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Inside 9/11

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Inside 9/11

Traces the events that led up to 9/11.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 8
Studio : National Geographic, 
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Genre : Documentary

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One of the best films i have seen


Did you people see the same film I saw?

Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.


I'm not sure if it's because they had a lot of information to include and left out things they thought may confuse people, like Ronald Regan calling people from all over to come and support his friends in Afghanistan, the Mujahedin, (Operation Cyclone 1979-1989), then... American policy having moved on, renaming them the Taliban (now the enemy), sounds like the plot of "1984", or it's just people making a 'documentary' about something they know nothing about and doing a quick wiki search, but this is a very uninformed work, which I'm not sure I would categorise as a documentary. If you want to watch something which will give you a balanced view of world events and help you have an informed position, then I suggest watching something by 3 times Bafta Winner, Adam Curtis, of the BBC, such as "Bitter Lake" or "The Power of Nightmares" Or something by another award winner, John Pilger, such as; "The War You Don't See" The above are considered works, which have taken many months or even years to develop, by renowned journalists, not just a hodge podge of a 3rd hand story some producer/director is doing as a quick job.Don't waste your time on this, as I did, tutting all the way through at the incomplete information and very blinkered view, or perhaps ignorance of the makers.I'm giving this 1/10 as it calls itself a documentary, and therefore implies it is a well researched piece of work, which you can reply upon to help develop an informed position, but falls far short of that, not to mention the trivialization of, or blindness to, what would now be classified an Hate Crime, or at least a racially motivated crime, the throwing of the shoes of Muslim Students into a lake while they were at prayers, as a 'practical joke'.Use your time well and watch; Anything by Adam Curtis of the BBC, such as "Bitter Lake" or "The Power of Nightmares" Or John Pilger "The War You Don't See"Perhaps with a little more understanding of one another's cultures and people being better informed and holding their governments to greater account, so they don't keep making the same 'mistakes' over and over, on our behalf, we may eventually have a more peaceful world.


It's now 2011, ten years after the world as we knew it was changed by the attacks on 9/11. We've all seen endless news footage, documentaries, even Hollywood dramatizations of different elements of the tragedy and the subsequent "War On Terror." I was deeply affected by what I saw on 9/11 and have read and viewed a great deal about it since then as a result, so for me to say that this 2-part DVD is probably the best, and most comprehensive, of its kind is significant."War On America" gives exhaustive background into the long history between the US and much of the Middle East, focusing particularly on the last couple of decades and what went into the pressure cooker from both sides to make it explode in the way that it has. The documentary spends ample time explaining in detail how the American government came to have involvement with Osama bin Laden long before many of us had ever heard his now infamous name. The conflict of differing values between America and countries including the likes of Afghanistan and Pakistan is shown to us step by step, from its modern-day inception as we know it through the battles on the soil of both sides (the impact the Gulf War had on how America was perceived in the Middle East; the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre; the attack on the USS Cole; etc.). It gives us an excellent groundwork upon which we can begin to understand what factors were at work when 9/11 took place. "War On America" is approximately 105 minutes focusing on this very modern history, and it held information that I'd not come across elsewhere."Zero Hour" revisits elements of 9/11 with which most of us are more familiar: it takes us step by step through what each of the terrorists did in the time leading up to boarding those planes, shows us what incredible luck they had on their side to have slipped the noose so many times in order to pull off bin Laden's "masterpiece," and includes interviews with everyone from Intel to survivors to ticket agents who were at the airport the morning of the attacks. It, too, runs about 105 minutes, and in the end it feels as though you've looked at the tragic day from nearly all possible viewpoints.If you want to watch just one examination of all of the known mechanics behind 9/11, National Geographic's "Inside" is the one you're looking for. It balances what is known with what is not, and manages to paint the fullest picture I've yet to see all in one place.


I think my biggest problem with the documentary was that it left out the collapse of Building 7 in NYC. How can a 47-story building that houses major US Government Departments and Records collapse without any of the "causes" that were attributed to the structural failures of the twin towers? At least mention the fact that this building collapse was left out of the 911 Commission report too.It left out all the government sponsored training exercises that were going on that day to prepare for this exact scenario, yet our president was on TV saying that they never could have suspected that something like this would happen.The facts that it covered it did a good job of, but not enough emphasis on how the scene and evidence was handled poorly. Osama Bin Laden isn't even wanted by FBI for this crime (check the website) because there is no evidence that he actually planned or took part in it.


