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Sex: The Secret Gate to Eden

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Sex: The Secret Gate to Eden

Discover the Alchemy, Tantra, and Kabbalah hidden in the Mysteries of Adam and Eve. Temptation. The serpent. The expulsion from Paradise. Archetypal stories that have moved millions of human beings: but who has understood their real meaning? Theories abound, but humanity remains suffering in the wilderness. Now, the Esoteric Doctrine upon which all the world s great religions are grounded is revealed.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 7
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Wonderful character development!


Surprisingly incoherent and boring


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


This beautiful film helps shed light on our current condition. There are some who walk away disagreeing with the contents of this film, however, to say that this film was being presumptive in order to "make it work" is very inaccurate. Any religion in the world condemns lust, and most make very specific examples. Anyone who does the proper research will realize that this film is incredibly well established on facts.That being said, the viewer is in for a visual treat. The art is beautiful and consciousness inspiring. The music and narration are wonderful and made with a lot of love. It goes along slowly enough that you can understand it, but fast enough that it is not dragged out.After watching this film I have been very inspired, spiritually, and I recommend people to check it out!

Lauris Olups

This reminds me of "Thrive". Both movies have 5 sensational claims per minute as if they were common knowledge. It seems it has been made for extremely naive people. Doesn't it seem to the makers of the film that each extraordinary claim they make requires serious basis, careful analysis and in-depth explanation? I consider myself spiritual, but can't cope with approach so unscientific.Even though I believe in the idea of transmutation of the sexual energy, I can't help feeling that every single coincidence is used in the film as legitimate connection, how in the world would they know it with such clarity?

Andre Yonache

This beautiful film helps shed light on our current condition. There are some who walk away disagreeing with the contents of this film, however, to say that this film was being presumptive in order to "make it work" is very inaccurate. Any religion in the world condemns lust, and most make very specific examples. Anyone who does the proper research will realize that this film is incredibly well established on facts.That being said, the viewer is in for a visual treat. The art is beautiful and consciousness inspiring. The music and narration are wonderful and made with a lot of love. It goes along slowly enough that you can understand it, but fast enough that it is not dragged out.After watching this film I have been very inspired, spiritually, and I recommend people to check it out!


This blessed documentary has been released exactly @ the right time; although we will have you know, that it may just be a little ahead of it's time... the info is unveiling & frank about most of the social/religious views that stand today on Sex, God, the Pathway to Salvation. We highly recommend this video unto all & any who yearn for & Long to create Light within themselves. We find it very necessary, as Soul Sparks, to Awaken the Consciousness 100%, in order to attain the complete Self-Realization of the Being. Within the Teachings of the Mysteries of Life & Death, it is Stated that @ Present, we as Humanoids, have only 3% Consciousness that is active deep within our Psyche. The other 98% is bottled up within the confines/imprisonment of Ego. This DVD explains in detail & in depth the Science of the Positive Awakening of the Consciousness.

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