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What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

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What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

Tim Bennett, middle-class white guy, started waking up to the global environmental nightmare in the mid-1980s. But life was so busy with raising kids and pursuing the American dream that he never got around to acting on his concerns. Until now… Bennett journeys from complacency to consciousness in his feature-length documentary, What a Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire. He reviews his Midwestern roots, ruthlessly examines the stories he was raised with, and then details the grim realities humans now face: escalating climate change, resource shortages, degraded ecosystems, an exploding global population and teetering global economies.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 7.6
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Great Film overall


Good movie but grossly overrated


The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


This doc just supports and solidifies what I already have learned, observed, researched, pondered, read, and realized for the last 30 years... And sadly, no, Jesus is not coming to save us! The only thing that keeps me from laughing and stating the proverbial "I told you so," is the fact I have a 6 1/2 year old son (who I love much more than Jesus), he breaks my heart with his love and concern for the planet already, asking and reminding me to recycle... while I know that unchecked population growth and capitalism will destroy what once was a unique and beautiful planet, and likely leave him a unpleasant future. We have only ourselves to blame...


I've seen a number of these "doomsayer" documentaries and I'm mostly in agreement that the human race is out of control and trashing nature to death. This one did a good job of outlining the major aspects of our predicament, but it lacked stunning examples to convince Joe Six Pack that the problems are severe enough to warrant the grim tone. It seemed to assume viewers were already advocates for sustainability, while at the same time acknowledging that most are too brainwashed by "Empire" to care. (As an aside, I've never seen the word "empire" used without "an," "the" or "our" preceding it; something about that annoys me.)I found about two thirds of the presentation solid and informative, but it strayed into preachy areas that were overwrought and repetitive, especially the "walkabout" segment toward the end. It kept seeming like a closing statement was made, then it cut back to more interview segments and the message got scattered. Also, some of the interviewees didn't exactly come across as ecology experts (e.g. artists), though they were on the right track. I'm more pragmatic than a Kumbaya type.When I watch these documentaries I'm looking for something that will sway the tiresome global warming & peak oil deniers, and leave no room for snide "tree hugger" remarks. We really have to get those people on board if there's hope of averting mass chaos. Skeptics of a finite Earth aren't all that bright, but they could be better convinced by irrefutable evidence vs. touchy-feely commentary, which this film lapsed into heavily at times. A lot of people simply lack the empathy to be concerned for nature, and they will only act out of self-interest. I can imagine this film being snickered at by them.To improve it, they could have trimmed the beginning and ending for a more concise message. Some of the interviewees were especially strong, and some could have been left out. I give it a 9 for thematics but a 5 overall for its repetition of New-Age mantras.


Conceivably, WaWtG:LatEoE (or, "whatgulateoe") is the most important film of our time. As other reviewers comment, it is not necessarily the most well-crafted film. It isn't. The editing is flawed; the pacing, disjoint.What it is, however, is the most ruthlessly honest film ever put to cinematography. From the earnest poetically hushed script-writing and narrator delivery to the relentless, factual interviews with scientific luminaries, authors, and journalists, WaWtG:LatEoE weaves the sordid story of... collapse. From the weft of everyday intuition and despondency, it incrementally and with examined force unravels the mass predicaments of industrial civilization. In no order, these are:* Peak oil. Global oil production peaked at 74.87 mbpd (million barrels of oil per day) on July 11th, 2008 - our so-called "Peak Oil Day," in hindsight.* Climate change. (I don't believe we need to discuss this one...)* Biodiversity loss. Anthropogenic species extiction is roughly 10,000 times the background rate, at an estimated 100 species per day. By contrast, the sum number of distinct species on Earth is estimated at only 10,000,000 species. Do the math.* Human overpopulation. The human population is currently growing at 94,000,000 humans annually. Human population growth has obeyed an exponential curve for the past 13,000 years: the so-called "Holecene." Unfortunately for the human population, the Earth is a finite planet.* Economic depression. At the tail end of quarter one of 2010, gross sovereign debt of the United States of America is an estimated 87.3% of GDP. If you think this is a sustainable trajectory, I have a Nigerian banker who would like to speak with you.In sum, the prognosis is bleak. If the 20th century was the Age of Exuberance, the 21st century will, with all likelihood, be the Age of Consequences. And the unpaid debt on those consequences is coming due.Humbly yours, Cecil Curry [ ]


I gave this movie 10 out of 10 not because it is a great documentary or because it is written so well or because of the editing, etc. but because IT CONTAINS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT YOU MAY EVER FIND IN A DOCUMENTARY! This does not mean it is a pleasant experience. On the contrary, I don't think most people can handle what this move has to say. It is an unflinching look at the dominant culture currently in place on Earth and how we are on a collision course with the destiny of our own making.This movie is similar to "An Inconvenient Truth" in that it discusses climate change but it also talks about Peak Oil, Population Growth and Mass Extinction. Do you think that this is all bullsh*t? See the movie, read up on the people who were interviewed and what they have to say. Read Ismail by Daniel Quinn, read anything by Derrick Jensen. Make up your own mind, talk to people about what this movie has to say.This is the most important thing you can do with you time. Drop everything, find a copy of this movie and watch it now! No, I'm not associated with the film-maker. I just watched this film and it blew me away!

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