell his opinions as they were facts. The video was way too long. The first 30 mins I was glued to the TV but from about 30 minutes - 1:15 I was just completely lost in all of the "scientific" ramp about lipids and cholesterol which did not tell me anything about fast-food or his diet. He never showed his actual meals for the day which was a big disappointment as isn't this what this whole documentary was supposed to be about? He only showed a quick flash of paper with his days total calorie intake and that was it. I also have a problem with the description of the video, as it states, 'he loses weight by eating fries'. Not one time while he was on the 'fast food diet' did I see him touch a french fry. He was quick to talk about and judge 'Supersize Me' and down that documentary but I found this individual being very contradictory in his comments. There just wasn't enough information or variables here on the particular diet he was on and all the supporting facts of the diet. Overall I feel it was a pretty bland, off-topic, self promoting documentary.

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