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The Weight of Chains

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The Weight of Chains

The Weight of Chains is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics. This film also presents positive stories from the Yugoslav wars - people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 8.1
Studio : Malagurski Cinema, 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Michael Parenti
Genre : History Documentary

Cast List

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Too much of everything


Good movie but grossly overrated


I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.

Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

Kako Je U Kraju

Yugoslavia, until Broz died, was a world giant. Pretty much everyone wanted to burry it. And they made it. This movie speaks about that. First hour is about 90's war, the second is describing the situation as it is was until a few years ago(and be sure that it is even worse now). First hour, like I've said, is about that war. Talking about the war battles, it's just a bit described. Watching this film, you would actually said that Croatia and Tudjman were the worst between trio - Cro;BiH;Ser, neutral person would concluded it. All in all, I would say that the Serbian actions were not that much described, except of Srebrenica. Everyone were been involved in this war, all of these 3 countries. Statistically looking, Bosnia lost the biggest number of civilians; Serbia and Croatia were the aggressors. But each country has lost so many people in the war - civilians, soldiers, everyone. And because of that I can't determine one country as a completely evil, because that would be so damn wrong and unfair. But the western propaganda made Serbia as a demonic seed. In the film it's a well described.After watching this movie you will conclude who organized Yugoslavian war (and if you are completely objective and your IQ isn't below average). So, the first hour of the movie is what I don't like. War situations aren't completely described and some of the Serbian army crimes and negativities are skipped (and I don't know if this is important enough to be in the movie, but contacts that Radovan Karadzic had with USA, after they tricked him, also weren't mentioned). But if you were watching it carefully, you would understand that nobody blames people in this movie. They are explaining why the war started, talking about an awful president which didn't care about the people and that had a wrong ideals + they were watching their own interests. And, first hour is describing how brilliant plan USA were making. Just imagine how good place the world would have been if the USA wanted to make a truly democracy, a truly world peace, equality between the people and eliminating the truly evil from the world. We surely wouldn't needed a films like this one nowadays...Second part of the movie is a much, much better. It's describing a modern situation all over the countries of the former Jugoslavija. You can see what the USA and powerful western countries did, and how large their benefits and profite now are. I don't need to say anything more about this, just watch.If anyone is giving a negative voice, it is just because of the first hour(which actually isn't bad and unrealistic at all). Film is saying about the true, some details are missing but everything at this movie is a completely true, every single detail. So, no single lie, as some people are saying. Anyway, just particular foreigner or some person who is so damn blinded with the hate of 90's, can give a crap voice to this movie. Serbia isn't a nacionalistic country, and idea of the ,,big Serbia'' don't exist. It actually never existed, it was just an illusion of a few people and that plan had never been an official idea. But those blind people are still using it as an argument against the Serbia(and this film), so I would describe them as ignorant, no offence. OK, believe that USA government is a heaven and that they were doing the best things for your countries in the 90's. But they weren't, it's a lie. You can see it now, you can see what your countries look like, and you will see it in a 20 years, it will be even worse(if they let us live, ofc). And one thing that I would suggested, when you will be watching this film, my recommendation is to first look at the last 15 minutes of the film. That's all.


