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War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death

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War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death

War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. revealing in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 7.8
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Sick Product of a Sick System


Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.

Verity Robins

Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


Powerful, if slightly familiar examination of how the US government lies to get us into war, and how the media goes along. Interesting to see the how Bush, Johnson, Reagan, and even Clinton used such similar language and techniques to manipulate public opinion, and how the media still doesn't generally ask the hard questions. However, it does get a bit repetitive, and it's not like we didn't know much this on the big picture level already. In some ways the Daily Show does it better, if with less historical perspective. None the less, these kind of examinations of our recent history are always worthwhile and thought-provoking.


War, war, what is it good for... Sing it again. Yeah.Oh, boy.I have a nagging doubt that the Left doesn't really grasp the concept of war at all, or how it relates to humankind, politics, psychology, and just about everything else. The Left has an almost embarrassing way of over-simplifying every single complex issue (while over-complicating the very simple, straight-forward ones), and this they display in abundant quantities in this goofy attempt at a "documentary".But it's interesting that as anti-war as they (allegedly) are, they would never complain if Hugo Chavez or any other Left-wing idol of theirs started a war. War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!... Except if it's a conflict initiated by Marxist rebels. Then it's a "good war". This is when killing becomes "necessary" and "acceptable".War! What is it good for? Absolutely everything - like killing Imperialist Capitalist Western swine! Sing it again... Yeah.On a serious note, with a title like this, the Left have once again prevented one of their numerous propaganda films from reaching those whom they wish to convert. As it is, the only people who saw this film were the already converted (i.e. brainwashed). As far as I know, propaganda films are not judged by how they were made - but by how many people of differing views they can reach.Nice try, but no cigar - yet again.To get my extensive "Left-Wing Propaganda in Cinema" list (+comments), email me.


Although I am a big supporter of Barack Obama and find him to be a great leader and inspirational person, as President he is continuing to war. He may have not started a war, and is winding down Iraq (troop pullout from Iraqi cities last month) -- but our involvement in Afghanistan was increased greatly, and we are bombing Pakistan (with drones, near the border). I guess being President requires exercising military might -- but I hope that Pres. Obama can help wind down the war machine. Interestingly enough, he has stated that he wants to rid the world of nuclear weapons and is at work on reducing the amount of stockpiles in the U.S., Russia, and elsewhere.Perhaps it is hard after a century of war, and only 7 years after 9/11, to not fight some battles. Change is not overnight...Terrific doc here.


When Ronbo Reagan rose to CEO of the U$, I told a lifelong friend of mine: "What's going to happen, now, is an economic depression that'll turn this into just another Third World Country- and then World War Three." He told me I was full of ****. Now he knows better, but he no longer talks to me. When WWIII (aka, "Operation Desert Storm") started, I was working on a weekly Public Access show (EXPERIMENTAL FILM AND VIDEO). One night, after King George had decreed that his oil fields had been secured, we were doing a show with an exchange student from Russia operating one of the cameras. As was their wont, the producers of the show turned to me the moment I walked in the door and asked me what we would be doing that night. I asked who the new kid was. When I found out, I suggested (and we broadcast it thus, live) an "interview" with a Russian citizen (the exchange student). I was the off-camera "interviewer" and I asked him what he thought of American television. I told him before we began to simply say anything he wanted to in Russian and I would "translate" it for our viewers. He began to speak in Russian. To this day, I have no idea what he said, but my translation went something like this: "Your American TV, it really bad. Me watch mini-series other night, OPERATION DESERT STORM. Very bad. Special effects really cheesy. Even in Russia, we make better war movie than this. George Bush very bad actor." It went on like that for a while (we had an hour to fill, and fill it we did), but you get the gist. We do what we can. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. (I just spent the better part of an hour in the freezing cold trying to save a cat that had been run over and left for dead. By the time I got her to her owner, she was able to sit up, though she was very, very badly injured. If she survives, it'll be nothing less than a bona fide miracle. But I didn't just drive by when I saw her lying there bleeding from both ends. I tried.) (By the same token, I once convinced a local pedophile- who was living right next door to me when he got busted the second time- that he might want to live... elsewhere. He moved away for a decade or so, but he's back, now- and living directly across the street from me. But I tried.) Like TORTURING DEMOCRACY, WAR MADE EASY is an important documentary, and one that we all need to see. As WAR MADE EASY so clearly makes clear, the Fourth Estate (so often co-opted by the bald-faced liars that are our political leaders) was fully foreclosed on during the Republican reign of the past 30-plus years. Only an idiot could watch GNN (the Government News Network- "the only news you need to know") and buy the Party Line, lock, stock and barrel. But it happens- every day. People made stupid by television are led like lemmings to the edge of the cliff(s) and told to step off. And do. "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see," the Greeks once told us. I live by that admonition, and have since I was a kid. Because, despite what our political leaders (who have handed us yet another Great Depression) would have you think, "The object of the Superior Man is Truth." Ask Confucius.

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