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Indoctrinate U

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Indoctrinate U

A hard-hitting yet humorous exposé on the breathtaking abuses of power in higher education, Evan Maloney's "Indoctrinate U" Shows what you won't see in the glossy marketing brochures of American colleges and universities. When unsuspecting students and professors run afoul of the campus thought police, the result would make for a great comic farce–if real careers weren't at stake.

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Release : 2007
Rating : 7
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



The Worst Film Ever


Simply Perfect


hyped garbage


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


This movie is dead on, and matches my college and University experiences to the letter. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last 40 years or so, American colleges and Universities have an overwhelming liberal bias and intolerance for both conservative ideas and conservative people.For all of the talk about "diversity" on college campuses, there is basically no diversity of thought at all. Racial diversity -- maybe. Diversity of thought -- absolutely not! Schools... especially Universities in the USA have become little more than government-funded indoctrination centers, and that's the unsavory truth that this movie exposes so beautifully.


A must for University students studying.Sociology Gender and politics.The phenomenon is not an American monopoly. It also exists on Australian campuses, as does the great disparity in the numbers of male and female students. The issue of the gradual but deliberate abrogation of academic freedom was a favorite topic that the now defunct Report Newsmagazine covered in many of its issues already years ago. It is not being discussed much in the media anymore. It appears that academics as well as journalists have become sufficiently indoctrinated or, perhaps more aptly for many, afraid for their careers, no to bother to discuss academic freedom in Australia any longer.


There is a large section of the US who are permanently mired in a bi-polar view of politics and ideology, that every opinion you hold is either liberal or conservative, and this documentary is saying that there is no "open" debate occurring on University campuses (i.e. that conservative views are not being represented).It is something of a cliché that academia is a left-leaning institution, but critical thinking should not attract spurious accusations of anti-conservative bias.Critical thinking involves questioning authority, which does not lend itself well to conservative dogma. I'm sure that conservatives (ideological conservatives) would bitch that there should be an open debate, where Christian myths, imperial apologists and pro-lifers can juxtapose their views against what they consider "liberal" thought (everybody who does subscribe to the facile myths that most of middle America does). The examples used in this amateur documentary are extremely spurious, so called "conservatives" control the most powerful institutions within the US. The fact that every University in the US does not teach flag-waving pro-war bile is not evidence of a liberal conspiracy.Its easy to accuse everyone of being "liberal" if you are born wealthy, white and middle-class. Young people question the moral authority of their elders because they are young, stop seeing it as a politically correct bias/liberal bias.What would a conservative education actually look like? Young people who accept every myth of American exceptionalism and hoot like rednecks whenever another nation is invaded in the name of "freedom". The world is 6000 years old. Iraq has something to do with 9/11. Etc.Go start your own schools in the desert, an apt setting for your barren mentality.


I lived through situations that resemble the stories told in this film. These stories are not exaggerations. They are not made up out of whole cloth. They are absolutely true. But Leftists don't want tuition-paying parents to know the truth of what goes on in academia and they will do anything to retain their hold on the minds of their students. A university's purpose is to teach young adults how to use their brains, not what to think. But you'd never know that from the Leftists on today's campuses. Can the people who gave this film negative reviews deny that academia is comprised overwhelmingly of Democrats/Liberals? If they do, they are even more disingenuous than I'd thought.All parents of college-bound children should see this film.

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