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An Omar Broadway Film

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An Omar Broadway Film

.An incarcerated gang member sneaks a video camera into prison in order to document the use of excessive force and corruption among the institution's guards.

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Release : 2008
Rating : 5.7
Studio :
Crew : Camera Operator,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Kwame Amoaku Tom Fontana
Genre : Documentary

Cast List





Don't listen to the negative reviews

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


... did they get a camera in that type of unit?!?! I've been locked up in lesser security jails and we couldn't get away with a freaking lighter, let alone a video camera! We were regularly used as practice for the local SWAT team to practice on, so contraband of any kind was confiscated quick! It seems unreal that these cons had all the electronic devices they did in the film - it made me think that this film was/is fake. And if someone smuggled that camera in, on/in their person via a body cavity, DAMN!!! The guy could pass a coffee can! That's insane! The film itself wasn't much of a documentary - when you only focus on one side of an issue it is more like propaganda.


I highly doubt this helped Mr Broadway's cause even a little bit. It was very obvious that the prisoners were "orchestrating" the events that occurred during the filming of this documentary. I did not see any real "abuse" in this film other than from the prisoners with the staged protests, it looked like the film was cut to show one side of the story and not the full process of cell extractions. In one aspect I do feel sorry for Mr Broadway in that he had lousy parents, especially the mother. She is probably worse than he is and watching her at the end was rather sad. If Mr Broadway had done this to show the abuses of the system theme and stuck with just that he would have gotten a lot more sympathy from people but it was very obvious that this was for the "money". Both him and his mother made it very clear throughout the entire video that it was for the money and not for the abuses, the abuse angle was just so it would get picked up by somebody. Hopefully one day he will get out of prison and turn away from the "gang" life and be a good example for his daughter. She still has a chance at a better life.


We were very excited to watch this film but ended up extremely disappointed.Omar's Mother makes this film almost unwatchable. She makes the prisoners out to be the victims and forgets the fact that each and every one of them has committed a serious crime against society, and really deserves to be locked up. Secondly the reason that the guards continually need to take forceful action is because the prisoners are once again NOT following the rules.This film is an interesting perspective of the life inside of a small prison cell, but does nothing to make me feel that prisoners are being abused. In fact it makes us all realize that these people might just actually be where they belong.When you watch this film think about this....very few, if any of these people have ever paid a single dollar into the system that they continually drain and will most likely drain throughout the rest of their lives.If anything, this film does the exact opposite of what it is trying to accomplish. Mr. Broadway needs to wake up, stop breaking the law, and go take care of his family. His mom needs to stop making excuses for her son and encourage the rest of her family to become upstanding members of society.


Boring, boring, boring. I would like to write the producers and ask for that hour and a half of my life back. This movie was pointless, it was about prison injustice yet the prison did nothing wrong. Very strange.Summary: idiot robs a cab at gun point, gets locked up, he and other idiots instigate trouble with cops, cops whoop ass (funny:), no one with any sense picks up production of terrible documentary, awful docu-pic fades away minutes after it airs.....Whatever you do, don't waste your time with this movie. Maybe clean out the refrigerator, organize your closet, clean the car, or punch yourself in the face for an hour and a half.... all would be far more enjoyable.

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