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Little Man

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Little Man

Little man is the story of how a micro-preemie brought a family to its knees. Throughout his struggle for life, so struggle filmmaker, Nicole Conn and political activist Gwen Baba to keep their family from disintegrating under the unrelenting stress and chaos of hospitals, emergency medical crisis and a crushing blow to trust.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 6.6
Studio : Little Man Productions, 
Crew : Director,  Producer, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Sadly Over-hyped

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.


This movie is one of the best I have seen. At times it was hard to watch, but I was rooting till the end for Nicholas. I both cried and laughed in this film because I was feeling the emotions that Nicole was being put through. Ethics seemed to be the issue but you have to watch this movie with an open mind that love alone can save peoples' life. I agree with Nicole Conn, if Nicolas was my son I would have done everything in my power to keep him alive. Get tissues ready as you watch two mothers battle differently with their emotions. Watch a little baby go through hell and come back to a wonderful life and place with two super mommies. I applaud the films creator and director as she made a wonderful choice to do this film.


there are almost no words to describe what this family went through in this adverse situation. first and at the center was this tiny little baby's fight for life. this compelled one mother's heart to give up all she was doing and focus completely on little Nicholas, to will him to live. she was the driving force behind whether he lived or died. the second mother had to pick up the slack at home with another child and all the bills and running of the household. so the second story in this documentary was the relationship between the two women. would they come to see the things that were going on as a family or would this situation drive them apart? it was a very delicate balance that they danced around and somewhere in the middle was an innocent, delicate, in crisis baby boy.


The documentary little man is one of the best documentaries ever made. The documentary follows the life of Nicole and Gwen, a lesbian couple who hires a surrogate to have their second child. The child, Nicholas, is born three months early, and the film follows his struggle to survive against all odds. The film is truly touching. It gives you keen insight into both what the child is going through and what the parents go through. It is truly an incredible film with how in-depth it is into the proceedings that are taken to keep Nicholas alive and the story in it all. I won't ruin the film for anyone. It will bring tears to your eyes and make you believe how precious life is.5/5 stars.


I learned a lot from this film. I learned not only how controlling we can be as human beings but as artists.Though I can not fully comprehend what this filmmaker has been through in her personal choice, I can certainly relate as a woman who has been faced with the difficult decision on whether or not to give up a child. I certainly admire Nicole's desire to give Nicholas a chance to fight for his life, but I was disgusted by the lengths that she would go to in order to play God with his fragile existence.This IS an important film in that it should be shown to every person on the planet considering fertility treatments, surrogacy or even having a child in the most basic sense. What do simple animals...really understand about the workings of the universe? How do we know that the child's spirit wasn't waiting, in fact, for a better body for him to live in? Poor Nicholas didn't have a choice, it seems to me, which I find very ironic.Not only did I not find it inspirational that the filmmaker would essentially dare to risk the loss and emotional damage to her existing family (how cold the living not be more valuable?), I came out feeling that the filmmaker has MAJOR control issues...including controlling her audience.Nicholas was not allowed to live or die in his own way. He was forced to live, kept alive by technology. Well, watching this film, you as an audience member get to be little Nick for awhile as the filmmaker doesn't allow you to really have your own thoughts or feelings about the tragedy, the medicine, or the family dynamics. In fact, you get to have no emotion AT ALL of your own...thanks to manipulative and forced music, editing and images of happy children who the filmmaker herself says are her shining moments of life. (Alas, she forgets that children soon grow up and BOY do they change).I really feel for this family. This film is a tragedy to me. A tragedy that could have been avoided by a wonderful invention called ADOPTION.

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