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For hundreds of years, Africa has existed in a state of despair. Famine, civil wars and rampant disease have left the continent without hope, but for the efforts of Western do-gooders. At first, they arrived with food, bibles and the magic of penicillin; more recently they have hosted rock concerts and sent plane loads of grain. And in the last decade of the 20th century they arrived and took babies home with them. First there was Angelina, then Madonna, and now...Pauly Shore! The film builds its comedy foundation on the international interest in Celebrity Adoptions, and the debate that surrounds these transactions on both sides of the Atlantic. Sometimes politically incorrect and never scared to tread on manicured toes.

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Release : 2009
Rating : 4.3
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast : Pauly Shore Cindy Gold
Genre : Comedy Documentary

Cast List



Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

zif ofoz

first let me admit - i've always liked pauly shore. when i saw this movie i grabbed it because he seemed to have become another comedian lost to the horizon."adopted" is very engaging and i found myself actually liking the character he plays, even though the character is totally unfit to be a father. he places himself into bizarre but extremely humorous situations. all the while never realizing he's making a fool of himself. the child actors are perfect in their roles and i adored their self-assurance with this weird man looking to adopt.made as a reality/mockumentary the film is finely edited and pauly shore should have received a great deal more publicity for this'll enjoy it!

Steve Pulaski

Adopted is not only a movie spoofing the recent celebrity fad, but it also proves that Pauly Shore can take a super serious topic like adoption in another country and turn it into a hilarious adventure. The film tells the story of how Pauly Shore travels to Africa to adopt a child that he has wanted for a long time. While trying to accomplish what he thinks is a simple goal, is actually more trouble than he had bargained for. And here comes a ninety minute doc-mockumentary about it.Adopted is very similar to Pauly's 2004 mockumentary Pauly Shore is Dead where the actor himself fakes his own death, and becomes the genius that died before his time. The film takes on the role of being serious, when it's really one big joke on the audience and the people around Pauly in the film. It could almost be compared to Bruno where the lead character is just minding his own business, acting normal, and the people around him notice he has a screw loose.Pauly Shore, like I said, doesn't have too much luck trying to adopt a kid. He looks into adopting an African youth named Odwa, who is just like a younger, hyper version of Pauly Shore. They seem to like each other, but Pauly's goal is to meet as many kids as he can before making a final decision. He meets two other children in the mix as well before coming to a consensus.There is not a whole lot to say about this film, which is why mockumentaries make short reviews. There isn't a whole lot of plot, or important things to mention even when the film was good. You can clearly see Pauly is trying to win back old fans by acting like his crazy self. The flaw with that his he's in his early forties. He's running out of gas much like Tom Green. Not to say he's not still funny, he just doesn't compare to the nineties Pauly everyone knows and loves.Adopted isn't perfect, but it's nice just to see a classic actor back doing his thing - making people (like me) laugh.Directed by and Starring: Pauly Shore.


Adopted is not a cheap knockoff. Adopted was in the works before Borat was, thus the brief discussion in 2009 of Shore suing Baron Cohen since Shore's project came first (though this was later said to be to "mess with people" without any actual intention of suing).The movie bluntly addresses some very sensitive topics; however, the intention is not merely to "shock." I believe Shore achieves his goals to: expand his audience's views of his range as an actor, director, producer, writer; illuminate the hypocrisy of individuals who attempt to help a continent by removing its children rather than sending support; and finally to create a funny and thoughtful piece that allows the viewer to consider what is real and what is scripted.


"The events in this film are entirely fictitious…" and if you didn't figure that out before the end credits rolled, irony is clearly not your thing. You're awesome. Good job.Since he introduced the The Weasel in the 80s, Pauly Shore's brand of comedy has been childish and unsophisticated; make no mistake, Adopted is no exception. But for the first time in his career, his objective seems to be sincere. Pauly draws attention to some heavy subject matter, while poking fun at the ridiculousness of celebrity, and pointing out the general lack of knowledge and superior attitude that too many people have towards adoption in Africa. I wouldn't go so far as to say Pauly is all grown-up – the fourteen-year old part of me will mourn the day that he does – but he has definitely found an interesting way to reconnect with his now all-grown-up audience.Not unlike the crude, satirical style of Sacha Baron Cohen, Pauly Shore's sense of humor can be… tricky, but the message is that you CAN be aware and be sensitive and find a way to laugh all at the same time. And after all these years, he still makes me laugh.

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