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Audience of One

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Audience of One

The film follows the story of a San Francisco Pentecostal minister Richard Gazowsky on his quest to shoot a groundbreaking fantasy film called Gravity: The Shadow of Joseph (described by him as "Star Wars meets The Ten Commandments"). The film follows him and members of his church as they go through pre-production and fly to Alberobello, Italy, for initial shooting that turns out to be marred with difficulties.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 7.2
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



How sad is this?


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


"I want to do something like the Titanic." - Pastor Richard Gazowsky.In the beginning, we are introduced to a passionate man, a man who has heard the word of Christ. San Francisco Pentecostal Pastor Richard Gazowsky saw his first film at age 40 (The Lion King), is instructed to assemble a film production company to create a biblical epic, one the world has never seen before. Hilarity ensues.Director Michael Jacobs does a great job of providing an objective portrayal of his subject while simultaneously recognizing and showcasing the absurd, delusional and entirely earnest attitudes actions of Gazowsky and his faithful production crew. To the people at Christian WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Filmworks, problems with camera equipment, threats of eviction, or lack of funding can be solved with the power of prayer. Each disaster leaves you feeling like you're watching a ten car pile up on the freeway, driving by as one vehicle after the next crumbles and bursts into flame.And yet, the documentary captures their devotion and heart, which they pour into every failed attempt at production. The camera in Audience of One rarely looks down on its subjects, remaining mostly at eye level and letting us lock eyes with a cast of characters that defy description. The film never stops being funny or fascinating, but Jacobs never lets us forget these are real people led by a real, if larger than life, clergyman.


Pastor Gazowsky is a nice man. He is humble, caring, has a healthy family, and is devoted to his faith. He also wants to make the most expensive movie ever made, based on seeing his first movie at age 40! This documentary on the onset seems wacky and strange, but it isn't. Neither is it scathing or brutal in its portrayal of a man with a vision. It simply tells the struggle of a man with no film making experience trying to adapt the story of Joseph to the big screen, sci-fi style. As an audience member, you'll find yourself cringing over how awkward Pastor Richard Gazowsky is trying to explain how the film making process is going. But it is well worth watching.

Adam Donaghey

After the screening of Audience of One, much to the surprise--nay, the horror--of viewers, Pastor Richard Gazowsky and some of his congregation approached the stage with director Michael Jacobs. I, for one, had my hand over my mouth; my eyes were widened; and I certainly didn't know what to expect next.But I'm getting ahead of myself--let's backtrack.It took Gazowsky forty years to see his first feature film. Now the mission statement of his San Francisco based WYIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") Filmworks is: "To bring the presence of God to people all over the world through entertainment." A highly unlikely candidate for a director, Gazowsky has made it his lifelong mission--since God told him to do it, of course--to get the biggest film ever on screen. It's kinda like "Star Wars meets The Ten Commandments"; shot on 65mm, it will be "the greatest movie ever made" and with a two million dollar budget to boot! A humble goal, indeed. Well, with that kind of pressure on your shoulders, it's no doubt that the film hasn't been made, despite hundreds of thousands of dollars and over a decade invested.Jacobs doesn't really interfere much, in this film. He simply sits back and watches the roller coaster that is WYSIWYG Filmworks. Throughout the documentary, we see a highly inexperienced crew, a director who treats the set as a dictatorship instead of a collaboration, and a train wreck of goofs, mix-ups and failures. Anyone outsourced--and with any experience--ends up leaving, due to the misguided creative vision of the wannabe director. The crew spends money they don't have, relying on "investors" we never see; who end up dropping the whole project in the grease. Yet, the troupe hold on to that crazy vision and pray like there's no tomorrow because they are bound by faith! Just about the entire film made me laugh out loud, but at the same time, I felt a little ill in my stomach. The real question here--despite all the buffoonery and delusion--seems to be of immense import: is all of this a tad bit dangerous? Going back to the Q&A session, after the film; one audience member asked the pastor if he'd immediately turn to operate, if God had asked him to be a surgeon. And while the pastor's answer is an obvious one, the question still lingers in the air. Is this man's ambitiousness capable of hurting others around him? I certainly don't doubt this man's determination or his conviction--he actually sold his house to help the project--however, I do have doubt in his ability to deliver. And while he may be blinded by his own ambition, it's simply no excuse to waste the hopes and aspirations--and money!--of true believers, on the weak foundation of a deluded dream. This problematic, cultish mentality might be funny from the outside; but as we've seen so many times over: fundamentalism can be a very dangerous thing.The pastor's response to all of this?"It's like watching yourself go to the toilet," he says with sincerity. "I don't like to see myself cry. I feel like a total idiot in front of you guys. But what if we end up getting funded, dude? Then I'm not so stupid. Maybe." Maybe. Or, perhaps you're just a charlatan, who's just wasted another large sum of money--and someone else's dreams--due to false promises, based on absurdity and lofty goals, impossible to meet.


This film screened at the SXSW film festival in Austin, TX where it was very well-received by audiences and received a Special Jury Award. Audience of One may be the first "Making Of" film for an unmade film.The film captured the incredibly bizarre story Reverend Richard Gazowsky's San Francisco-based Pentecostal Church and their efforts to create a film studio and film a great Christian epic film that would be a combination of "Star Wars" and the "Ten Commandments." Audience of One brilliantly captures the inevitable train wreck that ensues as they assemble a cast and crew of mostly incompetent amateurs and attempt to create a great film. Their mistakes are laughable and absurd to any film professional.Despite persistence and dedication, they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and are never able to come anywhere close to creating a real film. Audience of One is really a study of the meaning of fundamentalist faith and asks us where we should draw the line between reason/rationality and faith in God. Rational Modernists could view their actions as insane and irrational and wonder whether these people would actually "drink the Kool-Aid" if asked. The film is also a study of the power of charismatic leadership to make people act in ways that seem irrational to outsiders. Still, while their pursuit may seem wasteful and a little foolish it is ultimately fairly harmless compared to, for example, the Rev. Fred Phelps "God Hates Fags" ministry as portrayed in the brilliant documentary "Fall from Grace" (which also screened this year at SXSW).Audience of One is a truly enjoyable film to watch. It is both humorous and sad at the same time. While Audience of One serves as a warning about the dangers of fundamentalism, it should also offer secular viewers people a useful window into the power of religious faith to inspire believers. Perhaps the real lesson is that faith is a powerful tool and if harnessed for the right means can actually inspire believers in many ways. Here the task that people are inspired to pursue is one that is beyond their means, but that should be contrasted with the vast amount of good deeds that is accomplished by religious believers on a daily basis. I hope that people don't take from this film only the message that faith is dangerous and destructive, but rather the message that faith needs to be balanced with rationality.

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