There is much to look at and perhaps like the 9-11 commission report much to learn.I felt upon looking at the sequences of events, as events unfolded on the "Zero Day" disk that there was next to no ability to get the right information into the right hands.There was a real inability to place the in earnest taunts made by terrorist ring leaders and as well the indignity to learn that free enterprise was not very freedom like,perhaps at all.The shame is that the human race seems to be the goal of the likes of such a purpose and what exactly is this purpose?It is for acceptance as a pre-requisite to saturation.The need to succumb humanity to a margin is part of the need to use as well to own even the very skin of the human kind.It is a veiled conceit of global conquest.The requirement to make humanity a virtual hostage in this global attempt of saturation has provided the kind of witness that this picture discusses on a most held holiday in a "Christmas Holiday".It is hereby suggested that the need for such influence as a prerequisite to acceptance was likened to a "spearhead" in a military campaign.This campaign though is likened as well to a dangerous poison that is airborne.It is something of the hidden,perhaps invisible but most certainly not ordinarily thought of as the source of inspiration.It is the very nature of this attempt at some global consideration and that is the technology is in fact the "spearhead" as to this suggested attempt.Certainly a bunch of desert rats do not really add up to a hill of beans but failure as to candor has allowed that very real disaster to materialize.The failure that such arrogance suggests is that the greater global community does not do very well under the authority of any power and most importantly such a power whereby the message is an attempt of the very make-up of humanity.From behavior models to actual designs of the very construct of society,this violation has taken the place of honest candid repore with such Laws as to be unrecognizable.If there is anything that foreign lands provide it is the kind of witness whereby not only are you not what you seem but you are not even a natural presence.In you there is the witness as to you but also you are the system that brought you here to begin with.That is a problem whereby this world is not known however it is also not what it seems.This agent of a foreign power is the underpinning to its success and even ultimately its success is a more greater care because there are some very dangerous days ahead.This is where this super power has occurred whereby now we need a convincer and the force ultimately aligned with supporting such an inconstant position steps in to quell an uprising.America is that way and its very unwelcomed purpose is at the source of the outgrowth of terrorism.The rise of the terrorist networks it was suggested were a result of a foreign power with undue influence.National Geographic wanted to suggest and perhaps did suggest something that maybe true.That we do not wish to believe that such evil as this comment suggests such evil exists actually in fact does exist.I'am of the opinion that it matters little who is to be a martyr,even what race of people because the cause is a cause that has been around for a very long time.The instrument as to its place this time is the advent of the 20th Century and the rise of a foreign power in a un-natural and unseen presence.Tela-communications is taken from the Greek in an act of Telapathy.Is it merely this or merely that,it is in fact more than as suggested by the 1010 Wins broadcast,it is more than merely one single event it is to be certain as yet to be dealt with as a messenger is a messenger of death,a purpose indeed foreign.This event was as much a failure as it was an act of terror.The purpose of one side it seems is not so foreign as the other but more importantly and this is indeed on the increased knowledge idea there is a need here to know better of who and how this world works.It is a terrible slight to humanity to be picked for such a purpose but such a purpose is as suggested been around for a long time.The having of power over another,the using of others for an unethical purpose,the inability to determine a position without something of an irrational encroachment occurring and indeed the taking advantage of peoples foreign or domestic whereby nothing is natural nor even responsible in a subversive and suggestive hysteria that such an overseer provides.It, these arguments and like circumstances were written about some time ago and they were part and parcel of a Fascist politic which also reveled in hysteria.Television,like radio,like news services become only the central point from which this influence comes from and from where much association is adjoined.The terrorist is the one that talks to you in the night with no strings and no radio no television but as yet such an ability is no more foreign than in hearing voices as both are true and both are very legitimate complaints as to the rise of this foreign power looking very much like a Fascist conceit.It is no different this conceit anymore than it was foreign to begin with.The Networked World is merely the equal to a flying carpet and indeed in a very short order a magnitude of 10 escalates to a hard to recognize state.We have a very real and terrifying problem and that this problem has been as a result of what we are not rather than of who we are.

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