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Shadow Company

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Shadow Company

Documentary about the mercenaries and contractors working in modern wars.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 7.4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Documentary

Cast List



i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.


It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.


This documentary was a big surprise for me. Essentially I just stumbled upon it. I'm fairly familiar with the world of war documentaries and related names/titles in journalism, research, film and publications (e.g.: Michael C. Ruppert, Jeremy Scahill, Paul W. Singer, Chris Kyle; Dirty Wars, First Kill, A Long Way Gone, old school Vice reports like Liberia etc.), but I've never seen this gem before. It's a typical example of quality film making: in the first minute of the documentary I was already riveted into my seat. The intro, the editing, the content and the way this all added up was just a really powerful mixture. This is a straight-talking, no-nonsense documentary about the world of PMCs, and with almost no bias, partly because at least half of the people interviewed in this title come from a PMC background, so you get first hand reports about what this is all about, not unfounded speculations. Some of the most well known figures in this world appear on the screen through the ca. 90 minutes, all edited cleverly, stories sometimes with the aid of funny illustrations and Gerard Butler's great voice narrating as James Ashcroft, a former PMC worker, others with gruesome real life outtakes and news segments, so beware, you'll see some grizzly things. As they say, war is hell. The story definitely makes a full circle in the end, I think it is well worth your time and attention. All in all, if you are interested in an honest documentary on what war is like and what PMCs are about, this is one you should watch. It had such an impact after its release it was even used as a source for blockbuster movies like Blood Diamond, whose main character is loosely based upon Cobus Claassens, one of the most well known figures amongst South African private military contractors, also appearing in Shadow Company.Highly recommended title!


Just everything in this documentary works! It's shocking, informative, funny (letters from James), fast and fluid.Just every documentary should be like this.Especially the interviews were great, for me as a SoF-Fan it was awesome to see John Mullins in it, and what he has to say about the game and his job as a 'soldier for hire'.I don't know if there are other documentary's about private military contractors but it's hard to beat this one.Normal people think that pmc's are bad dudes, slaves of there greed, guy's who sold their soul to the devil, yada yada, it's just great that this documentary destroy's this fairy tale at the beginning.Everyone who thinks he knows about modern warfare, needs to see this.


After Fahrenheit 9/11 and "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts" I feared the political documentary genre was forever lost in liberal bias. Shadow Company restores this genre to its rightful place of respectability.Far too often documentary film makers shape their films to fit their predetermined conclusions and present only the footage that backs up their premise. Shadow Company takes a fair and balanced approach that few filmmakers, or news outlets for that matter, have the courage and integrity to take.Shadow Company is an extremely insightful, educational, and entertaining look at a remarkable and very controversial event in contemporary politics and modern warfare. Anyone hoping to have a well informed conversation about the war in Iraq needs to see this film. Conservatives and liberals alike will call it one of their favorite films of the year.


This is a review of the DVD. Shadow Company is a compelling film about men for hire who go into very dangerous places in the world to act as security agents for companies; to fight for governments; or whoever hires them. They are apolitical and are seemingly very good at what they do. The film takes no sides, doesn't pull any punches, shows us just how dangerous and bloody fighting in todays troubled hot spots is.Some graphic footage of burning bodies may be disturbing but it did happen. There are about 20,000 mercenaries in Iraq at present. Others are in African countries where there is civil war. Some are in Afghanistan; or any place that is dangerous and there is need for men-with-guns; i.e. security agents.Film-makers Nick Bicanic and Jason Bourque were successful in getting the complete cooperation and trust of the mercenaries, called private security contractors, and through interviews and following along, we have a look at their day. Two of them, (Slavko Itic & Corbus Claassens) are articulate and matter-of-fact about the way things are in their jobs. The most horrific details are recounted with no histrionics. It is just the way it is. The extras are a great watch too. One long interview with Claassens recounts a hilarious story about a blow up doll. It's odd and a little scary. If the the guy in their company was just kidding, it would be one thing. But it sounded like he actually had conversations and 'fights' with his 'wife.' Yes, folks, he married his 'doll.' I won't spoil the rest of the story by further comment, but it is seriously strange - and very funny.The commentary by Nick and his partner, Jason, gives some more insight into what they did and why they picked certain parts and places to film . And how a lot of the film is shot in natural light and why.All in all I am so glad I had a 'headsup' on this film. Interesting subject which needs to be explored. Interesting people I for one would never have known about. Thought provoking. I rated it 10/10.

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