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Confessions of a Superhero

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Confessions of a Superhero

CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO is a feature length documentary chronicling the lives of three mortal men and one woman who make their living working as superhero characters on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard. This deeply personal view into their daily routines reveals their hardships, and triumphs, as they pursue and achieve their own kind of fame. The Hulk sold his Super Nintendo for a bus ticket to LA; Wonder Woman was a mid-western homecoming queen; Batman struggles with his anger, while Superman’s psyche is consumed by the Man of Steel. Although the Walk of Fame is right beneath their feet, their own paths to stardom prove to be a long, hard climbs.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 7.1
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



So much average


It is a performances centric movie


Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast


The first must-see film of the year.


*Spoiler/plot- Confessions of a Superhero, 2007, This documentary film follows the work, lives and dreams of four performers that dress like comic book heroes to be photographed with Hollywood's tourists.*Special Stars- Christopher Dennis, Maxwell Allen, Jennifer Wenger, Joe McQueen.*Theme- Living the dream is sometimes a bad nightmare if no reality is in your life.*Trivia/location/goofs- documentary or 'mock'umentary depending on your P.O.V., Shot mostly in Los Angeles and at the Hollywood and Highland tourist complex that includes the Grauman's Chinese theater & cement footprints forecourt.*Emotion- A particularly interesting film about another strange aspect of Hollywood for it's citizenry. The film starts off very up-beat and normal. Then it descends into some of the strangest, negative, and troubling revelations about the superhero performers private lives, previous jobs, and their life's hang-ups. This film is honest, raw, and maybe carefully contrived, so a certain amount of viewer's cynicism and apprehension makes this an effective film to connect with it's audience. This film makes you uncomfortable, but somehow wanting more about the film''s performer subjects.


I rented this doc after reading about it on the blog of a former Hollywood Blvd "character" (you can catch a glimpse of her as "Fiona," the princess from "Shrek," early in the film). This woman made life on the strip sound bizarre, fun, surreal, heartbreaking, beautiful, life-changing, dramatic...and this film backed up her claims. Most of us, as tourists, don't give a second thought to the costumed characters who pose for photos in the hope of getting tips, but once you see this film, that will change.As the other reviews indicate, the main thrust of the story here centres around four of the most popular characters that haunt the Mann: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Hulk. Among the many things I wasn't expecting was how well these four performers seem to know each other; I guess I hadn't thought about how much bonding goes on when you're braving the crowds of tourists for several hours a day. It's interesting to see the filmmaker allow each performer to opine about the others, in addition to providing their own backstory and their reasons for how and why they ended up in a superhero costume.The film is funny, touching, sad and eye-opening. I can't think of any demographic who wouldn't find these people and their lives - so different from what most of us know! - interesting to watch. The fact that the viewer gets emotionally invested in these characters' stories is a testament not only to the film but to the people themselves.There are also some genuine surprises about the off-the-street lives of the four players, ranging from Superman's story about his movie star mom to the sordid pasts (violence, drug use, marital trouble, homelessness and more) they're all trying to escape. It's equal parts tragic and hopeful.If you enjoyed this one, the same blog source who alerted me to its existence also recommended two others: "The Reinactors" (dir. David Markey), and "The Ambassadors Of Hollywood" (dir. Archie Gips & Matthew Hunt). Both apparently feature more of the Superman we met in "Confessions..." and also revisit the others, as well as introducing us to a few (like Jack Sparrow, Chewbacca and Elmo) of whom we only caught a glimpse this time around. I'm keeping an eye out for both documentaries, as "Confessions..." was decidedly compelling enough to make me want to know more about the folks behind the masks. See it for yourself and I suspect you'll agree.


Confessions of a Super Hero is a rather glum documentary with very little wiggle room to expand beyond its original premise of four misfits costuming themselves in super hero to make a living on Hollywood Boulevard. Talk about your boulevard of broken dreams. Confessions follows four (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Hulk) comic book hero impersonators as they make their daily appearances and delude themselves into thinking they have a future in the movie industry. Three of the four seem to be in serious denial (is this a prerequisite to going' Hollywood) as they hope to catapult to success with the flimsiest of chances by working for tips by posing with tourists on Vicki Lester's corner. It's a hopeless situation from the outset and the doc just kind of gloomily lies around reaffirming things for the last hour with our heroes and their faithful spouses fighting the heat, anger issues and union workers over a port a john before fading into the wallpaper. Director Matthew Ogens needlessly stretches out Super Hero by flogging it with jump cut filler and scenes in need of trim. It doesn't help that Superman and Batman may well be living in a parallel universe and seem less than forthright about their pasts which make for moments of uncomfortable, embarrassment. But Ogens does himself no favor by filming the fully costumed Batman in therapy admitting to murdering someone. It reeks along with much of Confessions of a Super Hero of false declaration that Ogens not only depends on but showcases resulting in it being more exploitive than revealing.

edward dardis

Wouldn't go out of my way to find this one...okay for late-night viewing if you channel-surf to it.I think Morgan Spurlock dresses up in the Superman suit in the telephone booth to introduce the film, but that also falls a bit flat.The characters and their stories just aren't that exceptional or interesting. The small-town history of the Wonder Woman character is a perfect example. Whether Christopher Dennis is really Sandy Dennis's son is somewhat interesting, but left unresolved.Also interesting is that Christopher Dennis certainly doesn't have the Superman physique. Margot Kidder mentions this in a roundabout way. He should wear a padded-suit-image a 98lb weakling instead! His obsession with Superman reminded me of another film called Cinemania (2002 Angela Christlieb) about NY city film obsessives.

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