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Runaway Slave

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Runaway Slave

A perpetual state of welfare exists in the U.S., creating a form of modern slavery for a large percentage of African-Americans. Rev. C.L. Bryant presents an insightful and compelling look at how freedom can be restored.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 6.9
Studio :
Crew : Production Design,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Andrew Breitbart Herman Cain Thomas Sowell Glenn Beck Alveda King
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Must See Movie...


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.


I was really excited for this film, but having finally watched it, it was even better than I expected. This film does well in contrasting liberal (aka progressive/Democrat) history and today with conservatives, showing how we have commonality's together, but one side is not for our good, but especially for the good of the black community.Slavery still exists in America.... Democrats are now doing it through government and the demonization of others, rather than being direct about it, but they are still the same racists and slavers as before.Just look at some of the negative reviews, instead of debunking anything in the video, because they can't, because everything in it is true, they try to stop you from watching it by who did the video. First, that shows how they clearly haven't watched the movie, but second it shows that it's all liberals have, personal attacks, no substance, no facts, no truth, and no morality.This video, along with the new one "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party" should be a must see in every school, and by every American. Good people need to see how they have been lied to, how they are being controlled, how they are being enslaved.


Funded by Karl Rove's (Byrant's civil right hero) Freedom Works this movie proves that some AfroAmericans can be as political deluded as anyone else. This movie contains all the hyperbole, meme and stereotyping and distortions that Tea Partyers love and progressives shrug their shoulders at. To hear AfroAmericans defend and glorify slavery and accuse the civil rights movement as a slavery creator was distressing. Abortion, civil rights, democrats and welfare are the new slave masters according to the movie. This is the movie Neocon/Tea'ers love and will love because it has all the hyperbole and hand washing they desire: See I told ya it wasn't discriminatory practices, poor education and poverty holding down the negros p, it's themselves.


First off, it's obvious that Liane Blanco hasn't watched this. It's ironic that they use the word "VOMIT" in the review when all they did was regurgitate the information listed about the movie. Second, It's fairly clear that zxzx4 hasn't watched this either and it's almost comical that they say it's "insulting to minorities" when the vast majority of the opinions and facts are offered by blacks. Are you saying that they are insulting themselves? Regardless, based on your review, you didn't watch this. As far as PezzHead232's review, do you not see the lack of logic to complain about who funded this yet you don't seem to care about who funded the anti Koch Bros propaganda you're talking about? Talk about a lack of intellectual honesty.This film is about the destruction of the black family in America since the 1960's that has been perpetrated by the progressives in a small part by the republican party but mainly in the democrat party. It is very informative and taps some of the greatest conservative black minds this country has to offer. If anyone has a clue as to what is going on in black America, it's CL Bryant. This film discusses what is wrong in the black community and how it can be changed and is definitely worth watching. I rated this a 9 out of 10 because I feel it could have done without some of the filler cinematography and still made it's point.


First of all, Glenn Beck plays a minor role in this movie. He is shown in a few video clips, but so are many leaders of different races and opinions. I don't understand why some people think he plays a bigger part. This movie tells the story of C.L. Bryant and follows him as he searches through history and talks with people from all walks of life to discover why people seem to be sold out to a political party that may not even represent their point of view. I saw this movie in the theater and bought it to watch again at home with my children. I do not see it as promoting a political agenda. I believe the message is to refuse to let your vote be taken for granted. Instead of casting a ballot for a candidate simply because they are on a political ticket that your Mama always voted for, take time to learn about the issues and see who will best represent you in office. This is a good lesson for us all.

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