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William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe

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William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe

William Kunstler was one of the most famous lawyers of the 20th century. His clients included Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Phillip and Daniel Berrigan, Abbie Hoffman, H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., and Leonard Peltier. Filmmakers Emily Kunstler and Sarah Kunstler explore their father’s life, from middle-class family man, to movement lawyer, to “the most hated lawyer in America.”

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Release : 2009
Rating : 7.7
Studio : Oscilloscope,  Off Center Media, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director of Photography, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Redundant and unnecessary.


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.


It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

Ole Sandbaek Joergensen

William Kunstler was a great lawyer and when I say was, it is because that is what the story/documentary tells us, it is told by his own daughter and she gives a really good and loving memory of her father in his great days.But she also tells the story of a man that loves the lime-light and the attention that he was getting from the media. He loved his worked, maybe more then his family at times, and he was very passionate about standing up for his believes and the wrong-doing of those with power towards the ones they could oppress.It is interesting to watch this media person and how he uses the media and court room like a theater and spins them in his direction.


This film is first-rate, very thoughtfully written and elegantly made. Very inspiring. Its strengths are many. There's no fluff, despite its being a valentine from these sisters to their dad. It manages to convey the complexity of their feelings and knowledge of him as a man and of the work he did. Remarkably, as busy as he obviously was, he truly loved these girls and his wife with all his heart. It charts his transformation from Long Island lawyer to national institution through the Civil Rights and antiwar movements and his later work as criminal attorney for the most reviled defendants around. The girls themselves had strong misgivings about these later cases, as did his wife, but he persisted, and in one important case was vindicated after his death. We don't see lawyers like this these days. America has become so pacified that Bush and Cheney can steal two elections and the people won't even get off the couch. Idealism has been replaced by cynical, money-grubbing materialism. This picture reminds us of what constitutes a life well lived.

Chris Knipp

A documentary about the lawyer William M. Kuntsler made by his two daughters, Emily and Sarah, who look on his story with a vision that's both honest and passionate. The result is a wonderfully three- dimensional picture. This deserves comparison with the Daniel Ellsberg documentary, 'The Most Dangerous Man in America,' and the various films about Noam Chomsky. I missed this film when it showed last year, but someone called my attention to it and I found it on Netflix Instant Play. Kuntsler was an ubiquitous figure in the legal battles of American in the second half of the twentieth century and absolutely central to the world of social and political action of the Sixties and the Seventies. When I was young and first living in California in those days, it seemed few important controversies came up without the involvement of William Kuntsler. He was the number one civil rights lawyer, synonymous with civil rights. It's seemed essential to hear his name in relation to any important political case. I love the lady from Des Plains in this film who was on the Chicago Seven trial jury and saus she learned to dislike her government when she saw the humiliating treatment of Bobby Seale in the courtroom. While the Freedom Marches converted Kuntsler into an activist lawyer, Chicago turned him into a leading figure who sought out the trials and issues of the century.The revolt at Attica ("insurrection" Walter Cronkite calls it) and the subsequent assault and massacre have been covered in more detail in other films. The sisters are with William Kuntsler on that and respectful of the prisoners who lost their lives. This is admirable. Kuntsler was there when anything happened. This kind of person is often controversial. He might seem to be a publicity seeker. He wanted to be where the action was. He was intoxicated with the spirit of the Sixties. The Freedom Riders. The Chicago Seven. Attica. Wounded Knee. The film's coverage of Wounded Knee is very interesting. Fascinating that in his daughter's view, while Attica tore Bill apart, Wounded Knee made him whole again. Each of the major cases touched on in the film is worthy of thorough study, Chicago, Attica, Wounded Knee, the Central Park rape case all are profoundly significant, and Kuntsler was there.I didn't at first like the way the sisters began, with their disenchantment and their picture of Kunstler's seeming decline in his later years into defending bad people. But then I can see they wanted to put that out of the way, and also prepare us for the arc of his life. After Wounded Knee, an epiphany and climax, there is a certain decline. He defends flag burning before the Supreme Court, but then he is defending rapists and drug dealers. But he is still a great lawyer. The simplicity and clarity of his presentations is impressive. At his funeral Native Americans beat drums and chant in the cathedral. Was he wrong to defend Nasair, the killer of Rabbi Kahane? Kahane was a hero to Jews, but also an extremist; he appeals to right wing Jews, not liberals. Anyway, everyone has a right to a lawyer. The most dramatic vindication of Kuntsler's seemingly blind defenses of the seemingly indefensible is the vindication of Yusef Salaam, the supposed Central Park "Wolf Pack" rapist who served nearly seven years in prison and then was vindicated. The public, the mayor, Donald Trump, and the cops didn't want to know the facts. The five accused were guilty and should be put away. And then Salaam is vindicated. Nice placement of this information in the film. This is a very well-paced 85 minutes. A good basic introduction to one of the key figures of the law, politics, and society of his period of American life.


This film by Kunstler's daughters Emily and Sarah, is a wonderful memorial to their father. Kunstler, along with Noam Chomsky Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Huey P. Newton, was one of the twentieth century's giants in terms of fighting for the rights of those oppressed. To give recognition to Sam Melville and all the other martyrs of Attica, to give thanks to the Estate of Nicholas Ray, to give recognition to those who led the insurrection at Wounded Knee, seems to me already sufficient justification for this film. Joris Ivens would have been happy to have made this film, as he clearly would have recognized Kunstler's importance. A magnificent film. Power to the People!

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