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Under Our Skin

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Under Our Skin

Exposes the hidden epidemic of Lyme disease and reveals how our corrupt health care system is failing to address one of the most serious illnesses of our time.

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Release : 2008
Rating : 7.8
Studio : Open Eye Pictures, 
Crew : Cinematography,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List

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Simply Perfect


How sad is this?


If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.


This is not only THE best Documentary of 2009, but of the decade! See it -- and make everyone you know see it! It may save your or their life/lives. And no, that's not hyperbole. I diagnosed myself with the 'alleged' disease 30+ years ago and had one hell of a time find any M.D. who was willing to give me multiple runs of (good) antibiotics! (And STILL have not!!) If not for too-frequent ancillary problems (resp. infections, e.g.) and the use of mega-doses of supplements, there is NO doubt in my mind, I'd have been roadkill long before now! This is a most vile, despicable problem and a genocidal, and/or sociopaths' corp-politic agenda, i.m.o.


Anyone watching this will be gripped by what unfolds like many a science fiction film but the sad part is that it is not science fiction but fact.Those of us suffering with Lyme disease know how true the experiences of the patients in this film are. All very melodramatic my daughter said when she watched extracts. She has seen my decline into chronic ill health housebound and retired early on ill health grounds and also my slow recovery on long term antibiotics to a point were I no longer have pain and can actually cycle again, when for 3 1/2 years I could not walk up or down stairs. She now realises that there is something very funny going on.Indeed there is something funny to put it kindly when our health authorities cherry pick science and play with words to support their 'opinions' as an example of a recent letter to all UK doctors from the Chief Medical Officer clearly shows.I was fortunate in having a very thinking GP who treated me according to my response, after a chance course of antibiotics improved my symptoms 4 years into chronic arthritis. The history of tick bites EM rashes and summer flu' had all been documented on my file, but not treated, when I had previously consulted with different doctors. Not aware that Lyme Disease was found here in UK I had not connected the dots, neither had the 5 doctors or 3 Rheumatologists I had seen.So what might on the face of it seem melodramatic is indeed very typical of what many patients with Chronic Lyme Disease experience.Then UOS dips into the history and the controversy. Every citizen should watch this Documentary and be aware what is happening within our health authorities across the World, that leaves so many chronically ill patients without treatment that can help them.I eagerly await UOS to have public showings in UK.


Lyme is the fastest growing infectious disease in the US. Chances are that you or someone you know is effected with Lyme is some way shape or form if you live in New England. The ticks certainly do not care about the state lines as documented cases have been found in almost all of the US States now. It is also overseas, as I know on a first hand basis as I have the European as well as US form of Lyme. I have watched this film at least a dozen times and have had a number of my friends and family watch it as well. It is an amazing learning tool for people to get an educated background of this disease as well as putting a face to this "mysterious" disease. Lyme takes your life away. I am a 35 year old woman who is close to house bound due to the nueropathy, arthritis, brain fog, muscle spasms, etc.... Just two years ago I worked a corporate position 60+hour a week, traveled overseas a few times a year, and had a social life that puts Hollywood to shame. Now the only reason I leave the house is for doctor visits. It is so nice to see the reality of our lives shown in this movie, allowing those around us to to truly understand medically, physically, and emotionally. This is an outstanding documentary. Even if you are not effected by Lyme at this time, to see the games that are played by the US Government, Pharmaceutical Companies, as well as the Health care Industry. While the IDSA Board decides who gets the fattest paycheck/kickback from a health care company there are thousands of us losing our lives. By far one of the best documentaries I have seen, and although I do have a tie to it, I have heard that same statement from many a friend and family who have watched it.


Open Eye films did an outstanding job on this almost 2 hr. documentary! It presents the facts as they are for us chronic Lyme patients who are not diagnosed promptly; under treated in antibiotics, and thrown into the Lyme war controversy! We didn't ask to be in controversial disease where our insurance companies refuse to pay their fair share for our Lyme appointments and treatments!I've had chronic Lyme 40 yrs. this Xmas; 34.5 yrs. misdiagnosed by 40-50 Dr's! Unacceptable!.The IDSA Dr's. need to be working with our ILADS, international Lyme associated disease Dr's. so that we chronic Lyme and co-infection meaning other diseases the ticks carry, can get better and into remission.

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