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The American Ruling Class

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The American Ruling Class

This inventive, mildly fictionalized documentary follows noted editor Lewis Lapham as he introduces two Ivy League graduates to America's elite in an effort to examine the role of class and moneyed privilege in American democracy. With stops at the Pentagon, posh Manhattan parties and more, Lapham encounters luminaries -- including James Baker III and Walter Cronkite -- who each share their perspectives on America's ruling class.

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Release : 2005
Rating : 6.8
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Genre : Documentary

Cast List



Dreadfully Boring


I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.


The American ruling class is a documentary about students who recently graduated from prestigious schools and how they are shown the world of the lower middle class in order to deter their recent banking/upper middle class related job opportunities.The points of this movie are extremely valid, the upper middle class rule this country and the direction it should head in. but this film really smashes the audience over the head with the opinion of the film maker. Every scene and and every line of dialogue is so heavily ham fisted that it becomes annoying and loses it's credentials long after those tree ferns surrounding the title leave the opening scene. Anyone can hear these opinions if they visit their local ghetto or talk to a friend with a financial difficulty. This movie doesn't offer much to the discussion and it's extremely hard to take seriously. unless you live under a rock, or think that living to paycheck to paycheck is alright, then you know that something is wrong with the economic system and that capitalism isn't all that it's hyped up to to be. That is pretty much the point of this movie, but the problem with it is that it doesn't offer a solution. It doesn't give any useful insight to the problems effect the economic inequality of America nor does it show how it could change for the better. In fact, it tells of how a couple of high graduate students with potential futures decide to give up on making a living in order to pursue the message of the film, which doesn't seem to make sense because they pretty much said that they will not make a difference in the economy by joining the companies that rule it and changing the companies from the inside but try to spread awareness by promoting a weak message across the nation. and to be honest, the solution seems to be blaming rich people for the lower classes problems...


This was the most soft-headed piece of nonsense I've seen since the last crappy sci-fi channel movie about giant insects.Lapham is "trite and confused" so the movie follows closely.The problems of the world are described poorly and the solutions are even less clear.At one point we take a ride on a "Magic Bus" that drives from a dirty part of a big city to a "bright sunlit upland" where there are just country fields and wind powered generators.Guess what you dummies. The world is not totally one or the other. It never has been.I doubt that it ever will be.This film also leaves out the millions of people that find happiness in their work or their families and friends or religion.None of the actors in this movie counts their blessings. They are too confused to realize that they actually have some control over their lives.The sub-text seems to be you can't be happy unless you rule...but all the rulers are unhappy as well. WHAT A LOAD OF GARBAGE.Its message is deeply pessimistic and unrealistic. It poorly describes the problems of the world and then offers no comprehensible solution or even encouragement. It is not so much that they get it wrong, its that they just don't make any sense.Tripe, possibly harmful...tripe. Not when the thoughts are presented by 14 year olds smoking their first pot but, when presented by so-called adults...ouch.


If you are familiar with the writing of Lewis Lapham you will find him surprisingly gentle in this film. Here he guides two recent Yale graduates trying to resolve whether it it better to be good or to be successful. This premise is used to introduce us to some of the most powerful men in America, to hear what a few of them have to say about the elite of that country and to hear some of them lie about there being no elite. Although we know the graduates are actors speaking Lapham's words, the technique works, because these two young men genuinely represent the newer generation who, faced with the existing state of power, have to decide whether to join the status quo or try to change it. The Washington Post accused the film of being preachy and condescending, but I disagree. In any case if anyone ever earned the right to preach it is Lapham, who has used his own privileged position to check the excesses of his class, rather than to defend them.The news in the movie, that anyone may be invited to join the elite, if it helps the elite retain power; that anyone who wants to fight this had better have a trust fund; should leave us feeling cynical and depressed, but the story is surprisingly charming. Perhaps it is from seeing Pete Seeger, alive and well at 86 still singing for freedom, walking in a country lane, encouraging all of us to tip the balance towards a more decent life for all.


This was entertaining, educational & humorous. Well done and highly recommended to people who still believe that there is more to life than the love of "the green". The world is in the motion of changing and our awareness levels as a global economy are heightened. It was a refreshing look at the new and upcoming and how perception can be so misguided. Traditional values are important, money holds value but people do count and there is enough to go around for everyone. Balance is the key, give back to move ahead. Empirarcal hierarchy is on a down slide and this movie did an excellent job demonstrating what the average working folk experience. Abolish exploitation and enhance the quality of life for people who put the "elbow grease" into an honest days work.

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