From the beginning is obvious that this is biased "documentary"... You don't have to wait long to hear blatant lies. In first few minutes author glorifies first Yugoslavia as some great solution in which everyone was so happy and it was so sad it lived only until WWII... In fact it was great deception, and after promises of equality of all nations and constitutional monarchy, it turned out to be Serbian hegemony. On the first day of new state some Croats were killed on main square in Croatian capitol for protesting by Serbian army. 4 Croatian parliamentarians were killed in national parliament by some Serbian representative. After that, Serbian King proclaims dictatorship. After that he changes the name of the state from Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenians to Kingdom of Yugoslavia, with new motto "One nation, one King, one state." What to say, paradise for all... Author forgot to mention how loved was King. So much that he was assassinated...As to reasons for breakup of the second Yugoslavia, I can agree that economic troubles were one factor that contributed, but to say it was the sole reason is ridiculous. Something like that could say only someone that wasn't there, or someone who is crazy... Or just lying.Why doesn't author mention infamous "Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts" from 85/86? Or "organized spontaneity" that Milosevic used to abolish autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina? And same "yogurt revolution" approach in Montenegro?And there it is, plain and simple, main reason for breakup... Suddenly, Serbia has 4 automatic votes in Presidency. Other 4 Republics have 1 each. WHO would want to stay in such "equality"??????? Economy?!? Come on... In 89 Markovic even made famous reforms and stabilized Dinar, and situation was much better. And besides that, Yugoslavia was in much better position than rest of communist states of former Soviet block... Did Czech and Slovak's breakup violently?And claim that Serbs just wanted to protect parts of land where they were majority is like fairytale for little kids. We all remember famous cry "Where is one Serb, it is Serbia!". For example, I'm from Dubrovnik and I wonder where is Serbian majority there? Those Serbs in Dubrovnik I know were hiding in basements from "Peoples" army relentless shelling's, just like I did. What was the point of 10 days war in Slovenia? Who was protected there? Sibenik? Zadar? Vukovar? Sarajevo? Tuzla?....Why doesn't author admit what was Serbian story then? That they will stop only when they reach "Virovitica - Karlovac- Karlobag" line... That's all of Bosnia and 90% of Croatia.Author makes note that Croats acquired some weapons illegally, but forgets to mention that weapons of "territorial defense" which belonged to Croatia was illegally confiscated by Yugoslav Peoples Army and given to local Serbs who used it to start armed rebellion on 17. of August 1990. And he forgets to explain how suddenly peoples army which was multinational and had barracks in every corner of Yugoslavia, in just few days become purely Serbian?To be honest I watched first 45 minutes or so, couldn't stand it any more. Just another try to equalize guilt, with the spin this time... It's a world conspiracy, we couldn't do anything to stop it!Well, for sure every side is guilty of something, BUT guilt is not equal, and never will be, we all know it. We all know who started it, who was armed to the teeth and how many shells fell on Serbia until finally world and UN understood who is warmonger in ex Yugoslavia and bombed it silly.BTW, to see that here Izetbegovic is portrayed as the bad boy, the worst one, is simply hilarious. Poor guy didn't know what hit him, Slobo, Karadjic and co. on one side, and Tudjman, Mate Boban and co. on the other. "He wanted all..." Funny!If you look for objective story, look elsewhere...


If you are going to write a review, make sure you watch the entire movie before doing that. Don't just watch first 20 mins or up to the point you cannot agree with and jump straight to the guns. I do not care if you're a serb or croat or Muslim, or lived in the middle of the battlefield over there. You experienced what happened to your town but not the entire region. Just because an evil soldier raped your dog doesn't mean his entire ethnic group is evil. This film is an attempt to dissect the entire event affecting the whole region throughout history. No one side is painted innocent, there may be disagreements in seriousness of some events, but nonetheless the documentary do not dismiss the atrocities that happened on both sides. The lesson to take here is how the imperial powers can instill hatred, fear, and division and exploit unsuspecting, uninformed masses; how greed and power corrupt leaders. And most importantly how to avoid it in the future. With all the recent crisis, meltdowns, and unveilings in EU and US, their agendas back in Yugoslavia is becoming so obvious.If we do not learn from these events, we as the human race is doomed and will surely be enslaved by these evil forces for a long time to come.


Movie: Copy of Michael Moors funny input of movie clips in "original" movie. Story: If you want historical objective view, don't watch that. The most objective movie on that subject is "The Death of Yugoslavia" made by BBC. I would give it 7/10 because there is not origin of problem. If you compare these two movies "The Weight of Chains" and "The Death of Yugoslavia" you can see the main difference: In the first one there is no single important person speaking from that time, in second one, there are key players of that time. There are not mentioned bad things about Yugoslavia and people could really believe that it was heaven. Freedom of speech, freedom of journalism, political opponents were killed or imprisoned. Movie is on purpose dealing with falls history data in favor of Serbia. They didn't say that 1st Yugoslavia after WWI was dictatorship of Serbian king, who suspended parliament in which Croatian leaders were killed in Belgrade. They have put that Germany was in control of Serbia during WWII that is not truth. They have Nedic state which was the Nazi-state like CIS. They did not say that Chetniks were supported by fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. And the first partisans in Europe were Croatians with Tito, who was also Croatian. In Jasenovac were killed people of all nationalities and Jews were deported from all parts of Yugoslavia, number is proved few times less then mentioned in the movie. Albanians are called minority and they made 88% of Kosovo population. They didn't mentioned that Milosevic terminated autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina. Croatian liberation of occupied parts of it country they called occupation. They didn't say which civilians were killed in Vukovar. Hundreds of catholic churches and Muslim mosques were destroyed, but they are showing Serbian orthodox church. The "great economic strength"of Yugoslavia should be watched on economic data of individual state. Google it. Slovenia was the most developed, Kosovo as part of Serbia least. Majority of budget was spent for army and development of Kosovo. You still wander why some republics wanted independence? Don't. Conclusion: The plain propaganda Serbian movie.

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