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American Cannibal

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American Cannibal

This film documents the train-wreck production and sudden shutdown of American Cannibal, the reality TV show produced by the promoter behind the Paris Hilton sex tape.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 4.9
Studio : LaSalleHolland, 
Crew : Cinematography,  Cinematography, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


I will try not to do what this movie just did to me ... waste much of your time ... but unlike most of the other comments that I have read here on IMDb, I did NOT see this film at Tribeca. I just watched the highly anticipated premiere on SHOWTIME. After seeing the trailers and adverts, I just HAD to watch this, being a "closet fan" of reality TV. I COULD NOT WAIT! My anticipation soon turned into ...Frustration ... Now that I have seen it ... TRUST ME, take my word for it, this STINKER will steal 87 minutes of your life that you will never get back. The movie is NOTHING what the trailers fool you into thinking you will see! Actually, you will not believe what you do end up experiencing ... I PROMISE ... things such as, but not limited to:(Potential Spoilers follow ...) a) Watching a girl get completely naked with her tampon string flopping around like a white tail! (Tampon Island?) b) Enduring the lisping, or other speech impediment, of one of the narrators / main characters c) Men crying like school girls (pathetic) d) More disingenuous ass kissing that could ever come natural e) So much contrived BS even my Grandma would not believe it all! f) And on, and on, and on ...

Susan Jackson

Helllllooooo Reality TV Fans! Now is the time to transfer your interest to a reality TV documentary that explores absolutely nothing! That's right, American Cannibal is an ninety- something minute film that chases its tail in hopes of actually revealing something about human obsession, but only achieves to reveal something about how the directors relied too much on someone else's opinion to create a story that never comes through. The craft of the film is so poor that the audience has to tread through forty minutes of muck before getting to what the story could have been. And when we arrive to the story, it's barely introduced and buried somewhere in footage left on the cutting-room floor. Yeap, there's a story in there somewhere, but certainly not in the film. I sincerely applaud the filmmakers for attempting to find the story and sticking with what was obviously difficult circumstances. And it's incredible to see some of the footage they captured, but the story is so poorly constructed that one wonders why they spent so many year filming this event instead of organizing a structured story. As the film currently stands, it nothing more than spectacle.


This documentary was definitely one that held my attention from the beginning to the end. There was a good balance of intense and comic moments to hold my interest. The people featured in the doc were also a good choice since I found the chemistry between the two writers very entertaining and then there is Kevin Blatt who you love to hate. American Cannibal is a revealing look into our Reality Television obsessed culture and just how far some people are willing to go for their fifteen minutes of fame. It is great for people who watch reality television but also has value for those who have never tuned into an episode of survivor. The events and points made by this documentary are ones that are not easily forgotten.


I saw this movie at a screening during the Tribeca Film Festival. A couple of people had recommended I check it out, and since I enjoy docs I thought this was a good one to try out at the festival. I was not disappointed. The movie was well done and compelling. The Kevin Blatt character ate up the screen, and while I didn't really feel that bad for the two writers breaking up, I couldn't take my eyes off the uncomfortable scenes these guys were wrapped up in.The Paris Hilton bombshell didn't mean much to me, since everyone already knew that she made money off the video and helped it get distributed, but it was still interesting to finally have someone talk about it on camera.My big question from this was what is the f&^%in deal with the girl - I thought I saw something in the movie that others I was with didn't see, so i'm curious to see if this gets distributed and gets anymore exposure - then what comes of that girl's injury and her story?

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